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Last active June 17, 2020 06:31
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Bashrc - color, alias
export PATH="$PATH":~/bin
bold=$(tput bold)
#normal=$(tput sgr0)
normal=$'\e[0m' # (works better sometimes)
bold=$(tput bold) # make colors bold/bright
red="$bold$(tput setaf 1)" # bright red text
green=$(tput setaf 2) # dim green text
fawn=$(tput setaf 3); beige="$fawn" # dark yellow text
yellow="$bold$fawn" # bright yellow text
darkblue=$(tput setaf 4) # dim blue text
blue="$bold$darkblue" # bright blue text
purple=$(tput setaf 5); magenta="$purple" # magenta text
pink="$bold$purple" # bright magenta text
darkcyan=$(tput setaf 6) # dim cyan text
cyan="$bold$darkcyan" # bright cyan text
gray=$(tput setaf 7) # dim white text
darkgray="$bold"$(tput setaf 0) # bold black = dark gray text
white="$bold$gray" # bright white text
echo "${red}hello ${yellow}this is ${green}coloured${normal}"
alias folder-size='du -d 1 -h .'
alias tree='tree -C'
alias findg="find . -not -iwholename '*.git*'"
alias jmxProcess='ps auxf | grep -v -E "(||grep)" | grep -E "(jmxremote.authenticate=false|jmxremote.ssl=false)"'
# colorize
alias ls="ls -G "
alias grep="grep --color"
alias g++="g++ -Wall -DLOCAL=1 "
# open files in splits
function vim3() {
if [ -z ${fname+x} ]; then
echo "set ${fname} is not set"
touch ${fname}.cpp.out ${fname}.cpp ${fname}
vim ${fname}.cpp.out -c "vsp ${fname}.cpp" -c "wincmd l" -c "sp ${fname}"
# to get stderr in red color, invoke as '$ color command'
color()(set -o pipefail;"$@" 2>&1>&3|sed $'s,.*,\e[31m&\e[m,'>&2)3>&1
alias run='color ./a.out'
alias r='color ./a.out'
alias gplog='git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline'
alias s='git status'
alias b='git branch'
alias gd='git diff'
alias gdc='git diff --cached'
alias delete-git-local-branches="git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short)' refs/heads | grep -v mainline | xargs git branch -d"
function gs() {
echo "${bold}${yellow}git branch${normal}";git branch;
echo -e "\n${bold}${yellow}git status --show-stash${normal}"; git status --show-stash;
echo -e "\n${bold}${yellow}git dag -3${normal}"; git dag -3
# echo -e "\n${bold}${yellow}git stash list${normal}"; git stash list
email = <email>
name = <name>
ui = auto
pager = less -FMRiX
default = simple
dag = log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %C(blue)\"%an\" <%ae>%C(reset) %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n%s' --date-order
default = simple
decorate = auto
abbrevCommit = false
dag = log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %C(blue)\"%an\" <%ae>%C(reset) %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n%s' --date-order
lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
winning = shortlog --summary --numbered --email
pr = pull --rebase
changesIn = show --pretty="" name-only
changes = log --stat --oneline
uncommit = reset HEAD^
" vim notes
" General VIM Language Syntax
" Verb + Noun e.g.delete word
" nouns : TextObjects or Motions or parameterized text objects(find/search)
" TextObjects: iw inner word, it inner tag, i" inner quotes, ip inner paragraph, as a sentence
" Prefer text objects to motions when possible for repeatability
"" command mode line navigation
" C-W delete a word
" C-U delete line
" C-b move to start of line
" C-e move to end of line
" Mapping
" F3 is mapped to toggle line number
" ,c is mapped to toggle comments
" ,, is mapped to compile cpp files
" ,r is mapped to run a.out
" ,o is mapped to copy all lines to clipboard
" ,l is mapped to reload all files in current window
" power key navigation
" gi :: start in insert mode where you left off
" completion
" <C-n><C-p> keyword completion
" <C-x><C-f> filename completion
" <C-x><C-l> whole line completion
" insert filename
" <c-r> %
" execute command without need to press enter : add 'silent'
" trick to visibily see whitespace
"set syntax=whitespace
" tab editing ,not used
" reload vimrc
nnoremap <localleader>v :source ~/.vimrc<cr>
" Local dirs (centralize everything)
set backupdir=~/.vim/backups
set directory=~/.vim/swaps
set nocompatible
" auto reload file
set autoread
set updatetime=1000
au CursorHold,CursorHoldI * checktime
au FocusGained,BufEnter * :checktime
au BufRead *.cpp set cursorline
syntax enable
" set filetypes
" au BufRead,BufNewFile *.py set filetype=python
filetype plugin on
au BufRead .vimrc set filetype=vim
set path+=**
set wildmenu
set hlsearch
set foldmethod=manual
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
"set expandtab
set autoindent smartindent
set number relativenumber
" toggle line numbering
nnoremap <F3> :set invnumber invrelativenumber<CR>
set listchars=tab:→\ ,nbsp:␣,precedes:«,extends:»
" change new split direction
set splitright splitbelow
" leader for current buffer
let maplocalleader = ","
" compile g++
" best solution, vim runs command new bash shell, aliases are not set, so below works.
" we need to press enter so that we can see the errors
nnoremap <localleader>, :w\|:!g++ -Wall -DLOCAL=1 %<CR>
" execute a.out
nnoremap <localleader>r :w\|:silent !./a.out<cr><C-l>
" copy all lines to system clipboard
nnoremap <localleader>o :silent %w !pbcopy<cr>
" reload all files in current window
nnoremap <localleader>l :windo e<cr>
" Faster scrolling
nnoremap <C-e> 4<C-e>
nnoremap <C-y> 4<C-y>
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cpp set nolist
fun! OpenInOutFiles()
let fname = expand('%:t')
let inName = fname . '.in'
let outName = fname . '.out'
exe "vsplit " . inName
exe "split " . outName
normal <c-w><c-w>
nnoremap <localleader>k :call OpenInOutFiles()<cr>
" show tab chars
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set list
au BufRead .vimrc colorscheme morning
au BufRead cpp colorscheme desert
au BufRead py colorscheme pablo
"insert current datetime on writing dts in insert mode
:iab <expr> dts strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
" save and reload folds of current file
augroup AutoSaveFolds
autocmd BufWinLeave * mkview
autocmd BufWinEnter * silent loadview
augroup END
set laststatus=2
function! GitBranch()
return system("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n'")
function! StatuslineGit()
let l:extension = expand('%:e')
if (l:extension == 'in' || l:extension == 'out')
return ''
let l:branchname = GitBranch()
return strlen(l:branchname) > 0?'['.l:branchname.']':''
set statusline=
set statusline+=%{StatuslineGit()}
set statusline+=\ %F
" change direction
set statusline+=%=
set statusline+=\ %y
set statusline+=\ [%{&fileencoding?&fileencoding:&encoding}]
set statusline+=\ %p%%
set statusline+=\ \ %l:%c
" language specific comment character
:autocmd FileType cpp,java,javascript nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>c I//<esc>
:autocmd FileType python,bash nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>c I#<esc>
:autocmd FileType vim nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>c I"<esc>
" java skeleton code
augroup javatemplates
autocmd BufNewFile *.java $r ~/.vim/templates/|call s:SetupJavaClass()
fun! s:SetupJavaClass()
exe "%s/__TIME__/" . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
exe "%s/__CLASS_NAME__/" . expand('%:t:r')
" TODO add fileReader system property for local testing
augroup END
" cpp skeleton code
augroup cpptemplates
autocmd BufNewFile *.cpp $r ~/.vim/templates/skeleton.cpp|call s:SetupCpp()
fun! s:SetupCpp()
exe "%s/__TIME__/" . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
exe "set foldmethod=syntax"
exe "set foldmethod=manual"
let l:fname = expand('%:t')
exe "%s/input.txt/" . l:fname
exe "%s/output.txt/" . l:fname
let l:inName = l:fname . '.in'
silent exe '!touch ' . l:inName
exe "vsplit " . l:inName
let l:outName = l:fname . '.out'
silent exe '!touch ' . l:outName
exe "split " . l:outName
"normal "/void solve\n"
"exe "79jo"
augroup END
" py skeleton code
augroup pytemplates
autocmd BufNewFile *.py $r ~/.vim/templates/|call s:SetupPython()
fun! s:SetupPython()
exe "%s/__TIME__/" . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
" TODO: add input.txt and output.txt replace and similar splits as cpp
" exe "set foldmethod=indent"
augroup END
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