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Created February 20, 2014 16:37
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snakemake include issue
rule sam_to_bam:
input: "{dataset}.sam"
output: "{dataset}.bam"
shell: "module load sharedapps samtools; samtools view -@ 8 -bSo {output} {input}"
rule bam_index:
input: "{dataset}.bam"
output: "{dataset}.bam.bai"
shell: "module load sharedapps samtools; samtools index {input} {output}"
REF = "/home/reference/T7/samtools/GU071091.fasta"
WINDOW = 10000
DATASETS = ["../../../consensus.GU071091"]
EXTS = ["gc.bed", "cov.bed", "cov_vs_gc.png", "CpG_methylation.txt", "conversion.txt"]
rule all:
input: expand("{dataset}.{ext}", dataset=DATASETS, ext=EXTS)
include: "sam_rules"
include: "coverage_rules"
include: "rate_rules"
include: "plot_rules"
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