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Last active July 14, 2020 13:42
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Save mdornseif/5676104 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert SWIFT MT940 data to OFX.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
""" - Dieses Progrtamm liesst MT940 SWIFT Kontostände und konvertiert sie in OFX.
OFX wurde mit getestet.
Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2010-06-05.
Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, 2014 HUDORA. All rights reserved.
import datetime
import hashlib
#import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def parse_mt940(data):
data = data.decode('latin1')
# See
auszuege = {}
for rawrecord in data.split('\n\n'):
lines = rawrecord.split('\n')
while lines:
nextline = lines.pop(0).strip('\r\n')
while lines and lines[0] and lines[0][0] != ':':
nextline = nextline + lines.pop(0).strip('\r\n')
if not nextline:
dummy, typ = nextline.split(':')[:2]
data = ':'.join(nextline.split(':')[2:])
print repr(nextline)
quellblz = quellkonto = ''
if typ == '20':
transaction_reference_number = data
elif typ == '25':
if len(data.split('/')) == 2:
blz, account = data.split('/')
account = data
account = data.split('/')[-1]
if account not in auszuege:
auszuege[account] = []
elif typ == '28C':
statement_nr = data
elif typ == '60F':
# C100531EUR44,9
sign = data[0]
date = data[1:7]
currency = data[7:10]
amount = data[10:]
elif typ == '61':
# 1006020601C8,NMSCNONREF
date = data[0:6]
buchungsdatum = data[6:10]
sign = data[10:11]
data = data[11:]
if sign == 'R':
sign += data[0]
data = data[1:]
data = list(data)
currency_type = ''
c = data.pop(0)
if not c.isdigit():
currency_type = c
c = data.pop(0)
amount = ''
while c != 'N':
amount += c
c = data.pop(0)
euro, cent = amount.split(',')
cent = (cent + '00')[:2]
amount = "%s.%s" % (euro, cent)
if sign in ['D', 'RC']:
amount = '-%s' % amount
data = ''.join(data)
bookingcode = c + data[:3]
reference = data[3:]
elif typ == '86':
elements = data.split('?')
transaction_code = elements[0][2:]
buchungstext = elements[1][2:]
primanota = elements[2][2:]
verwendungszweck = ''
absender = ''
for element in elements[3:]:
subtyp = element[:2]
element = element[2:]
if element == 'GUTSCHRIFTEN' or element.startswith('DATEI NR ') or subtyp == '34':
pass # ignorieren - uninteressant
elif subtyp.startswith('2'):
verwendungszweck = ' '.join([verwendungszweck, element])
elif subtyp == '30':
quellblz = element
elif subtyp == '31':
quellkonto = element
elif subtyp.startswith('3'):
absender = ' '.join([absender, element])
# fix simple typos in WLXXXXXXX
verwendungszweck = re.sub(r'[Ww][Ll] ?(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d?)', r'WL\1', verwendungszweck)
# remove duplicate spaces
verwendungszweck = re.sub(r' +', r' ', verwendungszweck)
guid = ':'.join([transaction_reference_number, statement_nr, quellblz, quellkonto, amount, verwendungszweck, str(date)])
guid = hashlib.md5(repr(guid)).hexdigest()
description = "Konto %s, BLZ %s" % (quellkonto, quellblz)
if not absender:
absender = '???'
auszuege[account].append((float(amount), amount, date, absender.strip(), guid, bookingcode, verwendungszweck, quellblz, quellkonto, description))
elif typ == '62F':
pass # we ignore closing balance
return auszuege
def write_ofx(account, vorgaenge, inputname):
transaction_guid = '%s-%s' % (account, inputname)
root = ET.Element('OFX')
signonmsgsrsv1 = ET.SubElement(root, 'SIGNONMSGSRSV1')
sonrs = ET.SubElement(signonmsgsrsv1, 'SONRS')
status = ET.SubElement(signonmsgsrsv1, 'STATUS')
ET.SubElement(status, 'CODE').text = '0'
ET.SubElement(status, 'SEVERITY').text = 'INFO'
ET.SubElement(sonrs, 'DTSERVER').text ='%Y%m%d')
ET.SubElement(sonrs, 'LANGUAGE').text = 'ENG'
bankmsgsrsv1 = ET.SubElement(root, 'BANKMSGSRSV1')
stmttrnrs = ET.SubElement(bankmsgsrsv1, 'STMTTRNRS')
ET.SubElement(stmttrnrs, 'TRNUID').text = transaction_guid
status = ET.SubElement(stmttrnrs, 'STATUS')
ET.SubElement(status, 'CODE').text = '0'
ET.SubElement(status, 'SEVERITY').text = 'INFO'
stmtrs = ET.SubElement(stmttrnrs, 'STMTRS')
ET.SubElement(stmtrs, 'CURDEF').text = 'EUR'
bankacctfrom = ET.SubElement(stmtrs, 'BANKACCTFROM')
ET.SubElement(bankacctfrom, 'BANKID').text = account.split('/')[0]
ET.SubElement(bankacctfrom, 'ACCTID').text = account.split('/')[-1]
ET.SubElement(bankacctfrom, 'ACCTTYPE').text = 'CHECKING'
banktranlist = ET.SubElement(stmtrs, 'BANKTRANLIST')
deduper = set()
for line in sorted(vorgaenge, reverse=True):
sortkey, amount, date, absender, guid, bookingcode, verwendungszweck, quellblz, quellkonto, description = line
if guid in deduper:
if absender.startswith('EC-POS EMV '):
# Euro Lastschrift umsortieren
# EUR 105,68KURS1,0000000 KURS VOM 01.01.99 MAFD RAEREN AM26.03.13 11.13 V.PHARMA 32 BEL
m = re.match(r'.*KURS VOM 01\.01\.99 MAFD (.*) AM[0-9. ]+(.*)', verwendungszweck)
if m:
absender = "%s %s (%s)" % (,, verwendungszweck)
stmttrn = ET.SubElement(banktranlist, 'STMTTRN')
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'TRNTYPE').text = 'CREDIT' # CREDIT DEBIT
# DtPosted Date item was posted, datetime
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'DTPOSTED').text = "20%s" % date
# Amount, mit '.' getrennt
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'TRNAMT').text = unicode(amount)
# That is, the <FITID> value must be unique within the account and Financial Institution
# (independent of the service provider).
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'FITID').text = guid.replace('*', '.')
verwendungszweck = verwendungszweck.strip()
# extract references like WL0000000 SFYX0000
checknum = ''
m ='(WL\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d?|SFYX\d\d\d\d)', verwendungszweck)
if m:
checknum =
# reference/Check number, A-12
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'CHECKNUM').text = checknum
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'NAME').text = absender.strip()
# Format: A-255 for <MEMO>, used in V1 message sets A <MEMO> provides additional information
# about a transaction.
ET.SubElement(stmttrn, 'MEMO').text = (' '.join([verwendungszweck, description, checknum]))[:254].strip()
header = """OFXHEADER:100
body = ET.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8')
fname = 'auszug_%s_%s.ofx' % (, account.replace('/','.'))
print "writing %s" % fname
fd = open(fname, 'w')
return header, body
if __name__ == '__main__':
for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
data = []
print 'processing %s' % fname
data = '\n\n'.join(data)
if not data:
auszuege = parse_mt940(data)
fname, extension = os.path.splitext(fname)
for account in auszuege:
write_ofx(account, auszuege[account], fname)
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turian commented May 3, 2020

I used this script to pull Berliner Sparkasse records into PocketSmith. Looks fine to me.

I couldn't simply map the CSV (CAMT) column names to PocketSmith's, because some of the text fields didn't map.

My bank exports to CAMT and MT940. I spent about 15 minutes trying various camt2ofx and mt940_to_ofx converters. This one worked the best from a quick visual inspection; it appears to sensibly combine some of the text fields into one merchant name. So I finally used the output from this gist, importing its output OFX into PocketSmith. No column name mapping was necessary and the rows look good.


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