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Last active December 5, 2022 15:27
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Script to run to apply and clean up chaos Mesh workflow
# Apply workflow
kubectl apply -f sqlinstance-ha.yaml
# Get primary
kubectl get pods -n ns1669830131581917320
# Get secondary
kubectl get pods -n ns1669830131581917320
# Tail orchestrator logs
kubectl exec -i -n ns1669830131581917320 chaos-bc-ha-0 -c arc-ha-orchestrator -- tail -f /var/log/arc-ha-orchestrator/ha-supervisor-stdout.log -n +1
# Delete workflow
kubectl delete -f sqlinstance-ha.yaml
# Delete Chaos CRs
export DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE='ns1669830131581917320'
chaosCrds=$(kubectl get crd | grep '' | awk '{print $1}')
export workflowCrd=''
workflowCrs=$(kubectl get ${workflowCrd} -n ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE} -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
for i in ${workflowCrs[@]}; do
echo "$(timestamp) | INFO | 🧹 Cleaning up ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE}/${workflowCrd} ${i}"
kubectl patch ${workflowCrd}/${i} -n ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
kubectl delete ${workflowCrd}/${i} -n ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE}
for crd in ${chaosCrds[@]}; do
echo "$(timestamp) | INFO | Getting all custom resources for ${crd}"
crs=$(kubectl get ${crd} -n ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE} -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
for i in ${crs[@]}; do
echo "$(timestamp) | INFO | 🧹 Cleaning up ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE}/${crd} ${i}"
kubectl patch ${crd}/${i} -n ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
kubectl delete ${crd}/${i} -n ${DATA_CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE}
# Delete all Arc SQL MI pods, to remove residue IOchaos from toda, which is cached
# See:
kubectl delete pods -n ns1669830131581917320 --grace-period=0 --force
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