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Last active July 2, 2024 09:58
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Function Encode-LogAnalyticsQuery{
This function is used by the Write-LogAnalyticsURL Function to encode the query string for the URL.
This function outputs a compressed Base64 string based in the QueryString value passed to it.
.PARAMETER QueryString
The query you want to create a URL for.
# convert string to byte array
$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$data = $enc.GetBytes($queryString)
# compress data
$compressedStream = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new()
$zipStream = [System.IO.Compression.GZipStream]::new($compressedStream, [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
$zipStream.Write($data, 0, $data.Length);
$compressedData = $compressedStream.ToArray()
# encode the compressed data to Base64 string
$EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String($compressedData)
# replace special characters with URL encoding references
$EncodedText = $EncodedText.Replace('/','%2F')
$EncodedText = $EncodedText.Replace('+','%2B')
$EncodedText = $EncodedText.Replace('=','%3D')
Function Write-LogAnalyticsURL{
This function is used create a Log Analytics URL with an embedded query
This function is used create a Log Analytics URL with an embedded query. This URL can be used to provide a link in custom alerting solutions,
or it can be used to open the web browser directly on your local machine.
.PARAMETER SubscriptionId
The GUID of your Azure Subscription that contains the Log Analytics Workspace.
.PARAMETER ResourceGroup
The name of your Azure Resource Group that contains the Log Analytics Workspace.
.PARAMETER Workspace
The name of your Log Analytics Workspace.
.PARAMETER QueryString
The query you want to create a URL for.
Creates a URL for the supplied query.
$QueryString = "Heartbeat | where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and Computer==""$ComputerName"""
Write-LogAnalyticsURL -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Workspace $Workspace -QueryString $QueryString
Creates a URL for the supplied query and launches it using your default web browser.
$URL = Write-LogAnalyticsURL -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Workspace $Workspace -QueryString $QueryString
You can determine the values required for the SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, and Workspace parameters by navigating to the workspace in
the Azure Portal and copying the values from the Overview blade.
# Convert the query string to encoded text
$EncodedText = Encode-LogAnalyticsQuery $queryString
# build the full URL
[string]$URLString = '' +
'AnalyticsBlade/initiator/AnalyticsShareLinkToQuery/isQueryEditorVisible/true/scope/%7B%22resources%2' +
'2%3A%5B%7B%22resourceId%22%3A%22%2Fsubscriptions%2F{0}%2Fresourcegroups%2F{1}%2Fproviders%2Fmicrosoft' +
# input the environment variables and encoded query
[string]$URL = $URLString -f $SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroup, $Workspace, $EncodedText
Return $URL
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jdvuyk commented Jul 2, 2024

Just a giant thanks for this. I stuffed around on this for quite a while before stumbling on your ready to go solution. I created an Azure Function on this and now I can call it from anywhere. Nice job.

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