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Forked from lardawge/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save mdurn/5d5dae09b77abfb75993 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


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[#123] Summary of changes under 50 characters

* More information about commit (under 72 characters)
* More information about commit (under 72 characters)

A good commit message:

  • Prefixes the subject line with a Github Issue number.
  • Uses the present tense.

Rebase frequently to incorporate upstream changes.

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout [branch]
git rebase master
<resolve conflicts>

Interactive rebase (squash) your commits (if necessary).

git rebase -i master

Merge your branch back to master and push your changes.

git checkout master
git diff --stat master [branch]
git merge [branch] --ff-only
git push origin master

Delete your remote feature branch.

git push origin :[branch]

Delete your local feature branch.

git branch -d [branch]

Close Github Issue.


  • Aggressively DRY code during development.
  • Avoid abbreviations.
  • Avoid comments.
  • Avoid global variables.
  • Avoid long parameter lists.
  • Be consistent.
  • Delete trailing whitespace.
  • Don't duplicate the functionality of a built-in library.
  • Don't over-design.
  • Don't program defensively.
  • Don't use an empty line at the beginning or end of methods, blocks or conditionals.
  • Don't vertically align tokens on consecutive lines.
  • Don't write more code than you need.
  • Exceptions should be exceptional. Don't suppress them or use them for control flow.
  • Guesses at future functionality should not be designed into the application.
  • Keep methods small.
  • Keep the code simple.
  • Make sure all tests pass before code is merged into a shared repository.
  • Name variables, methods, and classes with intention-revealing names..
  • No spaces after (, [. No spaces before ], ).
  • Order variables and methods alphabetically when possible.
  • Prefer single function exit points unless the complexity of the code is greatly reduced by multiple returns.
  • Treat acronyms as words in names (XmlHttpRequest not XMLHTTPRequest), even if the acronym is the entire name (class Html not class HTML).
  • Use 2 space indentation (no tabs) unless otherwise noted.
  • Use an empty line between methods, blocks and conditionals.
  • Use ASCII (or UTF-8, if you have to).
  • Use default iterators for languages/types that support them.
  • Use descriptive names that are both immediately obvious (to a new developer) and as short as possible without using abbreviations.
  • Use implicit line joining where possible and indent continued lines.
  • Use spaces around operators, after commas, colons and semicolons, around { and before }.
  • Use standard language conventions for API documentation.
  • Use Unix-style line endings (\n).


  • Avoid conditional modifiers (lines that end with conditionals).
  • Avoid hashes as optional parameters. Does the method do too much?
  • Avoid including code and gems in source control that are specific to your development machine or process. Examples: .rvmrcs, file watchers, debuggers.
  • Avoid meta-programming.
  • Avoid monkey-patching core classes.
  • Avoid return unless required.
  • Avoid superfluous parentheses when calling methods, but keep them when you assign the return value. x = Math.sin(y) array.delete e
  • Avoid ternary operators (boolean ? true : false). Use multi-line if instead to emphasize code branches.
  • Don't use unless with else.
  • Prefer map over collect and reduce over inject due to symmetry and familarity with mapping and reducing in other technologies.
  • Prefer detect over find and find_all over select to avoid confusion with ActiveRecord and keep select/reject symmetry.
  • Use _ for unused block parameters. { |_, v| v + 1 }
  • Use %() for single-line strings needing interpolation and double-quotes.
  • Use %w() over ['', ''] for an array of words.
  • Use && and || for boolean expressions.
  • Use ||= freely.
  • Use {...} over do..end for single-line blocks.
  • Use ! suffix for dangerous methods (modifies self).
  • Use ? suffix for predicate methods (return a boolean).
  • Use CamelCase for classes and modules, snake_case for variables and methods, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • Use def with parentheses when there are arguments.
  • Use do..end over {...} for multi-line blocks.
  • Use heredocs for multi-line strings.
  • Use /(?:first|second)/ over /(first|second)/ when you don't need the captured group.
  • Use private over protected to indicate scope.
  • Use def self.method over def Class.method or class << self.
  • Use Set over Array for arrays with unique elements. The lookup is faster.
  • Use single-quotes for strings unless variable interpolation is required.
  • Use unless boolean? instead of if !boolean?.
  • Use Factory Girl for setting up complicated test data.


  • Aim for skinny models and skinny controllers.
  • Avoid the :except option in routes.
  • Avoid member and collection routes.
  • Avoid Single Table Inheritance.
  • Consider extracting private methods to their own object.
  • Don't invoke a model's class directly from a view.
  • Don't use SQL or SQL fragments (where('inviter_id is not null')) outside of models.
  • Set config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true in the development environment.
  • Initialize code in config/initializers.
  • Keep the db/schema.rb under version control.
  • Limit database defaults to counter caches and booleans.
  • Limit the number of instance variables shared between controller and view.
  • Name initializers for their gem name. Example: paperclip.rb
  • Order controller contents: filters, public methods, private methods.
  • Order model contents: constants, attributes, associations, nested attributes, named scopes, validations, callbacks, public methods, private methods.
  • Prefer classes to modules when designing functionality that is shared by multiple models.
  • Prefer gems over plugins.
  • Prefer presenters (Ruby objects responsible for presentation) over view helpers.
  • Put all copy text in models, views, controllers, and mailers in config/locales.
  • Set config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test in the test environment.
  • Use _path over _url for named routes everywhere except mailer views.
  • Use def self.method over the named_scope :method DSL.
  • Use Foreman to run Rails apps in development mode.
  • Use I18n.t 'dot.separated.key' over I18n.t :key, :scope => [:dot, :separated].
  • Use Haml over ERb.
  • Use has_and_belongs_to_many if all you need is a join table. Start simple.
  • Use namespaced locale lookup in the views by prefixing a period: t '.title'.
  • Use nested routes to express belongs_to relationships between resources.
  • Use one ActionMailer for the app. Name it Mailer.
  • Use single recipient SMTP in the staging environment.
  • Use the default render 'partial' syntax over render :partial => 'partial'.
  • Use the :only option to explicitly state exposed routes.


  • Avoid its, specify, subject, and other DSLs. Prefer explicitness and consistency.
  • Disable real HTTP requests to external services.
  • Don't prefix it blocks with 'should'.
  • Prefix context blocks names with 'given' when receiving input. Prefix with 'when' in most other cases.
  • Name outer describe blocks after the method under test. Use self.method for class methods and method for instance methods. This matches the method definition itself.
  • Run specs with --format documentation.
  • Stub requests to external services.
  • Use a context block for each execution path through the method.
  • Use before blocks to clearly define the 'setup' phase of the Four Phase Test.
  • Use integration tests to execute the entire app.
  • Use one expectation per it block.
  • Use stubs and spies (not mocks) to isolate unit tests as much as possible.
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