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Because I couldn't get the user locale working with django-bootstrap3-datetimepicker, I created this little workaround (that I put in the <head></head> of my main template).
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$.fn.datetimepicker.defaults.locale = moment.locale('{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}');
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looking at this again perhaps moment_format should become an extra kwarg to the field which is transfered to both attrs: data-format and options: format

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My forms are very basics

class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
    date_to_pick = forms.DateField(
        widget=DateTimePicker(options={"format": "YYYY-MM-DD", "showClear": True}),

For the format of the date I want to set it like that YYYY-MM-DD regardless the language selected by the user. The reason I use locale is to get the widget with the right names for months and days (and also the right first day of week). Currently my app is available in English and French for the user, so depending on the language he chose he will get the widget like that:
Datetimepicker in French Datetimepicker in English

I tried to set the locale option through the declaration of the DateTimePicker widget :

  • By setting it statically it worked (with ̀'locale': 'fr'), but of course it wasn't what I was looking for
  • By setting it dynamically it failed (with django.utils.translation.get_language())

You're right about the fact I don't need to put my <script> block into the <head> but since I import all my *.js in the head (with the defer attribute) I just added this little block after the imports so almost all JS of my page is on the same part (except for the <script> block of the datetimepicker field).

Anyway, thank you again for your fork of the datetimepicker, it saved me a bunch a time.

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