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Last active February 20, 2017 06:46
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  • Save mdunham/2992b215b1bb6b446bf370e80ffac229 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mdunham/2992b215b1bb6b446bf370e80ffac229 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is was a quick little console script I wrote to help me regenerate the thumbnails of only the posts or in this case products specified.
// HTML: add the tag: <iframe id="f" src="" width="900" height="600"></iframe>
// Then run the following in the console:
// Array of wp_posts ID's that need their thumbnails regenerated
ids = ["328921", "326496", "322847", "21967", "16180", "16173"],
// Prevent handling the onload event at the wrong time
loaded = false,
// Begin editting a new product
run = function (id) {
loaded = false;
document.querySelector('#f').setAttribute('src', '' + id + '&action=edit');
// The product has loaded begin the regen.
document.querySelector('#f').onload = function () {
if (loaded)
return true;
loaded = true;
// Click Regnerate Photos
// If there are more ID's left to go then wait for the regen to finish first
if (ids.length) {
console.log(ids.length + ' more to go');
var chk = function () {
// If this is blank then the rengeration is not complete
if (document.getElementById('f').contentWindow.document.querySelector('div.sis_message').innerText === '') {
setTimeout(chk, 500);
} else {
// Products thumbnails have regenerated run the next id
// Check to see if the regeneration has completed
setTimeout(chk, 500);
// Init
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