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Created October 17, 2015 01:08
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(function ($) {
//#region Console mock
var console = {
log: function (text) {
if (window.console.log) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
warn: function (text) {
if (window.console.warn) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
info: function (text) {
if ( {
try {;
} catch (e) { }
dir: function (text) {
if (window.console.dir) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
//#region AICC via Http API
function AICCViaHttpAPI(launchData) {
//#region Vars
var launchUrl, aiccUrl, sessionId, inited = false, hasChanged = false,
aiccCache = {}, responseCache = {}, stringGroupReg = /Core_Lesson|Comments/ig, aiccModel;
var HttpCommands = {
GetParam: "GetParam",
PutParam: "PutParam",
PutComments: "PutComments",
PutObjectives: "PutObjectives",
PutPath: "PutPath",
PutInteractions: "PutInteractions",
PutPerformance: "PutPerformance"
//#region Methods
/*Session Methods
this.LMSInitialize = function (name) {
if (inited) {
return "false";
var result = post(HttpCommands.GetParam);
inited = true;
return "true";
this.LMSFinish = function (input) {
if (!inited) {
return "false";
inited = false;
/*Data-transfer Methods
this.LMSGetValue = function (name) {
if (!inited) {
return "";
return aiccModel.GetValue(name);
this.LMSSetValue = function () {
if (!inited) {
return "";
this.LMSCommit = function (input) {
if (!inited || !hasChanged) {
return "false";
/*Error handling Methods
this.LMSGetLastError = function (input) {
var value = 0;
if (responseCache && responseCache["error"]) {
value = parseInt(responseCache["error"], 10);
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
return value;
this.LMSGetErrorString = function (input) {
return "";
this.LMSGetDiagnostic = function (input) {
return "";
//#region Functions
function post(command, aicc_data) {
var data = {};
if (aicc_data) {
data.aicc_data = aicc_data;
data.command = command;
data.session_id = sessionId;
var result = null;
url: aiccUrl,
async: false,
cache: false,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'html',
data: data,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
result = data;
error: function (ex) {
return result;
function loadData(text) {
if (!text) {
text = $.trim(text);
var items = text.split(/aicc_data=/ig);
aiccModel = new AICCModelContainer(items[1]);
function readResponse(text) {
text = text ? $.trim(text) : text;
if (!text) {
var line, lines = text.split("\n");
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
line = $.trim(lines[i]);
if (!line || line.charAt(0) == ";") {
var nameValue = readNameValue(line);
if (nameValue && {
responseCache[] = nameValue.value;
function readAICC(text) {
text = text ? $.trim(text) : text;
if (!text) {
var reg = /\[[^\[\]]+\]/ig;
var groups = text.match(reg);
var groupItems = text.split(reg);
var groupName, isStr, groupValue, storeValue;
for (var i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; i++) {
groupName = getGroupName(groups[i]).toLowerCase();
groupValue = decodeURIComponent($.trim(groupItems[i + 1]));
isStr = isStringGroup(groupName);
storeValue = isStr ? groupValue : readNameValues(groupValue);
aiccCache[groupName] = storeValue;
function getGroupName(text) {
var reg = /\[([^\[\]]+)\]/ig;
var name = reg.exec(text);
return name[1];
function isStringGroup(groupName) {
return stringGroupReg.test(groupName);
function readNameValues(text) {
text = $.trim(text);
if (!text) {
return null;
var line, lines = text.split("\n");
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
line = lines[i];
var data = readNameValue(line);
if (data) {
var key =;
arr[key] = data;
return arr;
function readNameValue(line) {
var reg = /([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)/ig;
if (line) {
var match = reg.exec(line);
var data = {
name: $.trim(match[1]),
value: decodeURIComponent($.trim(match[2]))
return data;
return null;
function checkInit() {
if (!inited) {
console.log("Doesn't Init yet");
return inited;
function setup() {
aiccUrl = launchData.AICC_URL;
launchUrl = launchData.LaunchUrl;
sessionId = launchData.AICC_SID;
AICCViaHttpAPI.getQueryValue = function (name, search) {
search = search ? search :;
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"), results = regex.exec(search);
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
AICCViaHttpAPI.findLaunchData = function (win) {
while (win) {
var aiccUrl = AICCViaHttpAPI.getQueryValue("AICC_URL",;
var sessionId = AICCViaHttpAPI.getQueryValue("AICC_SID",;
if (aiccUrl && sessionId) {
var launchUrl = win.location;
var data = {
AICC_URL: aiccUrl,
AICC_SID: sessionId,
LaunchUrl: launchUrl,
LaunchWindow: win
return data;
win = win.opener ? win.opener : win.parent == win ? null : win.parent;
return null;
function AICCModelContainer(hacpData) {
var stringGroupReg = /Core_Lesson|Comments/ig, aiccCache = {};
var lessonStatuses = ["passed", "completed", "failed", "incomplete", "browsed", "not attempted"];
var apiBindingMapper = {
"cmi.suspend_data": "Core_Lesson"
var dataConvertor = {
"cmi.core.lesson_status": {
get: function (value) {
if (value) {
var items = value.split(",");
var tmp = null;
$.each(items, function (index, item) {
item = $.trim(item).toLowerCase();
$.each(lessonStatuses, function (i, status) {
if (status.indexOf(item) == 0) {
tmp = status;
return false;
if (tmp) {
value = tmp;
return false;
return value;
//#region Methods
this.GetValue = function (name) {
var value = null;
if (!name) {
return "";
var nodes;
var key = apiBindingMapper[name];
if (key) {
nodes = key.split(".");
} else {
nodes = name.split(".");
nodes.shift(); //remove the cmi node
var node, aiccNode = aiccCache;
for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = nodes[i].toLowerCase();
aiccNode = aiccNode[node];
if (i == len - 1 && aiccNode) {
value = aiccNode.constructor == Object ? aiccNode.value : aiccNode;
if (!aiccCache) {
if (value) {
var convertor = dataConvertor[name];
if (convertor && convertor.get) {
value = convertor.get(value);
return value;
this.SetValue = function (name, value) {
this.toHACPData = function () {
//#region Functions
function readAICC(text) {
text = text ? $.trim(text) : text;
if (!text) {
var reg = /\[[^\[\]]+\]/ig;
var groups = text.match(reg);
var groupItems = text.split(reg);
var groupName, isStr, groupValue, storeValue;
for (var i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; i++) {
groupName = getGroupName(groups[i]).toLowerCase();
groupValue = decodeURIComponent($.trim(groupItems[i + 1]));
isStr = isStringGroup(groupName);
storeValue = isStr ? groupValue : readNameValues(groupValue);
aiccCache[groupName] = storeValue;
function getGroupName(text) {
var reg = /\[([^\[\]]+)\]/ig;
var name = reg.exec(text);
return name[1];
function isStringGroup(groupName) {
return stringGroupReg.test(groupName);
function readNameValues(text) {
text = $.trim(text);
if (!text) {
return null;
var line, lines = text.split("\n");
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
line = lines[i];
var data = readNameValue(line);
if (data) {
var key =;
arr[key] = data;
return arr;
function readNameValue(line) {
var reg = /([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)/ig;
if (line) {
var match = reg.exec(line);
var data = {
name: $.trim(match[1]),
value: decodeURIComponent($.trim(match[2]))
return data;
return null;
function init() {
//#region setup
function setup() {
var aiccLaunchData = AICCViaHttpAPI.findLaunchData(window);
if (aiccLaunchData) {
var aiccApi = new AICCViaHttpAPI(aiccLaunchData);
window.AICCAPI = aiccApi;
testGet(aiccApi, ["cmi.suspend_data", "cmi.core.student_id", "cmi.core.student_name", "cmi.core.lesson_status"]);
var result = aiccApi.LMSSetValue("cmi.suspend_data", "test cmi.suspend_data");
function testGet(api, names) {
for (var i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var value = api.LMSGetValue(name);
console.log(name + "=" + value);
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mdx86 commented Oct 17, 2015

test comment.

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