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Created November 21, 2017 05:53
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Break the stateless rule
// This is a Go-like pseudocode.
// It is an attempt to breifly describe how a stateful service
// for a game server could potentially work.
// Objective: create a cluster of server instances ("nodes") where each node
// is stateful and dynamically aware of other nodes and can redirect
// an incoming request to the right node.
// 1. Every node embeds a cluster agent.
// The agent starts along with the server and constantly communicates with
// other agents in the cluster using a gossip protocol (
// This allowes each node to have an up-to-date (but eventually consistent)
// list of all other nodes at runtime.
func (srv *Server) startClusterAgent() error {
cfg := srv.cfg
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, fmt.Sprintf("cluster: agent: %s", cfg.Server.NodeId), log.LstdFlags)
agent, err := cluster.NewAgent(cfg.Cluster.AgentHost, cfg.Cluster.AgentPort, cfg.Server.NodeId, logger)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "create new agent")
if err := agent.Start(cfg.Cluster.KnownMembers...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "start cluster agent")
srv.clusterAgent = agent
return nil
// 2. When an incoming request arrives, it is initially load-balanced to some node in the cluster
// by some external load balancer. The node then decides wether it should process the request itself
// or forward it to another node. The decision is based on this info:
// - List of all currently available nodes
// - ID of the game
// - Constant hashing "rendezvous" algorithm which maps ID to a partucular node.
func (router *GameRouter) routeCommand(ctx actor.Context, env *mscore.Envelope) *mscore.Error {
// Determine the target node for this command
destinationNode := router.nodesHash.GetNodeName(fmt.Sprintf("%d", env.EntityId))
if destinationNode == "" {
return &mscore.Error{Code: "cluster.empty", Origin: ""}
// If it's local, forward to the local game actor
if router.nodesHash.IsLocal(destinationNode) {
router.ForwardToGame(ctx, env)
return nil
// At this moment it's clear that the command is not for local processing.
// So, forward the command to the topic of the destination node.
topic := msgsrv.GameNodeCommandsTopic(destinationNode)
if err := router.publisher.Publish(topic, env); err != nil {
err := errors.Wrapf(err, "publish to: %s", topic)
router.logger.Error("Failed to forward a game command", zap.String("cmd", env.Name), zap.Error(err))
return nil
// See the implementation of the rendezvous algorithm in the next file.
package rendezvous
import (
type Hash struct {
nodes []string
nodesMutex sync.RWMutex
func New(nodes []string) *Hash {
hash := &Hash{}
hash.nodes = make([]string, len(nodes))
copy(hash.nodes, nodes)
return hash
// Select one of the nodes based on an arbitrary string key.
func (h *Hash) Get(key string) string {
var maxScore, curScore uint32
var maxNode string
for _, node := range h.nodes {
curScore = calculateNodeScore(node, key)
if curScore > maxScore {
maxScore = curScore
maxNode = node
return maxNode
// Try add a new node to the list
func (h *Hash) Add(nodeToAdd string) bool {
defer h.nodesMutex.Unlock()
// Do not add the node if it's a duplicate
for _, node := range h.nodes {
if node == nodeToAdd {
return false
h.nodes = append(h.nodes, nodeToAdd)
return true
// DeleteNode tries to delete a given node from the list.
// If the node is found and then deleted, returns true.
func (h *Hash) Delete(nodeToDelete string) bool {
defer h.nodesMutex.Unlock()
maxIdx := len(h.nodes) - 1
for i, node := range h.nodes {
if node == nodeToDelete {
if i == maxIdx {
// Delete the last node
h.nodes = h.nodes[:i]
} else {
// Delete the node in the middle
h.nodes = append(h.nodes[:i], h.nodes[i+1:]...)
return true
return false
func calculateNodeScore(node, key string) uint32 {
var sum uint32
hashSum := md5.Sum([]byte(node + key))
for _, b := range hashSum {
sum += uint32(b)
return sum
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