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Created April 4, 2023 23:36
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supporting recitation i did on wed 4/4
# newton raphson table generator
import math
def f(x):
return x**2 + 2*x - 8
def df(x):
return 2*x + 2
def newton_raphson(x0, f, df, n):
x = x0
for i in range(n):
# print k, xk, f(xk), df(xk), f(xk)/df(xk)
print(f"k = {i}, x = {x}, f(x) = {f(x)}, df(x) = {df(x)}, f(x)/df(x) = {f(x)/df(x)}")
x = x - f(x)/df(x)
# newton_raphson(0, f, df, 10)
def foo(x1, x2):
return x2 * math.cos(x1) + x2**2 * x1
# do symmetric difference approximation of f'(x_0) = (f(x_0 + h) - f(x_0 - h))/(2h)
def df_dx1(x1, x2, h):
return (foo(x1+h, x2) - foo(x1-h, x2))/(2*h)
def df_dx2(x1, x2, h):
return (foo(x1, x2+h) - foo(x1, x2-h))/(2*h)
def jacobian(x1, x2, h):
return [[df_dx1(x1, x2, h), df_dx2(x1, x2, h)]]
print(jacobian(0, -1, 0.01))
def poly(x):
# 2x^4 - 3x^3 + 2x^2 + 4
return 2*x**4 - 3*x**3 + 2*x**2 + 4
# newtons algorithm for scalar for minding x that minimizes f(x)
def newtons_method(x0, f, df, d2f, n):
x = x0
for i in range(n):
if df(x) == 0:
print("div by zero")
if d2f(x) == 0:
print("div by zero")
print(f"k = {i}, x = {x}, f(x) = {f(x)}, df(x) = {df(x)}, df2(x) = {d2f(x)}, f(x)/df(x) = {f(x)/df(x)}")
x = x - 1 * df(x)/d2f(x)
newtons_method(3, poly, lambda x: 8*x**3 - 9*x**2 + 4*x, lambda x: 24*x**2 - 18*x + 4, 10)
# hessian matrix using symmetric difference approximation
def d2f_dx1dx1(x1, x2, h):
return (df_dx1(x1+h, x2, h) - df_dx1(x1-h, x2, h))/(2*h)
def d2f_dx1dx2(x1, x2, h):
return (df_dx2(x1+h, x2, h) - df_dx2(x1-h, x2, h))/(2*h)
def d2f_dx2dx1(x1, x2, h):
return (df_dx1(x1, x2+h, h) - df_dx1(x1, x2-h, h))/(2*h)
def d2f_dx2dx2(x1, x2, h):
return (df_dx2(x1, x2+h, h) - df_dx2(x1, x2-h, h))/(2*h)
def hessian(x1, x2, h):
return [[d2f_dx1dx1(x1, x2, h), d2f_dx1dx2(x1, x2, h)], [d2f_dx2dx1(x1, x2, h), d2f_dx2dx2(x1, x2, h)]]
print(hessian(math.pi/2, -1, 0.1))
# jacbian calc
# forward difference
def f1(x1, x2):
# sinx1^7 + x2^3
return math.cos(x1**7) + x2**2*x1
def f2(x1, x2):
# 4x1*sqrt(x2)
return 4*math.sqrt(x1)*x2**2
# forward difference approximation f'(x_0) = (f(x_0 + h) - f(x_0))/h
def df1_dx1(x1, x2, h):
return (f1(x1+h, x2) - f1(x1, x2))/h
def df1_dx2(x1, x2, h):
return (f1(x1, x2+h) - f1(x1, x2))/h
def df2_dx1(x1, x2, h):
return (f2(x1+h, x2) - f2(x1, x2))/h
def df2_dx2(x1, x2, h):
return (f2(x1, x2+h) - f2(x1, x2))/h
def jacobian_forward_diff(x1, x2, h):
return [[df1_dx1(x1, x2, h), df1_dx2(x1, x2, h)], [df2_dx1(x1, x2, h), df2_dx2(x1, x2, h)]]
print(jacobian_forward_diff(1, 2, 0.001), " forward diff approx")
# symmetric difference approximation f'(x_0) = (f(x_0 + h) - f(x_0 - h))/(2h)
def df1_dx1_sym(x1, x2, h):
return (f1(x1+h, x2) - f1(x1-h, x2))/(2*h)
def df1_dx2_sym(x1, x2, h):
return (f1(x1, x2+h) - f1(x1, x2-h))/(2*h)
def df2_dx1_sym(x1, x2, h):
return (f2(x1+h, x2) - f2(x1-h, x2))/(2*h)
def df2_dx2_sym(x1, x2, h):
return (f2(x1, x2+h) - f2(x1, x2-h))/(2*h)
def jacobian_sym_diff(x1, x2, h):
return [[df1_dx1_sym(x1, x2, h), df1_dx2_sym(x1, x2, h)], [df2_dx1_sym(x1, x2, h), df2_dx2_sym(x1, x2, h)]]
print(jacobian_sym_diff(1, 2, 0.001), " symmetric diff approx")
# backward difference approximation f'(x_0) = (f(x_0) - f(x_0 - h))/h
def df1_dx1_back(x1, x2, h):
return (f1(x1, x2) - f1(x1-h, x2))/h
def df1_dx2_back(x1, x2, h):
return (f1(x1, x2) - f1(x1, x2-h))/h
def df2_dx1_back(x1, x2, h):
return (f2(x1, x2) - f2(x1-h, x2))/h
def df2_dx2_back(x1, x2, h):
return (f2(x1, x2) - f2(x1, x2-h))/h
def jacobian_back_diff(x1, x2, h):
return [[df1_dx1_back(x1, x2, h), df1_dx2_back(x1, x2, h)], [df2_dx1_back(x1, x2, h), df2_dx2_back(x1, x2, h)]]
print(jacobian_back_diff(1, 2, 0.001), " backward diff approx")
import symengine
vars = symengine.symbols('x y')
f = symengine.sympify(['cos(x**7) + y**2', '4*sqrt(x)*y**2'])
# f = symengine.sympify(['sin(x)**7 + y**3', '4*x*sqrt(y)'])
J = symengine.zeros(len(f),len(vars))
for i, fi in enumerate(f):
for j, s in enumerate(vars):
J[i,j] = symengine.diff(fi, s)
print(J.subs({vars[0]: 1, vars[1]: 2}))
def grad_f(x):
# x^2+9
return x**2 - 9
def grad_f1(x):
# f prime
return 2*x
# do gradient descent with step size
def gradient_descent(x0, f, df, n, step_size):
x = x0
for i in range(n):
print(f"k = {i}, x = {x}, f(x) = {f(x)}, df(x) = {df(x)}")
x = x - step_size*df(x)
gradient_descent(2, grad_f, grad_f1, 10, .25)
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