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Last active December 12, 2024 13:02
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Integrate rspamd with cpanel
service[rspamd]=x,x,x,/etc/init.d/rspamd restart,rspamd,_rspamd
* go to whm -> exim configuration manager
* choose advanced editor
* search spamd & replace with this:
spamd_address = 11333 variant=rspamd
set smtputf8_advertise_hosts = *
* find and disable greylisting block
* find and disable acl_smtp_data:default_check_message_pre
* find section acl_smtp_data:custom_begin_spam_scan
* complete block with this:
# Remove spam headers from outside sources
warn remove_header = x-spam-subject : x-spam-status : x-spam-score : x-spam-bar : x-spam-report : x-spam-flag : x-ham-report
# add spam-score and spam-report header when told by rspamd
# also scan outgoing messages
warn spam = nobody:true
log_message = "rspam_score: $spam_score ($spam_bar) rspam_report: $spam_report"
!authenticated = *
add_header = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar)
add_header = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report
add_header = X-Spam-Action: $spam_action
warn condition = ${if eq{$spam_action}{rewrite subject}}
add_header = X-Spam-Subject: ***SPAM*** $rh_subject
add_header = X-Spam-Status: Yes
defer message = Please try again later
condition = ${if eq{$spam_action}{greylist}}
defer message = Please try again later
condition = ${if eq{$spam_action}{soft reject}}
deny message = Message discarded as high-probability spam
condition = ${if eq{$spam_action}{reject}}
7. disable acl_smtp_data:default_spam_scan, acl_smtp_rcpt:default_spam_scan_check block
8. disable acl_not_smtp:outgoing_spam_scan_over_int, acl_smtp_data:no_forward_outbound_spam_over_int
9. reject mail which get score higher than 6 if they is sent via non_smtp (sendmail, php mail())
Note: this will ignore completely messages which are sent from root user.
** Find block acl_not_smtp:custom_begin_not_smtp and paste this code
warn condition = ${if eq{$sender_address_local_part}{root} {no} {yes}}
spam = nobody:true
log_message = "rspam_score: $spam_score ($spam_bar) rspam_report: $spam_report sender_address_local_part = $sender_address_local_part"
add_header = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar)
add_header = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report
add_header = X-Spam-Action: $spam_action
discard message = Message discarded as high-probability spam
condition = ${if match {$spam_report} {\NFREEMAIL_ENVFROM\N} {1} {0}}
condition = ${if >= {$spam_score_int}{60}}
deny message = Message rejected as high-probability spam
condition = ${if >= {$spam_score_int}{60}}
deny message = Message rejected as high-probability spam
condition = ${if eq{$spam_action}{reject}}
** disable acl_not_smtp:end_default_outgoing_notsmtp_checkall
10. deliver mail with high score of spam to /dev/null if is try to be forwarded due email forwards
*** Put these block in to begin routers block, before router boxtrapper_autowhitelist or enforce_mail_permissions:
# version with using of delivery as save to /dev/null (logs will show actual delivery to recipient email, which is not true action)
# reject_forwarded_mail_marked_as_spam:
# driver = accept
# ignore_target_hosts =
# condition = ${if eq {${lookup {$sender_address_domain} lsearch{/etc/userdomains}{$value}}}{}{true}{false}}
# condition = ${if match{$header_X-Spam-Score:}{\N\+\+\+\+\+\N}{yes}{no}}
# # condition = ${if >= {$spam_score_int}{50}}
# domains = ! +local_domains : !$primary_hostname
# transport = file_to_devnull
driver = redirect
ignore_target_hosts =
condition = ${if eq {${lookup {$sender_address_domain} lsearch{/etc/userdomains}{$value}}}{}{true}{false}}
# condition = ${if match{$header_X-Spam-Score:}{\N\+\+\+\+\+\N}{yes}{no}}
condition = ${if >= {$spam_score_int}{50}}
domains = ! +local_domains : !$primary_hostname
user = mailnull
file_transport = file_to_devnull
data = #Exim filter\n\
save /dev/null
** Put this transport after begin transports:
driver = appendfile
file = /dev/null
** FIND Section: PREVIRTUALUSER add paste code below
* add router which will store Spam messages in INBOX.Junk directory
* this will cause error when you will try to save settings in to WHM/cpanel exim editor
driver = redirect
domains = !$primary_hostname
# condition = ${if match{$header_X-Spam-Score:}{\N\+\+\+\+\+\N}{yes}{no}}
condition = ${if >= {$spam_score_int}{60}}
require_files = "+/etc/valiases/$domain:+${extract{5}{::}{${lookup passwd{${lookup{$domain}lsearch{/etc/userdomains}{$value}}}{$value}}}}/mail/$domain/$local_part"
data = "$local_part+Junk@$domain"
redirect_router = virtual_user
# cat
dns {
nameserver = [""];
# cat redis.conf
servers = ""; # Read servers (unless write_servers are unspecified)
write_servers = ""; # Servers to write data
#disabled_modules = ["ratelimit"]; # List of modules that should not use redis from this section
timeout = 2s;
db = "4";
#password = "some_password";
type = "asn";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
description = "Messages which are coming from whitelisted ASN";
score = -10;
type = "ip";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
description = "Blacklisted ips";
score = 12;
type = "ip";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
description = "Whitelisted ips";
score = -10;
type = "header";
header = "Subject";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
regexp = true;
score = 10;
symbols = ["HAS_X_PHP_SCRIPT"];
# action = "reject";
type = "from";
filter = "email:user";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
symbols = ["FORGED_SENDER"];
action = "reject";
type = "user";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
action = "reject";
type = "header";
header = "Subject";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
regexp = true;
score = -5;
# action = "reject";
type = "user";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
score = -5;
# action = "reject";
type = "from";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
regexp = true;
filter = "email:addr";
score = -7;
type = "header";
header = "From";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
regexp = true;
score = -7;
# type = "header";
# header = "To";
# map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
# symbols = ["RSPAMD_URIBL"];
# action = "accept";
type = "header";
header = "From";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
regexp = true;
score = 15;
# action = "reject";
type = "from";
symbols = ["HAS_X_PHP_SCRIPT"];
action = "reject";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
type = "header";
header = "Subject";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/"
regexp = true;
type = "header";
header = "To";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/local.d/";
regexp = true;
action = "reject";
#score = 10;
require_symbols = "MM_MAIL_DELIVERY_FAILED";
# cat
# cat actions.conf
reject = 15; # Reject when reaching this score
add_header = null; # Add header when reaching this score
greylist = 4; # Apply greylisting when reaching this score (will emit `soft reject action`)
# cat
bind_socket = "IP:11334";
password = "PASSWORD HASH";
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jatin0123 commented Jun 7, 2023 via email

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Hello everyone!
We want to use rspamd as a centralized environment for spam filtering across our entire infrastructure.
We have some cpanels and directadmin servers.
We want to perform spam filtering remotely, to centralize a strong and robust database.
This topic gave me hope that this is really possible.

Is the script above working?
I saw that colleague @jatin0123 commented on checking outgoing emails as well.

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