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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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binomial heap
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
module BinomialHeap (
fromList, toList,
insert, findMin, deleteMin, merge,
checkAll, checkOrders, checkFindMin, checkDeleteMin
) where
import Data.List hiding (insert)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
class Heap h a | h -> a where
insert :: a -> h -> h
findMin :: h -> Maybe a
deleteMin :: h -> h
empty :: h -> Bool
merge :: h -> h -> h
data BinomialTree a = BinomialTree { value :: a,
subTrees :: [BinomialTree a]
} deriving Show
order = length . subTrees
combine :: (Eq a, Ord a) => BinomialTree a -> BinomialTree a -> BinomialTree a
combine a b = if value a < value b
then BinomialTree (value a) (b : subTrees a)
else BinomialTree (value b) (a : subTrees b)
instance (Eq a) => Eq (BinomialTree a) where
a == b = (order a) == (order b)
instance (Eq a, Ord a) => Ord (BinomialTree a) where
a <= b = (order a) <= (order b)
newtype BinomialHeap a = BinomialHeap [BinomialTree a] deriving Show
fromList :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> BinomialHeap a
fromList = foldr insert (BinomialHeap [])
toList :: (Eq a, Ord a) => BinomialHeap a -> [a]
toList h = unfoldr unf h
where unf h' = case findMin h' of
Just min' -> Just (min', deleteMin h')
Nothing -> Nothing
instance (Eq a, Ord a) => Heap (BinomialHeap a) a where
insert x h = merge h (BinomialHeap [BinomialTree x []])
findMin h'@(BinomialHeap h)
| empty h' = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ minimum $ map value h
deleteMin h'@(BinomialHeap h)
| empty h' = h'
| otherwise =
merge (BinomialHeap (subTrees minTree)) (BinomialHeap withoutMin)
where withoutMin = deleteBy (\m t -> value m == value t) minTree h
minTree = minimumBy (\a b -> (value a) `compare` (value b)) h
empty (BinomialHeap []) = True
empty _ = False
merge (BinomialHeap a) (BinomialHeap b) = BinomialHeap $ map snd $ M.toList mb
where ma = foldr (\t m -> M.insert (order t) t m) M.empty a
mb = foldr (\t m -> addToMap t m) ma b
addToMap t m = case M.lookup (order t) m of
Just t' -> let m' = M.delete (order t) m
in addToMap (combine t t') m'
Nothing -> M.insert (order t) t m
-- tests
checkAll xs = checkOrders xs && checkFindMin xs && checkDeleteMin xs
checkMerge :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
checkMerge xs ys = (sort (xs ++ ys)) == (toList $ merge (fromList xs) (fromList ys))
checkMergeOrders :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
checkMergeOrders xs ys = let (BinomialHeap ts) = merge (fromList xs) (fromList ys)
in length (nub ts) == length ts
checkOrders :: [Int] -> Bool
checkOrders xs
| null xs = True
| otherwise = let (BinomialHeap ts) = fromList xs
in length (nub ts) == length ts
checkFindMin :: [Int] -> Bool
checkFindMin xs@[] = case findMin (fromList xs) of
Nothing -> True
_ -> False
checkFindMin xs = case findMin (fromList xs) of
Just x -> minimum xs == x
_ -> False
checkDeleteMin xs = sort xs == (toList $ fromList xs)
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