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Created January 14, 2023 21:52
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Inductive poof that polynomials are continuous in Lean 3
-- Inductive poof that polynomials are continuous in Lean 3
-- author: Michael Nestor (
import data.nat.basic
import data.real.basic
import -- for triangle inequality
def is_limit (a: ℕ → ℝ) (L: ℝ) :=
∀ ε: ℝ, ∃ N: ℕ, ∀ n: ℕ, (0 < ε) ∧ (N ≤ n) → |a(n) - L| < ε
-- a sequence is convergent if it has a limit
def is_convergent (a: ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ L: ℝ, is_limit a L
def is_bound (a: ℕ → ℝ) (B: ℝ) :=
∀ n: ℕ, |a(n)| ≤ B
def is_bounded (a: ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ B: ℝ, is_bound a B
theorem convergent_implies_bounded (a: ℕ → ℝ)
(h: is_convergent a) : is_bounded a :=
-- example: constant sequence is convergent
example (L: ℝ) : is_limit (λ n: ℕ, L) L :=
intros ε, -- let epsilon be an artbirary real number
use 0, -- take N = 0
intros n h, -- assume 0 < ε and N ≤ n
simp, -- simplify |(λ (n : ℕ), L) n - L| to 0
apply h.left -- apply 0 < ε
-- the limit of the sum is the sum of the limits
theorem limit_sum (a1 a2: ℕ → ℝ) (L1 L2: ℝ) (h1: is_limit a1 L1) (h2: is_limit a2 L2):
is_limit (a1 + a2) (L1 + L2) :=
intros ε, -- let ε be arbitrary
cases h1 (ε / 2) with N1 h3, -- let N1 and N2 match the definition of h1 and h2 with ε/2
cases h2 (ε / 2) with N2 h4,
use max N1 N2, -- let N = max(N1, N2)
intros n h5, -- assume n ≥ N; call this hypothesis h5
cases h5 with h6 h7, -- call the hypotheses h6 and h7
have h8: 0 < ε / 2, linarith, -- from 0 < ε conclude 0 < ε/2
have h9: N1 ≤ n, { -- show N1 ≤ n
have h9a: N1 <= max N1 N2, {
exact le_max_left N1 N2,
have h10: N2 ≤ n, { -- show N1 ≤ n by similar method
have h10a: N2 <= max N1 N2, {
exact le_max_right N1 N2,
have h11: |a1(n) - L1| < ε / 2, {
apply h3,
exact h8,
exact h9,
have h12: |a2(n) - L2| < ε / 2, {
apply h4,
exact h8,
exact h10,
have h13: |(a1 + a2) n - (L1 + L2)| = |(a1 n - L1) + (a2 n - L2)|, {
ring_nf, -- distributive property
rw h13,
have h14: |(a1 n - L1) + (a2 n - L2)| ≤ |a1 n - L1| + |a2 n - L2|, {
apply norm_add_le (a1 n - L1) (a2 n - L2), -- triangle inequality
have h15: |(a1 n - L1) + (a2 n - L2)| < ε, {
exact h15,
-- corollary: the sum of two convergent sequences is convergent
theorem sum_is_convergent (a1 a2: ℕ → ℝ)
(h1: is_convergent a1) (h2: is_convergent a2):
is_convergent (a1 + a2) :=
cases h1 with L1 h3,
cases h2 with L2 h4,
use L1 + L2,
apply limit_sum,
exact h3,
exact h4,
theorem limit_prod (a1 a2: ℕ → ℝ) (L1 L2: ℝ) (h1: is_limit a1 L1) (h2: is_limit a2 L2):
is_limit (a1 * a2) (L1*L2) :=
sorry, -- a little harder. requires boundedness:
def is_continuous (f: ℝ → ℝ) :=
∀a: ℕ → ℝ, ∀L: ℝ, is_limit a L → is_limit (f ∘ a) (f L)
lemma constant_fn_is_continuous (c: ℝ): is_continuous (λ x: ℝ, c) :=
intros a L, -- let a be a sequence and L a real number
intro h1, -- assume a → L, call this hypothesis h1
intros ε, -- let ε be an arbitrary real number
use 0, -- choose N = 0
intros n h2, -- assume 0 < ε and N ≤ n
simp, -- simplify |((λ x : ℝ, c) ∘ a) n - (λ x : ℝ, c) L| = 0
apply h2.left, -- apply 0 < ε
lemma identity_fn_is_continuous: is_continuous (λ x: ℝ, x) :=
intros a L,
intro h1,
intros ε,
use 0,
intros n h2,
-- this is true by definition of h1
theorem continuous_sum_is_continuous (f g: ℝ → ℝ)
(hf: is_continuous f) (hg: is_continuous g):
is_continuous (f + g) :=
intros a L, -- let a be a sequence and L is a real number
intro h, -- assume a -> L
simp, -- simplify (f*g) (a) to f(a) * g(a)
-- the proof that the product of two continuous functions is continuous is very similar!
theorem continuous_prod_is_continuous (f g: ℝ → ℝ)
(hf: is_continuous f) (hg: is_continuous g):
is_continuous (f * g) :=
intros a L,
intro h,
inductive is_polynomial: (ℝ → ℝ) → Prop
| const (c : ℝ) : is_polynomial (λ x, c)
| x_mul_add_c (f: ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : is_polynomial f → is_polynomial(λ x, x * f(x) + c)
theorem polynomials_are_continuous (f: ℝ → ℝ) (h: is_polynomial f) :
is_continuous f :=
induction h,
case const {
exact constant_fn_is_continuous h,
case x_mul_add_c {
let id := λ x: ℝ, x,
let f1 := λ x: ℝ, x * h_f(x),
let f2 := λ x: ℝ, h_c,
have h1: is_continuous f1, {
have h1a : is_continuous id, {
exact identity_fn_is_continuous,
exact continuous_prod_is_continuous id h_f h1a h_ih,
have h2: is_continuous f2, {
exact constant_fn_is_continuous h_c,
exact continuous_sum_is_continuous f1 f2 h1 h2,
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