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Created April 27, 2015 04:29
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Save me7/15ce46c9b5c8c3af6c9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build go from source log
##### Building Go bootstrap tool.
##### Building Go toolchain using /usr/local/go.
##### Building compilers and go_bootstrap for host, linux/amd64.
##### Building packages and commands for linux/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 0.010s
ok archive/zip 0.843s
ok bufio 0.128s
ok bytes 0.108s
ok compress/bzip2 0.054s
ok compress/flate 0.674s
ok compress/gzip 0.025s
ok compress/lzw 0.104s
ok compress/zlib 1.186s
ok container/heap 0.012s
ok container/list 0.005s
ok container/ring 0.011s
? crypto [no test files]
ok crypto/aes 0.031s
ok crypto/cipher 0.011s
ok crypto/des 0.011s
ok crypto/dsa 0.022s
ok crypto/ecdsa 0.046s
ok crypto/elliptic 0.058s
ok crypto/hmac 0.015s
ok crypto/md5 0.006s
ok crypto/rand 0.037s
ok crypto/rc4 0.127s
ok crypto/rsa 0.181s
ok crypto/sha1 0.015s
ok crypto/sha256 0.009s
ok crypto/sha512 0.012s
ok crypto/subtle 0.015s
ok crypto/tls 1.454s
ok crypto/x509 1.846s
? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files]
ok database/sql 0.047s
ok database/sql/driver 0.004s
ok debug/dwarf 0.030s
ok debug/elf 0.066s
ok debug/gosym 1.188s
ok debug/macho 0.020s
ok debug/pe 0.050s
ok debug/plan9obj 0.014s
? encoding [no test files]
ok encoding/ascii85 0.008s
ok encoding/asn1 0.016s
ok encoding/base32 0.004s
ok encoding/base64 0.016s
ok encoding/binary 0.004s
ok encoding/csv 0.019s
ok encoding/gob 0.067s
ok encoding/hex 0.008s
ok encoding/json 0.197s
ok encoding/pem 0.005s
ok encoding/xml 0.013s
ok errors 0.017s
ok expvar 0.037s
ok flag 0.006s
ok fmt 0.049s
ok go/ast 0.018s
ok go/build 0.197s
ok go/constants 0.004s
ok go/doc 0.103s
ok go/format 0.012s
? go/importer [no test files]
ok go/internal/gcimporter 0.801s
ok go/parser 0.044s
ok go/printer 0.454s
ok go/scanner 0.016s
ok go/token 0.041s
ok go/types 2.252s
? hash [no test files]
ok hash/adler32 0.009s
ok hash/crc32 0.004s
ok hash/crc64 0.010s
ok hash/fnv 0.015s
ok html 0.007s
ok html/template 0.049s
ok image 0.243s
ok image/color 0.136s
? image/color/palette [no test files]
ok image/draw 0.122s
ok image/gif 0.084s
? image/internal/imageutil [no test files]
ok image/jpeg 0.203s
ok image/png 0.065s
ok index/suffixarray 0.039s
? internal/format [no test files]
? internal/mime [no test files]
ok internal/singleflight 0.124s
? internal/syscall/unix [no test files]
? internal/trace [no test files]
ok io 0.021s
ok io/ioutil 0.006s
ok log 0.009s
ok log/syslog 2.019s
ok math 0.005s
ok math/big 0.397s
ok math/cmplx 0.004s
ok math/rand 0.262s
ok mime 0.022s
ok mime/multipart 0.105s
ok mime/quotedprintable 0.332s
ok net 3.660s
ok net/http 4.930s
ok net/http/cgi 0.602s
ok net/http/cookiejar 0.030s
ok net/http/fcgi 0.013s
ok net/http/httptest 0.020s
ok net/http/httputil 0.023s
ok net/http/internal 0.012s
? net/http/pprof [no test files]
ok net/internal/socktest 0.007s
ok net/mail 0.010s
ok net/rpc 0.732s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.383s
ok net/smtp 0.535s
ok net/textproto 0.031s
ok net/url 0.004s
ok os 2.728s
ok os/exec 0.657s
ok os/signal 3.353s
ok os/user 0.005s
ok path 0.003s
ok path/filepath 2.907s
ok reflect 0.082s
ok regexp 0.344s
ok regexp/syntax 0.353s
ok runtime 24.901s
? runtime/cgo [no test files]
ok runtime/debug 0.021s
ok runtime/pprof 10.643s
? runtime/race [no test files]
ok sort 0.057s
ok strconv 0.331s
ok strings 0.091s
ok sync 0.131s
ok sync/atomic 0.187s
ok syscall 0.068s
ok testing 1.185s
? testing/iotest [no test files]
ok testing/quick 0.028s
ok text/scanner 0.010s
ok text/tabwriter 0.010s
ok text/template 0.042s
ok text/template/parse 0.009s
ok time 2.703s
ok unicode 0.032s
ok unicode/utf16 0.005s
ok unicode/utf8 0.006s
? unsafe [no test files]
? cmd/5g [no test files]
? cmd/5l [no test files]
? cmd/6g [no test files]
? cmd/6l [no test files]
? cmd/7g [no test files]
? cmd/7l [no test files]
? cmd/8g [no test files]
? cmd/8l [no test files]
? cmd/9g [no test files]
? cmd/9l [no test files]
ok cmd/addr2line 4.436s
ok cmd/api 0.361s
? cmd/asm [no test files]
? cmd/asm/internal/arch [no test files]
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.408s
? cmd/asm/internal/flags [no test files]
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.003s
? cmd/cgo [no test files]
? cmd/dist [no test files]
ok cmd/fix 0.009s
ok cmd/go 0.019s
ok cmd/gofmt 0.437s
? cmd/internal/asm [no test files]
? cmd/internal/gc [no test files]
ok cmd/internal/gc/big 0.775s
ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.007s
? cmd/internal/ld [no test files]
ok cmd/internal/obj 0.019s
? cmd/internal/obj/arm [no test files]
? cmd/internal/obj/arm64 [no test files]
? cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 [no test files]
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 0.043s
? cmd/internal/objfile [no test files]
ok cmd/internal/ 0.018s
ok cmd/internal/ 0.263s
ok cmd/link 0.023s
ok cmd/nm 1.944s
ok cmd/objdump 3.890s
? cmd/old5a [no test files]
? cmd/old6a [no test files]
? cmd/old8a [no test files]
? cmd/old9a [no test files]
ok cmd/pack 2.755s
? cmd/pprof [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/commands [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/driver [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/fetch [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/plugin [no test files]
ok cmd/pprof/internal/profile 0.003s
? cmd/pprof/internal/report [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/svg [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz [no test files]
? cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile [no test files]
? cmd/trace [no test files]
? cmd/yacc [no test files]
##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4
ok runtime 15.426s
ok runtime 13.908s
ok runtime 13.675s
##### sync -cpu=10
ok sync 0.118s
##### ../misc/cgo/stdio
##### ../misc/cgo/life
##### ../misc/cgo/test
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.667s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.633s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.623s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.003s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.003s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.003s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.003s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.003s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.002s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.638s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.004s
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.004s
##### Testing race detector
ok runtime/race 2.525s
ok flag 1.008s
ok os/exec 17.329s
ok flag 1.008s
ok os/exec 17.339s
##### ../misc/cgo/testgodefs
##### ../misc/cgo/testso
##### ../misc/cgo/testcarchive
##### ../misc/cgo/testcshared
##### ../misc/cgo/testasan
##### ../misc/cgo/errors
##### ../misc/cgo/testsigfwd
##### ../doc/progs
##### ../doc/articles/wiki
##### ../doc/codewalk
##### ../test/bench/shootout
##### ../test/bench/go1
ok _/home/sst/gosrc/go/test/bench/go1 2.024s
##### ../test
##### API check
+pkg crypto/tls, method (*Config) SetSessionTicketKeys([][32]uint8)
+pkg crypto/tls, type Certificate struct, SignedCertificateTimestamps [][]uint8
+pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, OCSPResponse []uint8
+pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, SignedCertificateTimestamps [][]uint8
+pkg crypto/x509, method (*CertificateRequest) CheckSignature() error
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassAddress = 1
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassAddress Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassBlock = 2
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassBlock Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassConstant = 3
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassConstant Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassExprLoc = 4
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassExprLoc Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassFlag = 5
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassFlag Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLinePtr = 6
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLinePtr Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLocListPtr = 7
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLocListPtr Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassMacPtr = 8
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassMacPtr Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRangeListPtr = 9
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRangeListPtr Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReference = 10
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReference Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceAlt = 13
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceAlt Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceSig = 11
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceSig Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassString = 12
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassString Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassStringAlt = 14
+pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassStringAlt Class
+pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Entry) AttrField(Attr) *Field
+pkg debug/dwarf, method (Class) GoString() string
+pkg debug/dwarf, method (Class) String() string
+pkg debug/dwarf, type Class int
+pkg debug/dwarf, type Field struct, Class Class
+pkg go/build, type Package struct, PkgTargetRoot string
+pkg go/constants, const Bool = 1
+pkg go/constants, const Bool Kind
+pkg go/constants, const Complex = 5
+pkg go/constants, const Complex Kind
+pkg go/constants, const Float = 4
+pkg go/constants, const Float Kind
+pkg go/constants, const Int = 3
+pkg go/constants, const Int Kind
+pkg go/constants, const String = 2
+pkg go/constants, const String Kind
+pkg go/constants, const Unknown = 0
+pkg go/constants, const Unknown Kind
+pkg go/constants, func BinaryOp(Value, token.Token, Value) Value
+pkg go/constants, func BitLen(Value) int
+pkg go/constants, func BoolVal(Value) bool
+pkg go/constants, func Bytes(Value) []uint8
+pkg go/constants, func Compare(Value, token.Token, Value) bool
+pkg go/constants, func Denom(Value) Value
+pkg go/constants, func Float32Val(Value) (float32, bool)
+pkg go/constants, func Float64Val(Value) (float64, bool)
+pkg go/constants, func Imag(Value) Value
+pkg go/constants, func Int64Val(Value) (int64, bool)
+pkg go/constants, func MakeBool(bool) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeFloat64(float64) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeFromBytes([]uint8) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeFromLiteral(string, token.Token, uint) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeImag(Value) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeInt64(int64) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeString(string) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeUint64(uint64) Value
+pkg go/constants, func MakeUnknown() Value
+pkg go/constants, func Num(Value) Value
+pkg go/constants, func Real(Value) Value
+pkg go/constants, func Shift(Value, token.Token, uint) Value
+pkg go/constants, func Sign(Value) int
+pkg go/constants, func StringVal(Value) string
+pkg go/constants, func Uint64Val(Value) (uint64, bool)
+pkg go/constants, func UnaryOp(token.Token, Value, uint) Value
+pkg go/constants, type Kind int
+pkg go/constants, type Value interface, Kind() Kind
+pkg go/constants, type Value interface, String() string
+pkg go/constants, type Value interface, unexported methods
+pkg go/importer, func Default() types.Importer
+pkg go/importer, func For(string, Lookup) types.Importer
+pkg go/importer, type Lookup func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
+pkg go/types, func NewConst(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, constants.Value) *Const
+pkg go/types, method (*Const) Val() constants.Value
+pkg go/types, type Config struct, Importer Importer
+pkg go/types, type Importer interface { Import }
+pkg go/types, type Importer interface, Import(string) (*Package, error)
+pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Value constants.Value
+pkg image/gif, const DisposalBackground = 2
+pkg image/gif, const DisposalBackground ideal-int
+pkg image/gif, const DisposalNone = 1
+pkg image/gif, const DisposalNone ideal-int
+pkg image/gif, const DisposalPrevious = 3
+pkg image/gif, const DisposalPrevious ideal-int
+pkg image/gif, type GIF struct, BackgroundIndex uint8
+pkg image/gif, type GIF struct, Config image.Config
+pkg image/gif, type GIF struct, Disposal []uint8
+pkg io, func CopyBuffer(Writer, Reader, []uint8) (int64, error)
+pkg log, const LUTC = 32
+pkg log, const LUTC ideal-int
+pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewReader(io.Reader) *Reader
+pkg mime/quotedprintable, method (*Reader) Read([]uint8) (int, error)
+pkg mime/quotedprintable, type Reader struct
+pkg reflect, func ArrayOf(int, Type) Type
+pkg reflect, func FuncOf([]Type, []Type, bool) Type
±pkg go/exact, const Bool = 1
±pkg go/exact, const Bool Kind
±pkg go/exact, const Complex = 5
±pkg go/exact, const Complex Kind
±pkg go/exact, const Float = 4
±pkg go/exact, const Float Kind
±pkg go/exact, const Int = 3
±pkg go/exact, const Int Kind
±pkg go/exact, const String = 2
±pkg go/exact, const String Kind
±pkg go/exact, const Unknown = 0
±pkg go/exact, const Unknown Kind
±pkg go/exact, func BinaryOp(Value, token.Token, Value) Value
±pkg go/exact, func BitLen(Value) int
±pkg go/exact, func BoolVal(Value) bool
±pkg go/exact, func Bytes(Value) []uint8
±pkg go/exact, func Compare(Value, token.Token, Value) bool
±pkg go/exact, func Denom(Value) Value
±pkg go/exact, func Float32Val(Value) (float32, bool)
±pkg go/exact, func Float64Val(Value) (float64, bool)
±pkg go/exact, func Imag(Value) Value
±pkg go/exact, func Int64Val(Value) (int64, bool)
±pkg go/exact, func MakeBool(bool) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeFloat64(float64) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeFromBytes([]uint8) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeFromLiteral(string, token.Token) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeImag(Value) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeInt64(int64) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeString(string) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeUint64(uint64) Value
±pkg go/exact, func MakeUnknown() Value
±pkg go/exact, func Num(Value) Value
±pkg go/exact, func Real(Value) Value
±pkg go/exact, func Shift(Value, token.Token, uint) Value
±pkg go/exact, func Sign(Value) int
±pkg go/exact, func StringVal(Value) string
±pkg go/exact, func Uint64Val(Value) (uint64, bool)
±pkg go/exact, func UnaryOp(token.Token, Value, int) Value
±pkg go/exact, type Kind int
±pkg go/exact, type Value interface, Kind() Kind
±pkg go/exact, type Value interface, String() string
±pkg go/exact, type Value interface, unexported methods
±pkg go/types, func Check(string, *token.FileSet, []*ast.File) (*Package, error)
±pkg go/types, func NewConst(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, exact.Value) *Const
±pkg go/types, method (*Const) Val() exact.Value
±pkg go/types, type Config struct, Import Importer
±pkg go/types, type Config struct, Packages map[string]*Package
±pkg go/types, type Importer func(map[string]*Package, string) (*Package, error)
±pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Value exact.Value
±pkg go/types, var DefaultImport Importer
±pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewReader(io.Reader) io.Reader
Installed Go for linux/amd64 in /home/sst/gosrc/go
Installed commands in /home/sst/gosrc/go/bin
*** You need to add /home/sst/gosrc/go/bin to your PATH.
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