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<td><h1 class="den_articol" itemprop="name">You Are Me And I Am You (I)</h1></td>
<td class="text_dreapta">On May 12, 2013, in <a href="" title="View all articles from Leadership Pro" class="external" rel="category tag">Leadership Pro</a>, by Neculai Fantanaru</td>
<p class="text_obisnuit2"><em>Rehabilitate the interior of your entire being, so as to strengthen that sense of identity that can reveal the unconditional truth of your existence.</em></p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">I want you to get to know my whole life, which has always belonged to you and about which you didn&rsquo;t know nothing about. This whole fills the void inside me that, taking invisible forms, you have only filled with desires and hopes. I only want to talk to you, because you&rsquo;re the only one that knows who I am, that completely guards my most fragile secrets under the cover of my own interiority.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">With every breath, I feel my warm blood circulating through my body, rapidly coagulating in contact with the venom of pride, which clouds my right judgment. The passage of time is also crippling. But every moment, I know I am a different person, I wake up happier because I have now given meaning to my frozen life, a meaning which I cannot find a name to, the end of which I cannot find, but whom you belong to. Yes, you. You are my real support, which tumultuous and confusing life gave to me in a gesture of supreme goodness, through acceptance, transfer and compassion.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Do not be afraid of my words, you know me too well, you know that everything that betrays me is my inability to be the same person of yesterday, the same Laura Quinn, the same lark that flies whenever she sees she&rsquo;s not listened to and always returns to her nest, which is cold and full of deception.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Now, I no longer ask anything from myself, but ask something from you: for you to share with me the joy of being alive in all the days to come, for us to merge in a single consciousness, as light meets darkness, forming one of the most magical natural beauties. That is all I ask from you: to believe in me, to know that you are my everything. You are the life, the existence frantically palpitating in a secluded corner inside me, and I am that cloudy and dull something in which I often sink, like in a cave where everything is dusty and dry.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: Are the meanings that fit in the substance of your being leaving definitive traces in a spiritual unity that gives you the experience of an emotion upon which someone close to you can get attached to?</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Maybe you do not care about me, because I often treated you with indifference, without knowing that your indifference, your anger and your warm-bloodedness with me have always been stronger and more daunting.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Other times, seized by a mystical, almost crazy ecstasy, I rushed myself to you with fear, with desperation, with that impatience to strengthen the sense of identity and unity, only to feel you close, to no longer hate myself for treating you before with contempt. And also every time, you got angry with me and turned against me. Come on, remember ! Remember !</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">You are me and I am you. You always listen to me and I haven&rsquo;t got tired to accept you in my life as you are. I am Laura, and you are that strong and warm essence in my little abode, dusty with regrets and disappointments, but ennobled with beautiful hopes and dreams, which is often shaken, as of an earthquake, of the darkest thoughts and feelings.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">The heart. Always awake and full of surprises, has always kept us safe, strengthened us and got us closer and closer. And us two, with an ideal behavior, established a link between the volume and the pressure of our feelings. Sad or happy, our common instinct responded in some way, out of a survival necessity.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Even when you looked sad or kept away from me, I always stayed behind you, going through the same winding road of life. Something kept me connected to you, even though you always made me change my mind and pull backwards. Other times, stolen by the sense of catching up, I got ahead of you, but was always close to you. With love or grief, but never with regret, always with hope and full of dreams. Come on, remember !</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">I know that, when diamonds will be found, if we are found guilty, we will be both in the same desperate situation. But we will be together for better or for worse, wouldn&rsquo;t we? We will be always close, locked in the same welcoming abode of our whole being. Isn&rsquo;t that right?</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Because you are me and I am you, a whole that exists, the leading central authority of a single being. Myself, Laura Quinn.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: Do you allow yourself to be surrounded by the sense of spinning in two opposite directions when the complex of interactions in which you are engaged depends on the experience of an emotion that is not recognized?</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Do you belong to a hidden person, who knows everything about you? How does she help you give meaning to your life? Who do you harbor in the welcoming abode of your whole being? Are you afraid of yourself, of what you are and what you feel? What makes you reckon yourself superior or inferior to yourself?</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">In leadership, everyone is both a spectator, director and actor, but especially a one winged angel, which can only fly while embracing his best friend, himself, that inner, needy and unique strength, manifested in your being in the transition to adulthood, that whole filling the void inside yourself, the void that, taking invisible forms, you have only filled with desires and hopes.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">The birth of leadership, crystalized in its main excellence axis and categorized from the first signs of emergence, is closely related to the accomplishment of man as a whole, to ensure progress to his advanced state of <em>&quot;being&quot;</em> before occurring the transformation to the excellence stage. Basically, man is placed in his own dynamics, which depends on the complex of interactions in which he is engaged and the unforeseen effects that he has to flawlessly face, control and ultimately manage.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Depending on the conception, considerations and vision of the relationship <em>Me - Him,</em> Man and his Ego in the great adventure of full knowledge, we can describe the product of the two determinants as a masterpiece that takes you through all the possible emotions, realistically depicting human universe, while human energy and resistance to tensions generated by daily existence allows us to aim its performances and enter into direct contact with its essential points, especially when it adapts to any hardship.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">When man is surrounded by a spinning sensation in two opposite directions, so when he is at the big intersection of the &quot;being&quot; and &quot;not being&quot; lane, only then his Ego, impregnated by so many truths and discontinuities in the field of existence, gets to talk to him, to shiver, to respond and to control the situation.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: Are you able to engage in a race with your own self when your attitude engages a stake far superior to individual destiny?</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">It is possible for man to adopt a thinking focused on himself only when surrounded by <em>&quot;Him&quot;,</em> his essence, leading a double subordination that can sometimes create confusion, a dualism that should have been conciliated, reunited to create that unbreakable whole, the force that reaches perfection.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Here&rsquo;s what the American writer Baird T. Spalding once said: <em>&quot;You become what you embody. That is the whole secret of power, but to manifest the omnipotence that belongs to us, we must obey its source, incorporate and assimilate its characteristics.&quot;</em></p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">The thinker&rsquo;s firm conviction was that only acquiring a more graceful and flexible conception about yourself, based on the interaction with your Ego, so much more intense and therefore truly objective, so the one impregnated by a very different reality can make possible the final passage from relegation &ndash; to promotion and success. The adoption of such an attitude towards you is legitimate in order to analyze leadership, allowing man&rsquo;s wholeness to be approached in a whole new light.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit">Rehabilitate the interior of your entire being, so as to strengthen that sense of identity that can reveal the unconditional truth of your existence.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit2">The effect people produce on others is in a direct relationship with each individual&rsquo;s destiny when the emotions of one accumulate in the other&rsquo;s being, mysteriously reflecting on each person&rsquo;s possibilities to reinvent themselves.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit"><span class="text_obisnuit2">You Are Me And I Am You</span> brings to the forefront the man&rsquo;s wholeness, a sum of strengths and weaknesses, a sum of aspirations, regrets and repressions. His operating mode depends on his interior, on that well-designed and well-maintained abode, sometimes with huge efforts, in the generally accepted normal range.</p>
<p class="text_obisnuit"><span class="text_obisnuit2">* Note:</span> <a href="" target="_new">Flawless (2007)</a></p>
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