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Created February 2, 2017 02:01
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Differential expression analysis in RNA-seq
# Source: Additional file 1 from Łabaj, Paweł P., and David P. Kreil. “Sensitivity, Specificity, and Reproducibility of RNA-Seq Differential Expression Calls.” Biology Direct 11, no. 1 (December 20, 2016): 66. doi:10.1186/s13062-016-0169-7.
DEfun <- function(counts, design) {
DE <- list()
## limma
gene.dge <- DGEList(counts = counts, group = factor(rep(1:2, each = 4)))
gene.dge.norm <- calcNormFactors(gene.dge)
gene.dge.norm2 <- gene.dge.norm
gene.dge.norm2$counts <- gene.dge.norm2$counts - 0.5
rpm <- voom(gene.dge.norm2, design)
cm <- makeContrasts(AvsC = As - Cs, levels = design)
fit <- lmFit(rpm, design)
cf <-, cm)
fit.eB <- eBayes(cf, proportion = 0.3, robust = TRUE)
adjust.meth <- "BH"
tt.limma <- topTable(fit.eB, adjust.method = adjust.meth, number = Inf)
FC <- tt.limma$logFC
AE <- tt.limma$AveExpr
qval <- tt.limma$adj.P.Val
names(FC) <- names(AE) <- names(qval) <- rownames(tt.limma)
DE.list <- DElist(FC, AE, qval, 0.05)
DE[["limma"]] <- list(DE.list = DE.list)
## edgeR
y <- estimateCommonDisp(gene.dge.norm)
y <- estimateTagwiseDisp(y)
et <- exactTest(y)
tt.edgeR <- topTags(et, n = Inf, adjust.method = adjust.meth)
FC <- -tt.edgeR$table$logFC
AE <- tt.edgeR$table$logCPM
qval <- tt.edgeR$table$FDR
names(FC) <- names(AE) <- names(qval) <- rownames(tt.edgeR$table)
DE.list <- DElist(FC, AE, qval, 0.05)
## DE[['edgeR']] <- list(fit=et, tt=tt.edgeR$table, DE.list=DE.list)
DE[["edgeR"]] <- list(DE.list = DE.list)
## DESeq2
colData <- data.frame(condition = rep(c("A", "C"), each = 4), type = "paired-end")
rownames(colData) <- colnames(counts)
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = round(counts), colData = colData,
design = ~condition)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
tt.DESeq2 <- DESeq2::results(dds, contrast = c("condition", "A", "C"),
pAdjustMethod = "BH", )
FC <- tt.DESeq2$log2FoldChange
FC[] <- 0
AE <- log2(tt.DESeq2$baseMean + 0.5)
qval <- tt.DESeq2$padj
qval[] <- 1
names(FC) <- names(AE) <- names(qval) <- rownames(tt.DESeq2)
DE.list <- DElist(FC, AE, qval, 0.05)
DE[["DESeq2"]] <- list(DE.list = DE.list)
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