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Last active July 24, 2020 13:56
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A renderless Stepper component
<Stepper v-model="step" v-slot="{ title, description, total, progress, next, prev, hasNext, hasPrev, nextStep, prevStep }">
<p>There are {{ total }} steps.</p>
<p>You are {{ progress }}% complete.</p>
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ description }}</p>
<Step title="First" description="The first step...">
<p>If you have interwoven content...</p>
<Step title="Second" description="The second step...">
<p> will show up AFTER the first occurrence of a Step.</p>
<Step title="Third" description="The third step...">
<button @click="prev" v-if="hasPrev">Previous: {{ prevStep.title }}</button>
<button @click="next" v-if="hasNext">Next: {{ nextStep.title }}</button>
import Stepper from './components/Stepper.vue'
import Step from './components/Step.vue'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: { Stepper, Step },
data() {
return {
step: 1
export default {
name: 'Step',
props: ['title', 'description'],
render(h) {
return h('div', this.$slots.default)
import Vue from 'vue'
function defaultSlot(vm, scope) {
return vm.$slots.default ? vm.$slots.default : vm.$scopedSlots.default(scope)
function isComponent(vnode, name) {
return vnode.componentOptions && === name;
export default {
name: 'Stepper',
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
default: 1
data() {
return {
current: 0,
total: 0,
steps: []
watch: {
value(value) {
this.current = value - 1
computed: {
step() {
return this.steps[this.current]
nextStep() {
return this.hasNext && this.steps[this.current + 1]
prevStep() {
return this.hasPrev && this.steps[this.current - 1]
title() {
return this.step && this.step.title
description() {
return this.step && this.step.description
hasNext() {
return this.current < - 1
hasPrev() {
return this.current > 0
progress() {
return this.current / ( - 1) * 100
methods: {
next() {
this.current = Math.min(this.current + 1, - 1)
this.$emit('input', this.current + 1)
prev() {
this.current = Math.max(this.current - 1, 0)
this.$emit('input', this.current + 1)
mounted() {
this.current = this.value - 1
render(h) {
// Grab all our slot children
let slots = defaultSlot(this, {
title: this.title,
description: this.description,
progress: this.progress,
hasNext: this.hasNext,
hasPrev: this.hasPrev,
nextStep: this.nextStep,
prevStep: this.prevStep,
prev: this.prev
// Find all the <Step> components
const steps = slots.filter(vnode => isComponent(vnode, 'Step')) = steps.length
// Update steps (which hold our props)
const components = => {
const component = new step.componentOptions.Ctor(step.componentOptions)
return component
// Only update steps IF props hashes change.
const stepsHash = JSON.stringify( => component.$options.propsData))
const componentsHash = JSON.stringify( => component.$options.propsData))
if (stepsHash != componentsHash) {
this.steps = components
// Find the indexOf <Step> in $slots/$scopedSlots
const firstStepOccurrence = slots.indexOf(slots.find(vnode => isComponent(vnode, 'Step')))
// Remove all <Step> from children and splice current into indexOf
slots = slots.filter(vnode => !isComponent(vnode, 'Step'))
slots.splice(firstStepOccurrence, 0, steps[this.current])
// Render
return h('div', slots)
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I'm like 99% sure there is a better way to get props updates that doesn't have you creating component instances from the Step vnodes. I know you can straight rip it off attrs, so I bet as long as you pass a ref to component state, it'll stay reactive. Without doing this, I was having issues with the component template not "picking up" changes until a render was forced. So, could make a change, HMR would happen; yet the step titles/descriptions would not update until I clicked next/previous (easiest way to force a re-render).

This was because I was getting new vnodes and breaking reactivity by naively assigning nextStep/prevStep state. Now, I've got everything working as I expect and it's time to refactor to see if we can get rid of some of the complexity.

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