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Last active January 3, 2018 20:25
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Discussing how to make DDD easier to learn.

Edit: A bit of context as more than expected are happening upon the gist.

This is in response to a conversation between a few engineers I consider experts in their respective fields:

  • Jeffrey Way (of Laracasts) as a technical educator aiming to investigate exposing newcomers to DDD in an easier-to-digest/grasp way.
  • Konstantine Kudryashov (Behat, phpSpec, Inviqa) as a BDD consultant
  • Mathias Verraes (, as a significant DDD resource and independent consultant.

Additional context can be sought reading backwards from The stream is a bit broken, but the general gist/context is there.

This stuff is hard to put into 140 characters and I urge folks interested in advanced topics like this to reach out; identify experts in the topic areas and communicate with them. Find communities around these topics and get involved. Learning is hard work and it takes time, practice and patience. We can only hope that educators utilize their expertise in attempting to bring these advanced topics closer, but in the meantime... let's get to it! 😄

Original Post:

  • Your brain is a muscle of sorts; no different than any other in the body.

  • I cannot lift 400kg and no matter how much up-front training I am given in my current state, I will not achieve lifting 400kg today, tomorrow, or next year.

  • I can, over time, train-up through different exercises the ability to achieve that goal, but it takes resource investment which eventually manifest as muscle fibers of appropriate physical organization.

  • A trainer can instruct me on a personalized efficiency-optimized path towards a specific goal, but the trainer isn't going to simply give me what works for them at the current time. And what works for me may not work for another person in the world. The trainer will break a pathway down into a set of regimented simpler exercises that lead me on the path to success. The trainer can do this because he has achieved mastery in physical training and as such, I do not NEED to know why I'm being asked to do leg-extensions; I just trust.

  • The trainer understands that each exercise is hitting the right muscle groups that will allow me to one day achieve my 400kg lifting goals.

Tying this back to attempting to distill something like DDD into a technical resource meant to "train" / transfer knowledge to an arbitrary audience:

  • It can be difficult for a newcomer to approach something like Domain-Driven Design and achieve an applicable skillset to engineer a solution based on the blue book alone. Reading the blue-book first is like trying to understand a college-education in fitness (in 300 pages) that the trainer above has.

  • However, the book is built on top of the work of many other researchers and engineers as well as Evans professional experiences. Because of this, when a newcomer tries to decipher the technical strategies suggested by Evans early-on, they might miss the importance and nuance of bounded context, context maps, etc. because you're struggling with SOLID, Design Patterns, and many other assumed pieces of knowledge. Note that a lot of the technical strategies suggested by DDD are NOT new at all. They're simply organized within a "framework" of DDD. It's design patterns. It's SOLID. It plays a role in BDD. That's all. BUT! The fact that it brings those underlying concepts together in such a graceful manner lend it to being a very efficient mode of showing applicability of those "more theoretical" concepts.

  • All that said, simply reading a book is not enough to grasp the entire body of knowledge presented by DDD. It takes 110% personal investment of resources, self-motivation and a supporting community to master, in my opinion. It is not something one can do alone because a great amount of the topic-area (as far as nuanced decision-making skills that need to develop) is completely dependent on domain. Any role as a consultant, I believe, is a great benefit / multiplier to learning and applying DDD simply because you see differences in domain and problems that arrive.

The argument isn't that a single book can't be written to make the process easier. The argument is how do you get a shrimpy muscular structure lifting 400kg in 300 pages without dumbing down the process to the point that it is no longer applicable. And even that, I believe, CAN be done; but only on the shoulders of engineers before us and the willingness of the populus to seek out those resources.

In my head, I think the following are really some good next steps:

  • Teach newcomers how to ask the right questions. This is an important skill and even more important in answering questions in domain-driven design. Go check out half the threads on or the DDD/CQRS group. Half of the first responders end their posts with "it depends".
  • A set of books that proposed sample applications of DDD in different domains would be highly valuable. I would love nothing more than for an @everzet or a @mathiasverraes to catalog their consultancy projects as anonymized case-studies and publish them. I'd then like to compare against Eric or Vaughn doing the same! :)
  • Increase awareness of communities like DDD/CQRS and They are ABSOLUTELY VALUABLE and will be a SIGNIFICANT resource to anybody looking to get into this stuff. The fact that folks like Mathias, Greg Young, Kijana Woodard and more hang out in these communities and contribute is so valuable to folks looking to learn.
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everzet commented Oct 28, 2014

It's influenced by BDD

Quite the opposite :) An emphasis on Ubiquitous Language in BDD was directly caused by thoughts of Eric Evans in his book. That said, it is indeed very easy to grasp this core concept of DDD after you got the core ideas behind the BDD.

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The biggest take-away is probably that DDD isn't something you get for free. There is not really a shortcut that is any faster (yet) than reading and really understanding the blue/red books. Understanding, for me, comes from applying what I think is the truth, failing and trying again in quick iterations. All of this with constant critical introspection.

You don't get muscles for free and you don't get knowledge for free. Working the brain to establish neural connections necessary to "have understanding" is the only way. Making things simpler to understand is a strategy applied to a single individual that takes advantage of the fact that they have built neural pathways to a certain point. A master will accurately perceive that point and start dropping breadcrumbs required to lead them to eventual mastery.

This is the core reason behind why speakers get the "too many examples", "examples were too simple", too much theory, etc. Everyone is operating in a different context. Writing anything on paper that adjusts to that contextual constraint is an exercise in wizardry.

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Quite the opposite :) An emphasis on Ubiquitous Language in BDD was directly caused by thoughts of Eric Evans in his book

Fair enough @everzet! 😄 I'm basing that off a quote from The RSpec Book where the authors describe BDD as "Acceptance Test Driven Planning, Domain-Driven Design, and Test Driven Development". They really are all linked together though and honestly, I hope to see more resources highlighting the synergies between the techniques.

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Well @everzet is pushing BDD/DDD synergies an awful lot at Inviqa, and is beginning to share the results more publicly

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