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Last active May 8, 2023 20:13
%module bow_id_selector
To compile when Faiss is installed via conda:
swig -c++ -python -I$CONDA_PREFIX/include bow_id_selector.swig && \
g++ -shared -O3 -g -fPIC bow_id_selector_wrap.cxx -o \
-I $( python -c "import distutils.sysconfig ; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc())" ) \
// Put C++ includes here
#include <faiss/impl/FaissException.h>
#include <faiss/impl/IDSelector.h>
// to get uint32_t and friends
%include <stdint.i>
// This means: assume what's declared in these .h files is provided
// by the Faiss module.
%import(module="faiss") "faiss/MetricType.h"
%import(module="faiss") "faiss/impl/IDSelector.h"
// functions to be parsed here
// This is important to release GIL and do Faiss exception handing
%exception {
try {
} catch(faiss::FaissException & e) {
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
// some previous code already set the error type.
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.what());
} catch(std::bad_alloc & ba) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "std::bad_alloc");
// any class or function declared below will be made available
// in the module.
%inline %{
struct IDSelectorBOW : faiss::IDSelector {
size_t nb;
using TL = int32_t;
const TL *lims;
const int32_t *indices;
int32_t w1 = -1, w2 = -1;
size_t nb, const TL *lims, const int32_t *indices):
nb(nb), lims(lims), indices(indices) {}
void set_query_words(int32_t w1, int32_t w2) {
this->w1 = w1;
this->w2 = w2;
// binary search in the indices array
bool find_sorted(TL l0, TL l1, int32_t w) const {
while (l1 > l0 + 1) {
TL lmed = (l0 + l1) / 2;
if (indices[lmed] > w) {
l1 = lmed;
} else {
l0 = lmed;
return indices[l0] == w;
bool is_member(faiss::idx_t id) const {
TL l0 = lims[id], l1 = lims[id + 1];
if (l1 <= l0) {
return false;
if(!find_sorted(l0, l1, w1)) {
return false;
if(w2 >= 0 && !find_sorted(l0, l1, w2)) {
return false;
return true;
~IDSelectorBOW() override {}
struct IDSelectorBOWBin : IDSelectorBOW {
/** with additional binary filtering */
faiss::idx_t id_mask;
size_t nb, const TL *lims, const int32_t *indices, faiss::idx_t id_mask):
IDSelectorBOW(nb, lims, indices), id_mask(id_mask) {}
faiss::idx_t q_mask = 0;
void set_query_words_mask(int32_t w1, int32_t w2, faiss::idx_t q_mask) {
set_query_words(w1, w2);
this->q_mask = q_mask;
bool is_member(faiss::idx_t id) const {
if (q_mask & ~id) {
return false;
return IDSelectorBOW::is_member(id & id_mask);
~IDSelectorBOWBin() override {}
size_t intersect_sorted_c(
size_t n1, const int32_t *a1,
size_t n2, const int32_t *a2,
int32_t *res)
if (n1 == 0 || n2 == 0) {
return 0;
size_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i = 0;
for(;;) {
if (a1[i1] < a2[i2]) {
if (i1 >= n1) {
return i;
} else if (a1[i1] > a2[i2]) {
if (i2 >= n2) {
return i;
} else { // equal
res[i++] = a1[i1++];
if (i1 >= n1 || i2 >= n2) {
return i;
%pythoncode %{
import numpy as np
# example additional function that converts the passed-in numpy arrays to
# C++ pointers
def intersect_sorted(a1, a2):
n1, = a1.shape
n2, = a2.shape
res = np.empty(n1 + n2, dtype=a1.dtype)
nres = intersect_sorted_c(
n1, faiss.swig_ptr(a1),
n2, faiss.swig_ptr(a2),
return res[:nres]
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