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Create VNet integrated SSIS IR Integration Runtime on an existing ADF
### Azure Data Factory info
$SubscriptionName = "Azure Subscription Name"
$ResourceGroupName = "Resource Group Name containing Data Factory"
$DataFactoryName = "Data Factory Name"
$AzureSSISName = "SSIS IR Name that will appear in Portal"
$AzureSSISDescription = "E.g. Testing SSIS IR Deployment through PowerShell"
$AzureSSISLocation = "CanadaCentral"
$AzureSSISNodeSize = "Standard_D8_v3"
$AzureSSISNodeNumber = 4
$AzureSSISEdition = "Standard"
$AzureSSISLicenseType = "BasePrice"
$AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode = 8
$VNetId = "/subscriptions/your--subscription--id/resourceGroups/vnet--rg--name/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet--name"
$Subnet = "subnet--name--for--ssis-ir"
### Sign in and select subscription
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
### Create an integration runtime
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-Description $AzureSSISDescription `
-Type Managed `
-Location $AzureSSISLocation `
-NodeSize $AzureSSISNodeSize `
-NodeCount $AzureSSISNodeNumber `
-Edition $AzureSSISEdition `
-LicenseType $AzureSSISLicenseType `
-MaxParallelExecutionsPerNode $AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode `
-VNetId $VNetId `
-Subnet $Subnet
### Start integration runtime
write-host("##### Starting #####")
Start-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-Force `
-Debug # Comment out if you don't want verbose logs
write-host("##### Completed #####")
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