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Created August 26, 2018 15:53
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* Increase EVM time in ganache-cli to simulate calls in the future
* @param integer Number of seconds to increase time by
async function increaseTime(integer) {
// First we increase the time
await web3.currentProvider.send({
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'evm_increaseTime',
params: [integer],
id: 0,
}, () => {});
// Then we mine a block to actually get the time change to occurs
// See this issue:
await web3.currentProvider.send({
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'evm_mine',
params: [],
id: 0,
}, () => { });
// This does not seem to work properly. After using this function the
// ganache-cli timestamp is updated properly, but the timestamp returned
// from the contract itself is not updated. See this issue:
/* Note: witout the blank callbacks you get:
Error: No callback provided to provider's send function. As of web3
1.0, provider.send is no longer synchronous and must be passed a
callback as its final argument. */
} // end increaseTime
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