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Created July 9, 2021 16:44
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Install Purview Integration Runtime on Windows Machine with Authentication Key
# init log setting
$logPath = "$PWD\tracelog.log"
"Start to excute SHIRInstall.ps1. `n" | Out-File $logPath
function Now-Value()
return (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
function Throw-Error([string] $msg)
throw $msg
$stack = $_.ScriptStackTrace
Trace-Log "DMDTTP is failed: $msg`nStack:`n$stack"
throw $msg
function Trace-Log([string] $msg)
$now = Now-Value
"${now} $msg`n" | Out-File $logPath -Append
#ignore any exception during trace
function Run-Process([string] $process, [string] $arguments)
Write-Verbose "Run-Process: $process $arguments"
$errorFile = "$env:tmp\tmp$pid.err"
$outFile = "$env:tmp\tmp$pid.out"
"" | Out-File $outFile
"" | Out-File $errorFile
$errVariable = ""
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($arguments))
$proc = Start-Process -FilePath $process -Wait -Passthru -NoNewWindow `
-RedirectStandardError $errorFile -RedirectStandardOutput $outFile -ErrorVariable errVariable
$proc = Start-Process -FilePath $process -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -Passthru -NoNewWindow `
-RedirectStandardError $errorFile -RedirectStandardOutput $outFile -ErrorVariable errVariable
$errContent = [string] (Get-Content -Path $errorFile -Delimiter "!!!DoesNotExist!!!")
$outContent = [string] (Get-Content -Path $outFile -Delimiter "!!!DoesNotExist!!!")
Remove-Item $errorFile
Remove-Item $outFile
if($proc.ExitCode -ne 0 -or $errVariable -ne "")
Throw-Error "Failed to run process: exitCode=$($proc.ExitCode), errVariable=$errVariable, errContent=$errContent, outContent=$outContent."
Trace-Log "Run-Process: ExitCode=$($proc.ExitCode), output=$outContent"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($outContent))
return $outContent
return $outContent.Trim()
function Download-Gateway([string] $url, [string] $gwPath)
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile($url, $gwPath)
Trace-Log "Download gateway successfully. Gateway loc: $gwPath"
Trace-Log "Fail to download gateway msi"
Trace-Log $_.Exception.ToString()
function Install-Gateway([string] $gwPath)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gwPath))
Throw-Error "Gateway path is not specified"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $gwPath))
Throw-Error "Invalid gateway path: $gwPath"
Trace-Log "Start Gateway installation"
Run-Process "msiexec.exe" "/i gateway.msi INSTALLTYPE=AzureTemplate /quiet /norestart"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Trace-Log "Installation of gateway is successful"
function Get-RegistryProperty([string] $keyPath, [string] $property)
Trace-Log "Get-RegistryProperty: Get $property from $keyPath"
if (! (Test-Path $keyPath))
Trace-Log "Get-RegistryProperty: $keyPath does not exist"
$keyReg = Get-Item $keyPath
if (! ($keyReg.Property -contains $property))
Trace-Log "Get-RegistryProperty: $property does not exist"
return ""
return $keyReg.GetValue($property)
function Get-InstalledFilePath()
$filePath = Get-RegistryProperty "hklm:\Software\Microsoft\DataTransfer\DataManagementGateway\ConfigurationManager" "DiacmdPath"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filePath))
Throw-Error "Get-InstalledFilePath: Cannot find installed File Path"
Trace-Log "Gateway installation file: $filePath"
return $filePath
function Register-Gateway([string] $instanceKey)
Trace-Log "Register Agent"
$filePath = Get-InstalledFilePath
Run-Process $filePath "-k $instanceKey"
Trace-Log "Agent registration is successful!"
Trace-Log "Log file: $logLoc"
$uri = ""
Trace-Log "Gateway download fw link: $uri"
$gwPath= "$PWD\gateway.msi"
Trace-Log "Gateway download location: $gwPath"
Download-Gateway $uri $gwPath
Install-Gateway $gwPath
Register-Gateway $gatewayKey
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