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Created October 30, 2022 17:01
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Контракты для балансера kodik
syntax = "proto3";
package movie;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "season.proto";
import "translation.proto";
service KodikMovieService {
rpc FindById(Id) returns (Movie);
message Id {
uint32 id = 1;
message Data {
string title = 1;
string anime_title = 2;
string title_en = 3;
repeated string other_titles = 4;
repeated string other_titles_en = 5;
repeated string other_titles_jp = 6;
string anime_kind = 7;
string all_status = 8;
string anime_status = 9;
uint32 year = 10;
string description = 11;
string poster_url = 12;
repeated string screenshots = 13;
uint32 duration = 14;
repeated string countries = 15;
repeated string all_genres = 16;
repeated string genres = 17;
repeated string anime_genres = 18;
repeated string anime_studios = 19;
double kinopoisk_rating = 20;
uint32 kinopoisk_votes = 21;
double imdb_rating = 22;
uint32 imdb_votes = 23;
double shikimori_rating = 24;
uint32 shikimori_votes = 25;
string premiere_world = 26;
string aired_at = 27;
google.protobuf.Timestamp next_episode_at = 28;
string rating_mpaa = 29;
uint32 episodes_total = 30;
uint32 episodes_aired = 31;
repeated string actors = 32;
repeated string directors = 33;
repeated string producers = 34;
message Movie {
string id = 1;
string type = 2;
string link = 3;
string title = 4;
string title_orig = 5;
string other_title = 6;
translation.Translation translation = 7;
uint32 year = 8;
uint32 last_season = 9;
uint32 last_episode = 10;
uint32 episodes_count = 11;
string kinopoisk_id = 12;
string imdb_id = 13;
string worldart_link = 14;
string shikimori_id = 15;
string quality = 16;
bool camrip = 17;
repeated google.protobuf.Any blocked_countries = 18;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 20;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 21;
map<string, season.Season> seasons = 22;
Data material_data = 23;
repeated string screenshots = 24;
syntax = "proto3";
package season;
message Season {
string link = 1;
map<string, string> episodes = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package translation;
message Translation {
uint32 id = 1;
string title = 2;
string type = 3;
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