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p-adic numbers implemented in Python
# Finding roots of polynomials in p-adic integers using Hensel's lemma
from padic import *
from poly import *
def roots(p, poly):
'Yield all roots of polynomial in the given p-adic integers.'
for root in xrange(p):
yield PAdicPoly(p, poly, root)
except ValueError:
class PAdicPoly(PAdic):
'Result of lifting a root of a polynomial in the integers mod p to the p-adic integers.'
def __init__(self, p, poly, root):
PAdic.__init__(self, p)
self.root = root
self.poly = poly
self.deriv = derivative(poly)
# argument checks for the algorithm to work
if poly(root) % p:
raise ValueError("%d is not a root of %s modulo %d" % (root, poly, p))
if self.deriv(root) % p == 0:
raise ValueError("Polynomial %s is not separable modulo %d" % (poly, p))
# take care of trailing zeros
digit = self.root
self.val = str(digit)
self.exp = self.p
while digit == 0:
self.order += 1
digit = self._nextdigit()
# self.prec += 1
def _nextdigit(self):
self.root = ModP(self.exp * self.p, self.root)
self.root = self.root - self.poly(self.root) / self.deriv(self.root) # coercions automatically taken care of
digit = self.root // self.exp
self.exp *= self.p
return digit
class ModP(int):
'Integers mod p, p a prime power.'
def __new__(cls, p, num):
self = int.__new__(cls, int(num) % p)
self.p = p
return self
def __str__(self):
return "%d (mod %d)" % (self, self.p)
def __repr__(self):
return "%d %% %d" % (self, self.p)
# arithmetic
def __neg__(self):
return ModP(self.p, self.p - int(self))
def __add__(self, other):
return ModP(self.p, int(self) + int(other))
def __radd__(self, other):
return ModP(self.p, int(other) + int(self))
def __sub__(self, other):
return ModP(self.p, int(self) - int(other))
def __rsub__(self, other):
return ModP(self.p, int(other) - int(self))
def __mul__(self, other):
return ModP(self.p, int(self) * int(other))
def __rmul__(self, other):
return ModP(self.p, int(other) * int(self))
def __div__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ModP):
other = ModP(self.p, other)
return self * other._inv()
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return other * self._inv()
def _inv(self):
'Find multiplicative inverse of self in Z mod p.'
# extended Euclidean algorithm
rcurr = self.p
rnext = int(self)
tcurr = 0
tnext = 1
while rnext:
q = rcurr // rnext
rcurr, rnext = rnext, rcurr - q * rnext
tcurr, tnext = tnext, tcurr - q * tnext
if rcurr != 1:
raise ValueError("%d not a unit modulo %d" % (self, self.p))
return ModP(self.p, tcurr)
from fractions import Fraction
from sys import maxint
from modp import *
class PAdic:
def __init__(self, p):
self.p = p
self.val = '' # current known value
self.prec = 0 # current known precision, not containing trailing zeros
self.order = 0 # order/valuation of number
pass # initialize object as subclass perhaps
def get(self, prec, decimal = True):
'Return value of number with given precision.'
while self.prec < prec:
# update val based on value
self.val = str(int(self._nextdigit())) + self.val
self.prec += 1
if self.order < 0:
return (self.val[:self.order] + ('.' if decimal else '') + self.val[self.order:])[-prec-1:]
return (self.val + self.order * '0')[-prec:]
def _nextdigit(self):
'Calculate next digit of p-adic number.'
raise NotImplementedError
def getdigit(self, index):
'Return digit at given index.'
return int(self.get(index + 1, False)[0]) #int(self.get(index+1+int(index < -self.order))[-int(index < -self.order)])
# return value with precision up to 32 bits
def __int__(self):
return int(self.get(32), self.p)
def __str__(self):
return self.get(32)
# arithmetic operations
def __neg__(self):
return PAdicNeg(self.p, self)
def __add__(self, other):
return PAdicAdd(self.p, self, other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return PAdicAdd(self.p, other, self)
def __sub__(self, other):
return PAdicAdd(self.p, self, PAdicNeg(self.p, other))
def __rsub__(self, other):
return PAdicAdd(self.p, other, PAdicNeg(self.p, self))
def __mul__(self, other):
return PAdicMul(self.p, self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return PAdicMul(self.p, other, self)
# p-adic norm
def __abs__(self):
if self.order == maxint:
return 0
numer = denom = 1
if self.order > 0:
numer = self.p ** self.order
if self.order < 0:
denom = self.p ** self.order
return Fraction(numer, denom)
class PAdicConst(PAdic):
def __init__(self, p, value):
PAdic.__init__(self, p)
value = Fraction(value)
# calculate valuation
if value == 0:
self.value = value
self.val = '0'
self.order = maxint
self.order = 0
while not value.numerator % self.p:
self.order += 1
value /= self.p
while not value.denominator % self.p:
self.order -= 1
value *= self.p
self.value = value = not value
def get(self, prec, decimal = True):
return '0' * prec
return PAdic.get(self, prec, decimal)
def _nextdigit(self):
'Calculate next digit of p-adic number.'
rem = ModP(self.p, self.value.numerator) / ModP(self.p, self.value.denominator)
self.value -= int(rem)
self.value /= self.p
return rem
class PAdicAdd(PAdic):
'Sum of two p-adic numbers.'
def __init__(self, p, arg1, arg2):
PAdic.__init__(self, p)
self.carry = 0
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2
self.order = self.prec = min(arg1.order, arg2.order) # might be larger than this
arg1.order -= self.order
arg2.order -= self.order
# loop until first nonzero digit is found
self.index = 0
digit = self._nextdigit()
while digit == 0:
self.index += 1
self.order += 1
digit = self._nextdigit()
self.val += str(int(digit))
self.prec = 1
def _nextdigit(self):
s = self.arg1.getdigit(self.index) + self.arg2.getdigit(self.index) + self.carry
self.carry = s // self.p
self.index += 1
return s % self.p
class PAdicNeg(PAdic):
'Negation of a p-adic number.'
def __init__(self, p, arg):
PAdic.__init__(self, p)
self.arg = arg
self.order = arg.order
def _nextdigit(self):
if self.prec == 0:
return self.p - self.arg.getdigit(0) # cannot be p, 0th digit of arg must be nonzero
return self.p - 1 - self.arg.getdigit(self.prec)
class PAdicMul(PAdic):
'Product of two p-adic numbers.'
def __init__(self, p, arg1, arg2):
PAdic.__init__(self, p)
self.carry = 0
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2
self.order = arg1.order + arg2.order
self.arg1.order = self.arg2.order = 0 # TODO requires copy
self.index = 0
def _nextdigit(self):
s = sum(self.arg1.getdigit(i) * self.arg2.getdigit(self.index - i) for i in xrange(self.index + 1)) + self.carry
self.carry = s // self.p
self.index += 1
return s % self.p
# Polynomial class on Z or Z_p
from collections import defaultdict
class Poly:
'Polynomial class.'
def __init__(self, coeffs = None):
self.coeffs = defaultdict(int, isinstance(coeffs, int) and {0:coeffs} or coeffs or {})
self.deg = int(len(self.coeffs) and max(self.coeffs.keys()))
def __call__(self, val):
'Evaluate polynomial for a given value.'
res = 0
for i in xrange(self.deg, -1, -1):
res = res * val + self.coeffs[i]
return res
def __str__(self):
def term(coeff, expt):
if coeff == 1 and expt == 0:
return '1'
return ' * '.join(([] if coeff == 1 else [str(coeff)]) + \
([] if expt == 0 else ['X'] if expt == 1 else ['X ** %d' % expt]))
return ' + '.join(term(self.coeffs[i], i) for i in self.coeffs if self.coeffs[i] != 0)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
# arithmetic
def __neg__(self):
return Poly({(i, -self.coeffs[i]) for i in self.coeffs})
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Poly):
other = Poly(other)
res = Poly()
res.deg = max(self.deg, other.deg)
for i in xrange(res.deg+1):
res.coeffs[i] = self.coeffs[i] + other.coeffs[i]
return res
def __radd__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Poly):
other = Poly(other)
return other.__add__(self)
def __sub__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Poly):
other = Poly(other)
return self.__add__(other.__neg__())
def __rsub__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Poly):
other = Poly(other)
return other.__add__(self.__neg__())
def __mul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Poly):
other = Poly(other)
res = Poly()
res.deg = self.deg + other.deg # consider case where other is 0
for i in xrange(res.deg+1):
for j in xrange(i+1):
res.coeffs[i] += self.coeffs[j] * other.coeffs[i - j]
return res
def __rmul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Poly):
other = Poly(other)
return other.__mul__(self)
def __pow__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, int) or other < 0:
raise ValueError("Exponent %d is not a natural number" % other)
res = Poly(1)
while other:
res *= self
other -= 1
return res
X = Poly({1:1})
def derivative(p):
'Return derivative of polynomial.'
return Poly({(i - 1, i * p.coeffs[i]) for i in p.coeffs if i != 0})
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Kentzo commented May 16, 2019

As of Python 3 integers are of arbitrary precision and there is no maxint.

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