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Last active March 15, 2018 23:04
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Changelog for ezQuake 3.1
### Main features updated
- Bug where some clients could crash during `/vid_restart` fixed
- Support for large map formats (BSP29a and BSP2) added
- FTE's VOIP support re-introduced. Must have SDL 2.0.5 or higher for microphone support
- Internal server updated to latest mvdsv - can now run KTX again
### Demo playback
- Multiview: revamped, various bugs fixed. Should now be more stable & consistent. Inset view less buggy.
- Linux: can now playback demo files from within .zip files
- Cope with svc_disconnect in .qwd with no explanation given (clients kicked)
- .dem playback doesn't break after connecting to server with protocol extensions enabled
- Fixed rounding errors caused by long uptime on server or through long qtv connection
- Matchless .mvd files should now play correctly
- Multiple items timers should be spawned when player picks up second mega
- Item timers weren't being spawned when player died with armor left over then picked up next armor
- `/demo_jump_mark` now detects marked points by any player/spec, not just the one currently tracked
- `/demo_jump_rewind` added, when demo mark detected the client will play this many seconds prior to the mark being inserted
- `/demo_capture` in image mode will now also produce a .wav file of the corresponding audio
- `/show keys` now works with recent race demos
- `$demoname` and `$demolength` macros added
- `/cl_demospeed` ignored during timedemo
- `/demo_capture_background_threads` allows background writing of screenshots
### HUD
- HUD group code improved - no longer spams error messages when picture can't be loaded
- New compact hud mode
- `score_enemy`, `score_team` HUD elements now respect `/teamlock` setting
- `weaponstats` hud element added, same functionality as `/scr_weaponstats`
- `frags` hud element has extra fliptext options, and can display fighting-game-style power bars
- `itemsclock` hud element has option to display simple item icon instead of 'RA' etc
- `itemsclock` can have item types filtered out (remove GA, for instance)
- `keys` hud element can target other players when playing back .qwd file
- Every hud element should now support the 'scale' property
- Radar improvements (can use simpleitems for icons, show arc of fov, highlighting name fixed)
- Added `gamesummary` hud element, flashing/counting total item pickups over match
- Added `/scr_sbar_lowammo` option to control low ammo warning when using oldhud
- Improved menu scaling on high resolutions
### Renderer
- Dynamic light performance improved (ported from fodquake)
- Can specify color of projectiles/shaft without creating custom textures (`/gl_custom_*_color`, `/gl_custom_*_fullbright`)
- `/r_shaftalpha` now works when custom lg color set
- `/r_rocketlightcolor` can now have an alpha element specified to control the strength of the effect
- `/cl_gibfilter` will now filter gibbed heads even before the player respawns
- `/gl_outline 2` option for visualising geometry (map developers only)
- `/crosshairscale` allows larger built-in crosshairs to be built (rather than just making small images bigger)
- `/crosshairscalemode` controls crosshair coordinates/sizes for pixel-to-pixel accuracy.
- `/r_skincolormodedead` added, `/r_skincolormode` for corpses (-1 to use same)
- Fix bug where `r_lerpframes` caused all statics to use frame 0 of the model file (aka: large torches on start.bsp)
- Menu is no longer scaled
- Support for translucent players in KTX's multi-race mode
- Support for alpha-tested textures in standard Quake maps, not just halflife BSPs
### Networking/server-browser
- Support for MVD protocol extension, improved coord accuracy for players & entity locations only
- Support for MVD protocol extension to help with movement through teleports on high ping (`cl_pext_lagteleport` to enable)
- Added `/cl_delay_packet_deviation` to create random variation in ping
- Fix issues with `/cl_delay_packet` (packet loss and jerky movement) when using the internal server
- Server browser no longer corrupts sources.txt when saving
- Server browser will now display searchstring when no servers match filter
### Input
- `/weapon 10` and `/weapon 12` implement client-side weapon cycling
- Negative `/m_accel` values now ignored
- `/vid_grab_keyboard` stops window manager keybinds from interfering with the client (or vice versa)
- `/vid_minimise_on_focus_loss` allows out of focus window to run fullscreen
- Caps-lock keyboard status doesn't toggle when using it as a bindable key (Windows only)
### System
- Gamma: supports ramp sizes other than 256
- Mod trying to open directory on linux now fails correctly
- Desktop resolution scaling now handled correctly on Windows
- `/vid_gamma_workaround` - runtime toggle of workaround to set hardware gamma on Linux
- `/gl_gamma 0` is not treated as `/gl_gamma 1` on startup
- `/cfg_load` now respects `/con_bindphysical` setting
- `/s_show 2` now functions in non-debug builds, if map is in standby
### Other/misc
- Meson build system added
- Standard connection qw:// URLs now set `/spectator 0`
- `/s_chat_custom 0` now disables chat noises again
- Menu: left/right now changes values, rather than changing tab
- `/tp_msg...` commands can be used in teamplay macros
- All thread-handling now uses SDL thread functions
- Recursive legacy commands are blocked correctly
- Fix crash when particle time set to 0
- Fix crash when MSAA not supported
- Fixed out-by-one bug on demo playlist
- Buffer overflow bug in server browser fixed.
- Buffer overflow bug in regular expression handling
- Defaults to using 128MB rather than 32MB for heapsize
- Team Fortress: 'flashed' state (blocking tp_msgpoint from working) wouldn't clear unless using MTFL ruleset
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