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Created September 15, 2021 06:08
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Generated by
@function map-diff($map1, $map2) {
$map1-keys: map.keys($map1);
@each $key in $map1-keys {
$map2: map.remove($map2, $key);
@return $map2;
$theme-colors: (
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"success": "",
"info": "",
"warning": "",
"danger": "",
"light": "",
"dark": ""
$expected-theme-colors: (
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"success": "",
"info": "",
"warning": "",
"danger": "",
"light": "",
"dark": "",
"custom": ""
@debug map-diff($theme-colors, $expected-theme-colors);
@map-diff ($theme-colors, $expected-theme-colors);
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.32.12",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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