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Created February 7, 2020 00:27
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% Structured General Purpose Assignment
% LaTeX Template
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Ted Pavlic (
% Modified by:
% Joe Del Rocco (
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% Template values
\newcommand{\myName}{Manish Yadav}
\newcommand{\myCompany}{Starfleet Academy}
\newcommand{\myLocation}{1701 Lincoln Blvd, San Francisco, CA}
\newcommand{\myCourse}{EEL\ 6825}
\newcommand{\mySection}{Spring 2020}
\newcommand{\myTeacher}{Dr. Dapeng Wu}
\newcommand{\myAssignment}{Homework 1}
\newcommand{\myDueDate}{Friday,\ February\ 6,\ 2020}
% Colored links macro
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% Creates a counter to keep track of the number of problems
% Macro for custom title page signature header
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% Alternative - Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside
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% Assignment title
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{\centering \myCourse~: \mySection~: \myTeacher \par}
{\centering Due \myDueDate \par}
%{\centering Prepared w/ \LaTeX \par}
% Table of Contents
%\begin{homeworkProblem}[Exercise \#\arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Use for custom section title
Define $ND$ or $NotDominating = \{~f \mid \text{for some } x, f(x) < x~\}$.
%\begin{homeworkSection}{\homeworkProblemName:~(a)} % Use for repeating problem name
Show some minimal quantification of some known primitive recursive predicate that provides an upper bound for the complexity of $ND$.\par
We can quantify with primitive recursive predicates like so:\par
$\exists\langle x,t\rangle[STP(f,x,t) ~\&\&~ VALUE(f,x,t) < x]$\par
Because of the quantifier $\exists$, the problem is no harder than a problem in the RE (or Recursively Enumerable) problem class.
Show that $K \leq_m ND$, where $K = \{~ f \mid f(f) \text{ converges} ~\} = \{~ f \mid \varphi_f(f)\downarrow ~\}$.\par
Let $f$ be an arbitrary index of function.\par
Define $g_f(z) = \varphi_f(f) - \varphi_f(f) + z$\par
$f \in K \implies \forall z ~g_f(z) = z \implies g_f(z)\downarrow \implies g_f \in ND$\par
$f \notin K \implies \forall z ~g_f(z)\uparrow \implies g_f \notin ND$\par
Thus, $f \in K \iff g_f \in ND$\par
And so, $K \leq_m ND$
Consider the languages: \par
\hspace{0.5in} $ L = \{~ a^mb^nc^t \mid t=min(m,n) ~\} $ \par
Use the \textbf{Myhill-Nerode Theorem} to show that $L$ \textbf{is not} a \underline{Regular Language}.
\textbf{\small Proof Idea} \par
We need to find the equivalence classes of the language $L$, and show that you would need an infinite number of states to implement them. As an FSA cannot have infinite states, $L$ cannot be regular. \par
\textbf{\small Proof} \par
$a^ib^jc^j \notin L$, where $j > i$ \par
$a^ib^jc^j \in L$, where $i \geq j$ \par
Because there are no limits on $i$, there are a countably infinite number of these classes. Because a FSA must have a finite number of states, you cannot construct one to recognize $L$. Therefore $L$ is not a Regular Language.
Use the \textbf{Pumping Lemma for CFLs} to show that $L$ \textbf{is not} a \underline{Context Free Language}.
This is a proof by contradiction. \par
Assume $L$ is a Context Free Language. \par
And the \underline{Pumping Lemma for CFL} states that any string $s \in L = uvxyz$, where: \par
1. $\forall i \geq 0,~ uv^ixy^iz \in L$ \par
2. $\mid vy \mid > 0$ \par
3. $\mid vxy \mid \leq p$ \par
There are 2 cases to consider: (1) $t = n$, and (2) $t = m$. \par
\textbf{\small Case 1} \par
Choose string $s = a^mb^nc^t$, where $t=n$. \par
Then there are more $a$ than $b$, for example $a^3b^2c^2=aaabbcc$. \par
Let $i$ be $0$. \par
If $vxy$ contains both $a$ and $c$, then with $i=0$, the number of $c$ are not equal to either $a$ or $b$. \par
(for example $a^3b^2c^2=aaabbcc=aaa^0bbc^0c=aabbc~\notin~L$) \par
Thus we have a contradiction. \par
\textbf{\small Case 2} \par
Choose string $s = a^mb^nc^t$, where $t=m$. \par
Then there are less $a$ than $b$, for example $a^2b^3c^2=aabbbcc$. \par
Let $i$ be $0$. \par
If $vxy$ contains $a$ and $b$ but no $c$, then with $i=0$, $t \ne m$ and the number of $c \ne \min(m,n)$. \par
(for example $a^2b^3c^2=aabbbcc=aa^0bbb^0cc=abbcc~\notin~L$) \par
Thus we have a contradiction. \par
Therefore $L$ cannot be a Context Free Language.
Explain what a \underline{tachyon} is.\par
A tachyon is a subatomic particle that naturally exists at faster-than-light velocities. They can often be associated with time travel or produced as a byproduct of temporal distortions. Tachyons can exist both naturally, as in the tachyon eddies in the Bajoran system, and as the byproducts of certain technologies, such as cloaking devices and transporters. The detection of tachyons may lead to clues about recent temporal or spactial anomalous.
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