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Created January 29, 2020 23:46
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US Nuclear Generating Capacity Map

US Nuclear Generating Capacity Map

This Github repository all relevant code used to create an interactive map of US nuclear generating capacity. See the full blog post describing the map here.

.chroniton {
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.chroniton .play-button {
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fill: none;
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.x.axis path.domain {
.x.axis path.halo {
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0, playWidth,
0, 0].join(','),
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0, 0,
playWidth/3, 0,
playWidth/3, playWidth,
0, playWidth
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(playWidth / 2) + playWidth/3, playWidth,
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function chroniton() {
var margin = {top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20},
domain = [new Date('1/1/2000'), new Date()],
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// configurable options
keybindings = true,
playButton = false,
play = false,
noLabel = false,
loop = false,
playbackRate = 1,
// internal state
playLastTick = null,
labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d"),
// scales
xScale = d3.time.scale().clamp(true),
xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickSize(10, 0),
brush = d3.svg.brush(),
events = d3.dispatch('change', 'setValue');
function chart(selection) {
if (selection instanceof HTMLElement) selection =;
selection.each(function() {
if (playButton) { margin.left = 30; }
if (noLabel) { = 0; }
.range([0, width - margin.left - margin.right]);
.extent([domain[0], domain[0]])
.on('brush', brushed);
var svg =
var gEnter = svg.enter()
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svg .attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
var g ='g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')');'.x.axis')
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (height - margin.bottom - + ')')
var domainNode ='.x.axis .domain')
var axisNode ='.x.axis').node();
axisNode.insertBefore(domainNode, axisNode.childNodes[0]);'.domain')
.select(function() { return this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.cloneNode(true), this.parentNode.childNodes[0]); })
.attr('class', 'halo');'.x.axis .domain')
.on('click', function() {
if (playButton) {
var playButtonG = svg.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [8, + 13] + ')');
var playIcon = playButtonG.append('path')
.attr('transform', 'translate(2, 2)')
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var playRect = playButtonG.append('rect')
.attr('fill', 'none')
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.on('click', function() {
playIcon.attr('d', chart.playing() ? pauseD : playD);
var slider = g.append('g')
.attr('class', 'slider')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [0, height - margin.bottom - + 2] + ')')
var handle = slider.append('path')
.attr('d', handleD)
.attr('class', 'handle');
var textG = slider.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(0, -35)');
var labelText = textG
.attr('class', 'label');;
brush.on('brushstart', function() {
slider.classed('brushing', true);
}).on('brushend', function() {
slider.classed('brushing', false);
function setValue(value, transition) {
var v = new Date(Math.min(Math.max(+domain[0], +value), +domain[1]));
var s = slider;
if (transition) {
s = slider.transition();
if (transition.ease) s.ease(transition.ease);
if (transition.duration) s.duration(transition.duration);
}[v, v]))
events.on('setValue', setValue);
function brushed() {
var value = brush.extent()[0];
if (d3.event && d3.event.sourceEvent &&
d3.event.sourceEvent.type !== 'keydown') { // not a programmatic event
value = xScale.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0]);
brush.extent([value, value]);
handle.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + [xScale(value), 0] + ')';
.attr('text-anchor', 'left');
var textRadius = labelText.node().getComputedTextLength() / 2,
leftEdge = xScale(value) - textRadius,
rightEdge = xScale(value) + textRadius;
labelText.attr('transform', function(d) {
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return 'translate(' + [width - margin.left - textRadius * 2, 20] + ')';
} else {
return 'translate(' + [xScale(value) - textRadius, 20] + ')';
function jumpSize() { return +xScale.invert(10) - domain[0]; }
function ticker() {
if (!play) return;
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (playLastTick === null) playLastTick = now;
var playSinceLastTick = now - playLastTick,
tenthPx = (+xScale.invert(0.1) - +domain[0]) * playbackRate,
increment = playSinceLastTick * tenthPx;
chart.setValue(new Date(+brush.extent()[0] + increment));
playLastTick = now;
if (loop && chart.isAtEnd()) chart.setValue(domain[0]);
function keydown() {
if (!keybindings) return;
// right
switch (d3.event.which) {
case 39:
setValue(new Date(+brush.extent()[0] + jumpSize()));
case 37:
setValue(new Date(+brush.extent()[0] - jumpSize()));
chart.playbackRate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return playbackRate;
if (typeof _ !== 'number') throw new Error('argument must be a number of pixels per second');
playbackRate = _;
return chart;
}; = function() {
play = true;
return chart;
chart.playing = function() {
return play;
chart.playPause = function() {
if (play) chart.pause();
return chart;
chart.pause = function() {
playLastTick = null;
play = false;
return chart;
chart.stop = function() {
return chart;
chart.loop = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return loop;
if (typeof _ !== 'boolean') throw new Error('argument must be a boolean for whether to loop');
loop = _;
return chart;
chart.width = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return width;
width = _;
.range([0, width - margin.left - margin.right]);
return chart;
chart.tapAxis = function(_) {
if (typeof _ !== 'function') throw new Error('argument must be a function');
return chart;
chart.height = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return height;
if (typeof _ !== 'number') throw new Error('argument must be a numeric width');
height = _;
return chart;
chart.domain = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
domain = _;
.range([0, width - margin.left - margin.right]);
return chart;
chart.labelFormat = function(_) {
if (!_) return labelFormat;
if (typeof _ !== 'function') throw new Error('argument must be a label formatter function');
noLabel = false; = 10;
height = 50;
labelFormat = _;
return chart;
chart.hideLabel = function() {
labelFormat = d3.functor('');
noLabel = true; = 0;
height = 27;
return chart;
chart.getValue = function() {
return brush.extent()[0];
chart.isAtStart = function() {
return +brush.extent()[0] === +domain[0];
chart.isAtEnd = function() {
return +brush.extent()[0] === +domain[1];
chart.getScale = function() {
return xScale.copy();
chart.getMargin = function() {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(margin));
chart.setValue = function(_, transition) {
events.setValue(_, transition);
return chart;
chart.playButton = function(_) {
if (_ === undefined) return playButton;
if (typeof _ !== 'boolean') throw new Error('argument must be a boolean setting');
playButton = _;
return chart;
chart.keybindings = function(_) {
if (_ === undefined) return keybindings;
if (typeof _ !== 'boolean') throw new Error('argument must be a boolean setting');
keybindings = _;
return chart;
var timer = d3.timer(ticker);
var bound = d3.rebind(chart, events, 'on');
return bound;
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<title>US Nuclear Generating Capacity</title>
<!-- <h1>U.S. Nuclear Generation in <span id="year">1968</span></h1> -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<h1>U.S. Nuclear Generating Capacity (1968-2028)</h1>
<!--<p id="source">Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration</p> -->
<!-- <p id="label"></p> -->
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<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
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var plants = {},
startYear = 1968,
endYear = 2028,
currentYear = startYear;
var width = 1200,
height = 500;
//var width = window.innerWidth-100,
// height = window.innerHeight-100;
var projection = d3.geo.albersUsa()
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.attr("r", radius );
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return projection([d.longitude, d.latitude])[0];})
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return projection([d.longitude, d.latitude])[1];})
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div.html("<strong>" + d.plant_name + "</strong><br/>" +
(d.net_capacity < 0 ? Math.abs(d.net_capacity) + " MW lost" + "<br/>" + Math.abs( d.op_capacity ) + " MW operating" : Math.abs( d.op_capacity ) + " MW operating") +
"<br/>" + + ", " + d.state)
.on("mouseout", function(d) {
.style("opacity", 0);
.domain([new Date(startYear, 1, 1), new Date(endYear, 1, 1)])
.labelFormat(function(date) {
return Math.ceil((date.getFullYear()) / 1) * 1;
.on('change', function(date) {
var newYear = Math.ceil((date.getFullYear()) / 1) * 1;
if (newYear != currentYear) {
currentYear = newYear;
// circle
// .remove();
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legend.append("text").text("Capacity added").attr("x",15).attr("y",13).style("font-size","12px");
legend.append("text").text("Capacity lost").attr("x",15).attr("y",33).style("font-size","12px");
var sizes = [ 1000, 3000, 4000 ];
for ( var i in sizes ){
.attr( "r", ( sizes[i] )/70 )
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year plant_code plant_name capacity op_capacity net_capacity city state latitude longitude order
1968 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1969 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1970 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1971 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1972 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1973 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1974 46 Browns Ferry 1152.0 1152.0 1152.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1975 46 Browns Ferry 1152.0 2304.0 2304.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1976 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 2304.0 2304.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1977 46 Browns Ferry 1190.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1978 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1979 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1980 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1981 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1982 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1983 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1984 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1985 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1986 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1987 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1988 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1989 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1990 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1991 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1992 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1993 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1994 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1995 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1996 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1997 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1998 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1999 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2000 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2001 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2002 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2003 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2004 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2005 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2006 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2007 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2008 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2009 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2010 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2011 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2012 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2013 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2014 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2015 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2016 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2017 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2018 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2019 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2020 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2021 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2022 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2023 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2024 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2025 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2026 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2027 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
2028 46 Browns Ferry 0.0 3494.0 3494.0 Decatur AL 34.7042 -87.1189 63
1968 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1969 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1970 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1971 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1972 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1973 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1974 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1975 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1976 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1977 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1978 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1979 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1980 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1981 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1982 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1983 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1984 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1985 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1986 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1987 204 Clinton Power Station 1138.3 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1988 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1989 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1990 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1991 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1992 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1993 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1994 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1995 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1996 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1997 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1998 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1999 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2000 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2001 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2002 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2003 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2004 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2005 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2006 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2007 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2008 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2009 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2010 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2011 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2012 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2013 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2014 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2015 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2016 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2017 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2018 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2019 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2020 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2021 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2022 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2023 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2024 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2025 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2026 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2027 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
2028 204 Clinton Power Station 0.0 1138.3 1138.3 Clinton IL 40.1719 -88.8339 19
1968 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1969 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1970 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1971 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1972 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1973 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1974 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1975 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1976 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1977 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1978 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1979 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1980 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1981 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1982 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1983 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1984 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1985 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 1267.7 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1986 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1987 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1988 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1989 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1990 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1991 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1992 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1993 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1994 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1995 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1996 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1997 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1998 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1999 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2000 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2001 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2002 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2003 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2004 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2005 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2006 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2007 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2008 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2009 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2010 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2011 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2012 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2013 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2014 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2015 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2016 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2017 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2018 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2019 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2020 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2021 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2022 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2023 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2024 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2025 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2026 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2027 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
2028 210 Wolf Creek Generating Station 0.0 1267.7 1267.7 Burlington KS 38.23926 -95.68978 26
1968 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1969 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1970 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1971 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1972 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1973 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1974 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1975 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1976 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1977 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1978 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1979 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1980 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1981 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1982 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1983 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1984 371 Columbia Generating Station 1200.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1985 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1986 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1987 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1988 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1989 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1990 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1991 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1992 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1993 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1994 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1995 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1996 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1997 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1998 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1999 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2000 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2001 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2002 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2003 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2004 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2005 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2006 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2007 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2008 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2009 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2010 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2011 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2012 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2013 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2014 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2015 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2016 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2017 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2018 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2019 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2020 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2021 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2022 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2023 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2024 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2025 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2026 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2027 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
2028 371 Columbia Generating Station 0.0 1200.0 1200.0 Richland WA 46.4711 -119.3339 22
1968 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1969 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1970 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1971 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1972 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1973 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1974 566 Millstone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1975 566 Millstone 909.9 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1976 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1977 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1978 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1979 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1980 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1981 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1982 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1983 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1984 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1985 566 Millstone 0.0 909.9 909.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1986 566 Millstone 1253.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1987 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1988 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1989 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1990 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1991 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1992 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1993 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1994 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1995 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1996 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1997 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1998 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1999 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2000 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2001 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2002 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2003 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2004 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2005 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2006 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2007 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2008 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2009 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2010 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2011 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2012 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2013 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2014 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2015 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2016 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2017 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2018 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2019 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2020 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2021 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2022 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2023 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2024 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2025 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2026 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2027 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
2028 566 Millstone 0.0 2162.9 2162.9 Waterford CT 41.3107 -72.1677 45
1968 621 Turkey Point 0.0 0.0 0.0 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1969 621 Turkey Point 0.0 0.0 0.0 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1970 621 Turkey Point 0.0 0.0 0.0 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1971 621 Turkey Point 0.0 0.0 0.0 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1972 621 Turkey Point 877.2 877.2 877.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1973 621 Turkey Point 760.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1974 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1975 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1976 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1977 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1978 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1979 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1980 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1981 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1982 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1983 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1984 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1985 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1986 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1987 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1988 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1989 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1990 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1991 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1992 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1993 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1994 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1995 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1996 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1997 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1998 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1999 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2000 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2001 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2002 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2003 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2004 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2005 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2006 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2007 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2008 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2009 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2010 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2011 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2012 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2013 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2014 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2015 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2016 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2017 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2018 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2019 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2020 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2021 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2022 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2023 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2024 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2025 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2026 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2027 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
2028 621 Turkey Point 0.0 1637.2 1637.2 Homestead FL 25.4356 -80.3308 32
1968 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1969 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1970 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1971 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1972 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1973 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1974 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1975 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1976 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1977 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1978 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1979 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1980 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1981 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1982 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1983 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1984 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1985 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1986 649 Vogtle 0.0 0.0 0.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1987 649 Vogtle 1160.0 1160.0 1160.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1988 649 Vogtle 0.0 1160.0 1160.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1989 649 Vogtle 1160.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1990 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1991 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1992 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1993 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1994 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1995 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1996 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1997 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1998 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1999 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2000 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2001 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2002 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2003 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2004 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2005 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2006 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2007 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2008 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2009 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2010 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2011 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2012 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2013 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2014 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2015 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2016 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2017 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2018 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2019 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2020 649 Vogtle 0.0 2320.0 2320.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2021 649 Vogtle 1100.0 3420.0 3420.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2022 649 Vogtle 1100.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2023 649 Vogtle 0.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2024 649 Vogtle 0.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2025 649 Vogtle 0.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2026 649 Vogtle 0.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2027 649 Vogtle 0.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
2028 649 Vogtle 0.0 4520.0 4520.0 Waynesboro GA 33.1427 -81.7625 65
1968 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1969 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1970 869 Dresden Generating Station 1009.3 1009.3 1009.3 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1971 869 Dresden Generating Station 1009.3 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1972 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1973 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1974 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1975 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1976 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1977 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1978 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1979 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1980 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1981 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1982 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1983 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1984 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1985 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1986 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1987 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1988 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1989 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1990 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1991 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1992 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1993 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1994 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1995 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1996 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1997 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1998 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1999 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2000 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2001 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2002 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2003 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2004 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2005 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2006 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2007 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2008 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2009 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2010 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2011 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2012 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2013 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2014 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2015 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2016 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2017 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2018 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2019 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2020 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2021 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2022 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2023 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2024 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2025 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2026 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2027 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
2028 869 Dresden Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Morris IL 41.39 -88.27 43
1968 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1969 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1970 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1971 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1972 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 2018.6 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1973 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1974 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1975 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1976 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1977 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1978 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1979 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1980 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1981 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1982 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1983 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1984 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1985 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1986 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1987 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1988 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1989 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1990 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1991 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1992 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1993 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1994 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1995 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1996 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1997 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1998 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1999 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2000 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2001 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2002 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2003 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2004 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2005 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2006 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2007 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2008 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2009 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2010 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2011 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2012 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2013 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2014 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2015 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2016 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2017 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2018 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2019 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2020 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2021 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2022 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2023 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2024 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2025 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2026 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2027 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
2028 880 Quad Cities Generating Station 0.0 2018.6 2018.6 Cordova IL 41.726111 -90.310278 42
1968 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1969 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1970 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1971 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1972 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1973 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1974 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1975 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1976 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1977 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1978 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1979 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1980 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1981 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1982 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1983 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1984 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1985 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1986 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1987 1729 Fermi 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1988 1729 Fermi 1217.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1989 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1990 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1991 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1992 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1993 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1994 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1995 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1996 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1997 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1998 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1999 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2000 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2001 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2002 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2003 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2004 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2005 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2006 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2007 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2008 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2009 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2010 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2011 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2012 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2013 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2014 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2015 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2016 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2017 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2018 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2019 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2020 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2021 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2022 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2023 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2024 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2025 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2026 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2027 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
2028 1729 Fermi 0.0 1217.0 1217.0 Frenchtown Twp MI 41.9631 -83.2581 23
1968 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 0.0 0.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1969 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 0.0 0.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1970 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 0.0 0.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1971 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 685.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1972 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1973 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1974 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1975 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1976 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1977 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1978 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1979 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1980 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1981 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1982 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1983 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1984 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1985 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1986 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1987 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1988 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1989 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1990 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1991 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1992 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1993 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1994 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1995 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1996 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1997 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1998 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1999 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2000 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2001 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2002 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2003 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2004 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2005 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2006 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2007 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2008 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2009 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2010 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2011 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2012 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2013 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2014 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2015 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2016 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2017 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2018 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2019 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2020 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2021 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2022 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2023 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2024 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2025 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2026 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2027 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
2028 1922 Monticello Nuclear Facility 0.0 685.0 685.0 Monticello MN 45.3338 -93.8493 7
1968 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1969 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1970 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1971 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1972 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1973 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1974 1925 Prairie Island 1186.2 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1975 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1976 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1977 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1978 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1979 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1980 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1981 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1982 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1983 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1984 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1985 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1986 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1987 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1988 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1989 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1990 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1991 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1992 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1993 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1994 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1995 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1996 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1997 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1998 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1999 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2000 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2001 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2002 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2003 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2004 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2005 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2006 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2007 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2008 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2009 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2010 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2011 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2012 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2013 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2014 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2015 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2016 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2017 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2018 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2019 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2020 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2021 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2022 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2023 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2024 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2025 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2026 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2027 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
2028 1925 Prairie Island 0.0 1186.2 1186.2 Welch MN 44.622 -92.6333 20
1968 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1969 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1970 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1971 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1972 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1973 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1974 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1975 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1976 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1977 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 1170.0 1170.0 1170.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1978 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 1170.0 1170.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1979 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 1170.0 1170.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1980 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 1170.0 1170.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1981 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 1170.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1982 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1983 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1984 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1985 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1986 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1987 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1988 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1989 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1990 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1991 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1992 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1993 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1994 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1995 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1996 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1997 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1998 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1999 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2000 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2001 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2002 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2003 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2004 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2005 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2006 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2007 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2008 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2009 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2010 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2011 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2012 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2013 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2014 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2015 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2016 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2017 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2018 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2019 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2020 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2021 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2022 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2023 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2024 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2025 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2026 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2027 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
2028 2410 PSEG Salem Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4625 -75.5358 50
1968 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1969 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 641.8 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1970 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1971 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1972 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1973 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1974 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1975 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1976 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1977 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1978 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1979 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1980 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1981 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1982 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1983 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1984 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1985 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1986 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 641.8 641.8 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1987 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 1259.3 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1988 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1989 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1990 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1991 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1992 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1993 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1994 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1995 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1996 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1997 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1998 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1999 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2000 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2001 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2002 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2003 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2004 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2005 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2006 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2007 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2008 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2009 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2010 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2011 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2012 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2013 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2014 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2015 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2016 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2017 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2018 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2019 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2020 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2021 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2022 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2023 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2024 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2025 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2026 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2027 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
2028 2589 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 0.0 1901.1 1901.1 Lycoming NY 43.5211 -76.41 39
1968 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1969 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1970 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1971 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1972 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1973 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1974 3166 Peach Bottom 2876.4 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1975 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1976 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1977 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1978 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1979 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1980 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1981 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1982 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1983 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1984 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1985 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1986 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1987 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1988 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1989 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1990 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1991 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1992 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1993 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1994 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1995 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1996 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1997 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1998 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1999 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2000 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2001 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2002 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2003 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2004 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2005 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2006 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2007 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2008 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2009 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2010 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2011 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2012 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2013 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2014 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2015 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2016 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2017 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2018 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2019 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2020 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2021 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2022 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2023 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2024 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2025 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2026 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2027 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
2028 3166 Peach Bottom 0.0 2876.4 2876.4 Delta PA 39.758936 -76.268742 62
1968 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1969 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1970 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1971 3251 H B Robinson 768.6 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1972 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1973 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1974 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1975 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1976 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1977 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1978 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1979 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1980 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1981 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1982 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1983 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1984 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1985 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1986 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1987 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1988 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1989 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1990 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1991 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1992 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1993 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1994 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1995 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1996 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1997 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1998 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1999 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2000 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2001 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2002 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2003 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2004 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2005 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2006 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2007 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2008 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2009 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2010 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2011 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2012 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2013 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2014 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2015 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2016 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2017 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2018 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2019 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2020 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2021 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2022 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2023 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2024 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2025 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2026 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2027 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
2028 3251 H B Robinson 0.0 768.6 768.6 Hartsville SC 34.4017 -80.1589 8
1968 3265 Oconee 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1969 3265 Oconee 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1970 3265 Oconee 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1971 3265 Oconee 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1972 3265 Oconee 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1973 3265 Oconee 886.7 886.7 886.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1974 3265 Oconee 1780.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1975 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1976 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1977 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1978 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1979 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1980 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1981 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1982 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1983 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1984 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1985 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1986 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1987 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1988 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1989 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1990 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1991 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1992 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1993 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1994 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1995 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1996 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1997 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1998 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1999 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2000 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2001 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2002 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2003 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2004 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2005 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2006 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2007 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2008 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2009 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2010 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2011 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2012 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2013 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2014 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2015 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2016 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2017 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2018 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2019 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2020 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2021 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2022 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2023 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2024 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2025 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2026 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2027 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
2028 3265 Oconee 0.0 2666.7 2666.7 Seneca SC 34.7939 -82.8986 60
1968 3806 Surry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1969 3806 Surry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1970 3806 Surry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1971 3806 Surry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1972 3806 Surry 847.5 847.5 847.5 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1973 3806 Surry 847.5 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1974 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1975 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1976 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1977 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1978 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1979 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1980 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1981 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1982 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1983 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1984 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1985 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1986 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1987 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1988 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1989 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1990 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1991 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1992 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1993 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1994 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1995 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1996 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1997 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1998 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1999 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2000 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2001 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2002 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2003 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2004 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2005 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2006 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2007 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2008 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2009 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2010 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2011 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2012 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2013 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2014 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2015 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2016 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2017 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2018 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2019 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2020 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2021 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2022 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2023 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2024 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2025 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2026 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2027 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
2028 3806 Surry 0.0 1695.0 1695.0 Surry VA 37.1661 -76.6986 33
1968 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1969 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1970 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 643.0 643.0 643.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1971 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 643.0 643.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1972 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 643.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1973 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1974 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1975 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1976 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1977 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1978 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1979 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1980 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1981 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1982 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1983 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1984 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1985 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1986 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1987 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1988 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1989 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1990 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1991 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1992 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1993 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1994 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1995 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1996 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1997 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1998 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1999 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2000 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2001 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2002 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2003 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2004 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2005 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2006 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2007 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2008 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2009 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2010 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2011 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2012 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2013 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2014 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2015 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2016 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2017 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2018 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2019 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2020 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2021 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2022 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2023 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2024 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2025 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2026 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2027 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
2028 4046 Point Beach Nuclear Plant 0.0 1286.0 1286.0 Two Rivers WI 44.2806 -87.5369 27
1968 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1969 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1970 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1971 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1972 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1973 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1974 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1975 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1976 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1977 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1978 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1979 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1980 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1981 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1982 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1983 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1984 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1985 4270 Waterford 3 1199.8 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1986 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1987 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1988 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1989 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1990 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1991 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1992 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1993 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1994 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1995 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1996 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1997 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1998 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1999 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2000 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2001 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2002 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2003 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2004 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2005 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2006 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2007 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2008 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2009 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2010 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2011 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2012 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2013 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2014 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2015 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2016 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2017 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2018 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2019 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2020 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2021 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2022 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2023 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2024 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2025 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2026 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2027 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
2028 4270 Waterford 3 0.0 1199.8 1199.8 Killona LA 29.995267 -90.471581 21
1968 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1969 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1970 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1971 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1972 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1973 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1974 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1975 6000 Donald C Cook 1152.0 1152.0 1152.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1976 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 1152.0 1152.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1977 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 1152.0 1152.0 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1978 6000 Donald C Cook 1133.3 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1979 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1980 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1981 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1982 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1983 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1984 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1985 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1986 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1987 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1988 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1989 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1990 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1991 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1992 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1993 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1994 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1995 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1996 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1997 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1998 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1999 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2000 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2001 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2002 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2003 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2004 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2005 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2006 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2007 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2008 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2009 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2010 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2011 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2012 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2013 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2014 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2015 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2016 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2017 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2018 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2019 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2020 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2021 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2022 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2023 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2024 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2025 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2026 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2027 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
2028 6000 Donald C Cook 0.0 2285.3 2285.3 Bridgman MI 41.975604 -86.565206 48
1968 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1969 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1970 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1971 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1972 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1973 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1974 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1975 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1976 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1977 6001 Joseph M Farley 888.2 888.2 888.2 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1978 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 888.2 888.2 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1979 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 888.2 888.2 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1980 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 888.2 888.2 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1981 6001 Joseph M Farley 888.2 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1982 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1983 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1984 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1985 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1986 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1987 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1988 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1989 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1990 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1991 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1992 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1993 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1994 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1995 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1996 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1997 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1998 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1999 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2000 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2001 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2002 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2003 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2004 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2005 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2006 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2007 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2008 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2009 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2010 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2011 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2012 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2013 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2014 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2015 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2016 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2017 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2018 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2019 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2020 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2021 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2022 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2023 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2024 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2025 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2026 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2027 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
2028 6001 Joseph M Farley 0.0 1776.4 1776.4 Columbia AL 31.2231 -85.1116 35
1968 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1969 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1970 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1971 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1972 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1973 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1974 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1975 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1976 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1977 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1978 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1979 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1980 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1981 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1982 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1983 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1984 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1985 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1986 6008 Palo Verde 2806.4 2806.4 2806.4 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1987 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 2806.4 2806.4 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1988 6008 Palo Verde 1403.2 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1989 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1990 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1991 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1992 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1993 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1994 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1995 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1996 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1997 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1998 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1999 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2000 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2001 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2002 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2003 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2004 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2005 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2006 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2007 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2008 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2009 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2010 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2011 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2012 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2013 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2014 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2015 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2016 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2017 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2018 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2019 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2020 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2021 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2022 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2023 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2024 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2025 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2026 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2027 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
2028 6008 Palo Verde 0.0 4209.6 4209.6 Wintersburg AZ 33.3881 -112.8617 64
1968 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1969 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1970 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1971 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1972 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1973 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1974 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1975 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 918.0 918.0 918.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1976 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 918.0 918.0 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1977 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 910.7 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1978 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1979 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1980 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1981 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1982 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1983 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1984 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1985 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1986 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1987 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1988 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1989 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1990 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1991 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1992 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1993 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1994 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1995 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1996 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1997 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1998 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1999 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2000 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2001 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2002 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2003 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2004 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2005 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2006 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2007 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2008 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2009 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2010 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2011 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2012 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2013 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2014 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2015 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2016 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2017 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2018 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2019 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2020 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2021 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2022 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2023 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2024 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2025 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2026 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2027 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
2028 6011 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 1828.7 1828.7 Lusby MD 38.4344 -76.4417 36
1968 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1969 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1970 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1971 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1972 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1973 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1974 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1975 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 1001.6 1001.6 1001.6 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1976 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 1001.6 1001.6 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1977 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 1001.6 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1978 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1979 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1980 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1981 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1982 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1983 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1984 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1985 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1986 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1987 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1988 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1989 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1990 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1991 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1992 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1993 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1994 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1995 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1996 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1997 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1998 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1999 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2000 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2001 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2002 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2003 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2004 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2005 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2006 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2007 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2008 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2009 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2010 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2011 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2012 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2013 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2014 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2015 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2016 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2017 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2018 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2019 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2020 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2021 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2022 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2023 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2024 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2025 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2026 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2027 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
2028 6014 Brunswick Nuclear 0.0 2003.2 2003.2 Southport NC 33.9597 -78.0114 41
1968 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1969 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1970 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1971 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1972 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1973 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1974 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1975 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1976 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1977 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1978 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1979 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1980 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1981 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1982 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1983 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1984 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1985 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1986 6015 Harris 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1987 6015 Harris 950.9 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1988 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1989 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1990 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1991 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1992 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1993 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1994 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1995 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1996 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1997 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1998 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1999 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2000 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2001 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2002 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2003 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2004 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2005 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2006 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2007 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2008 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2009 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2010 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2011 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2012 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2013 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2014 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2015 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2016 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2017 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2018 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2019 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2020 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2021 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2022 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2023 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2024 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2025 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2026 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2027 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
2028 6015 Harris 0.0 950.9 950.9 New Hill NC 35.6334 -78.9556 14
1968 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1969 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1970 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1971 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1972 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1973 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1974 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1975 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1976 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1977 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1978 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1979 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1980 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1981 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1982 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1983 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1984 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1985 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1986 6020 Perry 0.0 0.0 0.0 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1987 6020 Perry 1311.6 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1988 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1989 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1990 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1991 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1992 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1993 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1994 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1995 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1996 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1997 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1998 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1999 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2000 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2001 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2002 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2003 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2004 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2005 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2006 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2007 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2008 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2009 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2010 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2011 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2012 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2013 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2014 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2015 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2016 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2017 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2018 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2019 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2020 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2021 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2022 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2023 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2024 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2025 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2026 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2027 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
2028 6020 Perry 0.0 1311.6 1311.6 Perry OH 41.8006 -81.1439 30
1968 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1969 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1970 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1971 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1972 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1973 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1974 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1975 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1976 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1977 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1978 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1979 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1980 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1981 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1982 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1983 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1984 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1985 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1986 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1987 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1988 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 2449.8 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1989 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1990 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1991 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1992 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1993 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1994 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1995 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1996 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1997 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1998 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1999 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2000 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2001 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2002 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2003 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2004 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2005 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2006 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2007 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2008 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2009 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2010 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2011 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2012 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2013 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2014 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2015 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2016 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2017 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2018 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2019 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2020 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2021 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2022 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2023 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2024 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2025 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2026 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2027 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
2028 6022 Braidwood Generation Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Braceville IL 41.2435 -88.2286 56
1968 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1969 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1970 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1971 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1972 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1973 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1974 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1975 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1976 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1977 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1978 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1979 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1980 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1981 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1982 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1983 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1984 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1985 6023 Byron Generating Station 1224.9 1224.9 1224.9 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1986 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 1224.9 1224.9 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1987 6023 Byron Generating Station 1224.9 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1988 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1989 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1990 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1991 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1992 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1993 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1994 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1995 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1996 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1997 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1998 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1999 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2000 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2001 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2002 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2003 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2004 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2005 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2006 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2007 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2008 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2009 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2010 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2011 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2012 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2013 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2014 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2015 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2016 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2017 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2018 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2019 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2020 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2021 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2022 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2023 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2024 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2025 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2026 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2027 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
2028 6023 Byron Generating Station 0.0 2449.8 2449.8 Byron IL 42.0742 -89.2819 57
1968 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1969 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1970 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1971 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1972 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1973 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1974 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1975 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1976 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1977 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1978 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1979 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1980 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1981 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1982 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1983 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1984 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 2340.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1985 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1986 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1987 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1988 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1989 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1990 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1991 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1992 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1993 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1994 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1995 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1996 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1997 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1998 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1999 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2000 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2001 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2002 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2003 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2004 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2005 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2006 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2007 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2008 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2009 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2010 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2011 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2012 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2013 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2014 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2015 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2016 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2017 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2018 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2019 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2020 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2021 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2022 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2023 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2024 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2025 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2026 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2027 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
2028 6026 LaSalle Generating Station 0.0 2340.0 2340.0 Marseilles IL 41.245498 -88.669066 51
1968 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1969 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1970 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1971 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1972 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1973 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1974 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1975 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1976 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1977 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1978 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1979 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1980 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1981 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1982 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1983 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1984 6036 Catawba 0.0 0.0 0.0 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1985 6036 Catawba 1205.1 1205.1 1205.1 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1986 6036 Catawba 1205.1 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1987 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1988 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1989 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1990 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1991 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1992 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1993 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1994 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1995 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1996 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1997 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1998 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1999 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2000 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2001 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2002 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2003 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2004 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2005 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2006 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2007 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2008 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2009 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2010 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2011 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2012 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2013 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2014 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2015 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2016 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2017 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2018 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2019 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2020 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2021 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2022 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2023 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2024 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2025 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2026 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2027 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
2028 6036 Catawba 0.0 2410.2 2410.2 York SC 35.0514 -81.0694 52
1968 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1969 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1970 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1971 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1972 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1973 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1974 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1975 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1976 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1977 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1978 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1979 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1980 6038 McGuire 0.0 0.0 0.0 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1981 6038 McGuire 1220.3 1220.3 1220.3 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1982 6038 McGuire 0.0 1220.3 1220.3 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1983 6038 McGuire 0.0 1220.3 1220.3 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1984 6038 McGuire 1220.3 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1985 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1986 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1987 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1988 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1989 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1990 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1991 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1992 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1993 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1994 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1995 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1996 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1997 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1998 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1999 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2000 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2001 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2002 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2003 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2004 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2005 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2006 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2007 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2008 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2009 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2010 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2011 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2012 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2013 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2014 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2015 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2016 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2017 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2018 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2019 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2020 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2021 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2022 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2023 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2024 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2025 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2026 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2027 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
2028 6038 McGuire 0.0 2440.6 2440.6 Huntersville NC 35.4331 -80.9486 54
1968 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1969 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1970 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1971 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1972 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1973 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1974 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1975 6045 St Lucie 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1976 6045 St Lucie 1080.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1977 6045 St Lucie 0.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1978 6045 St Lucie 0.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1979 6045 St Lucie 0.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1980 6045 St Lucie 0.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1981 6045 St Lucie 0.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1982 6045 St Lucie 0.0 1080.0 1080.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1983 6045 St Lucie 1080.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1984 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1985 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1986 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1987 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1988 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1989 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1990 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1991 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1992 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1993 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1994 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1995 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1996 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1997 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1998 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1999 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2000 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2001 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2002 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2003 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2004 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2005 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2006 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2007 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2008 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2009 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2010 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2011 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2012 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2013 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2014 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2015 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2016 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2017 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2018 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2019 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2020 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2021 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2022 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2023 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2024 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2025 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2026 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2027 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
2028 6045 St Lucie 0.0 2160.0 2160.0 Jensen Beach FL 27.348611 -80.246389 44
1968 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1969 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1970 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1971 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1972 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1973 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1974 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1975 6051 Edwin I Hatch 857.1 857.1 857.1 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1976 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 857.1 857.1 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1977 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 857.1 857.1 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1978 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 857.1 857.1 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1979 6051 Edwin I Hatch 864.7 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1980 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1981 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1982 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1983 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1984 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1985 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1986 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1987 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1988 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1989 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1990 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1991 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1992 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1993 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1994 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1995 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1996 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1997 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1998 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1999 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2000 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2001 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2002 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2003 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2004 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2005 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2006 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2007 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2008 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2009 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2010 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2011 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2012 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2013 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2014 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2015 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2016 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2017 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2018 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2019 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2020 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2021 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2022 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2023 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2024 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2025 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2026 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2027 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
2028 6051 Edwin I Hatch 0.0 1721.8000000000002 1721.8000000000002 Baxley GA 31.9342 -82.3447 34
1968 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1969 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1970 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1971 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1972 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1973 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1974 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1975 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1976 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1977 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1978 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1979 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1980 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1981 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1982 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1983 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1984 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 0.0 0.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1985 6072 Grand Gulf 1440.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1986 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1987 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1988 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1989 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1990 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1991 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1992 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1993 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1994 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1995 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1996 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1997 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1998 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1999 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2000 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2001 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2002 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2003 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2004 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2005 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2006 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2007 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2008 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2009 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2010 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2011 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2012 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2013 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2014 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2015 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2016 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2017 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2018 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2019 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2020 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2021 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2022 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2023 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2024 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2025 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2026 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2027 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
2028 6072 Grand Gulf 0.0 1440.0 1440.0 Port Gibson MS 32.0081 -91.0478 31
1968 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1969 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1970 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1971 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1972 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1973 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1974 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1975 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1976 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1977 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1978 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1979 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1980 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1981 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1982 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1983 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 1266.0 1266.0 1266.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1984 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 1266.0 1266.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1985 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 1266.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1986 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1987 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1988 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1989 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1990 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1991 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1992 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1993 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1994 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1995 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1996 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1997 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1998 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1999 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2000 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2001 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2002 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2003 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2004 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2005 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2006 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2007 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2008 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2009 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2010 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2011 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2012 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2013 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2014 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2015 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2016 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2017 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2018 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2019 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2020 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2021 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2022 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2023 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2024 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2025 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2026 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2027 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
2028 6103 TalenEnergy Susquehanna 0.0 2532.0 2532.0 Berwick PA 41.0919 -76.1462 58
1968 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1969 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1970 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1971 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1972 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1973 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1974 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1975 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1976 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1977 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1978 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1979 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1980 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1981 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1982 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1983 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1984 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1985 6105 Limerick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1986 6105 Limerick 1138.5 1138.5 1138.5 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1987 6105 Limerick 0.0 1138.5 1138.5 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1988 6105 Limerick 0.0 1138.5 1138.5 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1989 6105 Limerick 0.0 1138.5 1138.5 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1990 6105 Limerick 1138.5 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1991 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1992 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1993 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1994 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1995 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1996 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1997 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1998 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1999 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2000 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2001 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2002 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2003 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2004 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2005 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2006 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2007 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2008 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2009 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2010 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2011 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2012 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2013 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2014 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2015 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2016 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2017 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2018 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2019 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2020 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2021 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2022 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2023 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2024 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2025 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2026 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2027 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
2028 6105 Limerick 0.0 2277.0 2277.0 Sanatoga PA 40.224303 -75.58744 47
1968 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1969 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1970 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1971 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1972 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1973 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1974 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1975 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1976 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 883.3 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1977 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1978 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1979 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1980 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1981 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1982 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1983 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1984 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1985 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1986 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1987 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1988 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1989 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1990 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1991 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1992 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1993 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1994 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1995 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1996 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1997 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1998 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1999 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2000 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2001 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2002 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2003 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2004 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2005 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2006 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2007 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2008 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2009 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2010 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2011 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2012 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2013 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2014 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2015 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2016 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2017 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2018 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2019 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2020 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2021 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2022 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2023 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2024 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2025 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2026 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2027 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
2028 6110 James A Fitzpatrick 0.0 883.3 883.3 Lycoming NY 43.52139 -76.408394 11
1968 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1969 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1970 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1971 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1972 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1973 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1974 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1975 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1976 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1977 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1978 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1979 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1980 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1981 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1982 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1983 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1984 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1985 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1986 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1987 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1988 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1989 6115 Seabrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1990 6115 Seabrook 1242.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1991 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1992 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1993 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1994 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1995 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1996 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1997 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1998 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1999 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2000 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2001 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2002 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2003 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2004 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2005 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2006 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2007 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2008 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2009 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2010 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2011 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2012 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2013 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2014 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2015 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2016 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2017 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2018 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2019 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2020 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2021 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2022 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2023 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2024 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2025 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2026 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2027 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
2028 6115 Seabrook 0.0 1242.0 1242.0 Seabrook NH 42.899167 -70.848889 25
1968 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1969 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1970 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1971 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1972 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1973 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1974 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1975 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1976 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1977 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1978 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1979 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1980 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1981 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1982 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1983 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1984 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1985 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1986 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 1290.7 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1987 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1988 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1989 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1990 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1991 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1992 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1993 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1994 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1995 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1996 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1997 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1998 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1999 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2000 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2001 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2002 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2003 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2004 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2005 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2006 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2007 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2008 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2009 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2010 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2011 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2012 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2013 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2014 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2015 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2016 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2017 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2018 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2019 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2020 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2021 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2022 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2023 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2024 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2025 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2026 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2027 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
2028 6118 PSEG Hope Creek Generating Station 0.0 1290.7 1290.7 Hancocks Bridge NJ 39.4666 -75.5377 28
1968 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1969 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1970 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 614.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1971 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1972 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1973 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1974 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1975 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1976 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1977 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1978 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1979 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1980 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1981 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1982 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1983 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1984 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1985 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1986 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1987 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1988 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1989 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1990 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1991 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1992 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1993 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1994 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1995 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1996 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1997 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1998 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1999 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2000 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2001 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2002 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2003 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2004 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2005 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2006 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2007 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2008 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2009 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2010 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2011 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2012 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2013 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2014 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2015 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2016 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2017 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2018 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2019 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2020 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2021 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2022 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2023 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2024 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2025 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2026 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2027 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
2028 6122 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 0.0 614.0 614.0 Ontario NY 43.2777 -77.3099 4
1968 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1969 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1970 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1971 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1972 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1973 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1974 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1975 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1976 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1977 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1978 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1979 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1980 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1981 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1982 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1983 6127 V C Summer 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1984 6127 V C Summer 1029.6 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1985 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1986 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1987 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1988 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1989 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1990 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1991 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1992 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1993 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1994 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1995 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1996 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1997 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1998 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1999 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2000 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2001 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2002 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2003 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2004 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2005 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2006 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2007 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2008 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2009 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2010 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2011 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2012 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2013 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2014 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2015 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2016 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2017 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2018 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2019 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2020 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2021 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2022 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2023 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2024 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2025 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2026 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2027 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
2028 6127 V C Summer 0.0 1029.6 1029.6 Jenkinsville SC 34.2983 -81.3153 17
1968 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1969 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1970 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1971 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1972 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1973 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1974 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1975 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1976 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1977 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1978 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1979 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1980 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1981 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1982 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1983 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1984 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1985 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1986 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1987 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1988 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1989 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1990 6145 Comanche Peak 1215.0 1215.0 1215.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1991 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 1215.0 1215.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1992 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 1215.0 1215.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1993 6145 Comanche Peak 1215.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1994 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1995 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1996 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1997 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1998 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1999 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2000 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2001 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2002 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2003 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2004 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2005 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2006 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2007 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2008 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2009 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2010 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2011 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2012 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2013 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2014 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2015 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2016 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2017 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2018 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2019 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2020 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2021 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2022 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2023 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2024 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2025 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2026 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2027 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
2028 6145 Comanche Peak 0.0 2430.0 2430.0 Glen Rose TX 32.298365 -97.785515 53
1968 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1969 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1970 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1971 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1972 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1973 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1974 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1975 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1976 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1977 6149 Davis Besse 925.2 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1978 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1979 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1980 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1981 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1982 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1983 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1984 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1985 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1986 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1987 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1988 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1989 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1990 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1991 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1992 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1993 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1994 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1995 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1996 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1997 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1998 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1999 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2000 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2001 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2002 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2003 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2004 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2005 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2006 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2007 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2008 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2009 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2010 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2011 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2012 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2013 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2014 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2015 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2016 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2017 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2018 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2019 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2020 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2021 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2022 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2023 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2024 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2025 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2026 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2027 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
2028 6149 Davis Besse 0.0 925.2 925.2 Oak Harbor OH 41.5967 -83.0861 13
1968 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1969 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1970 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1971 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1972 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1973 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1974 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1975 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1976 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1977 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1978 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1979 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1980 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1981 6152 Sequoyah 1220.5 1220.5 1220.5 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1982 6152 Sequoyah 1220.5 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1983 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1984 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1985 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1986 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1987 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1988 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1989 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1990 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1991 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1992 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1993 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1994 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1995 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1996 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1997 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1998 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1999 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2000 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2001 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2002 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2003 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2004 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2005 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2006 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2007 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2008 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2009 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2010 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2011 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2012 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2013 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2014 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2015 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2016 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2017 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2018 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2019 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2020 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2021 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2022 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2023 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2024 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2025 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2026 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2027 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
2028 6152 Sequoyah 0.0 2441.0 2441.0 Soddy Daisy TN 35.2267 -85.0917 55
1968 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1969 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1970 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1971 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1972 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1973 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1974 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1975 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1976 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1977 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1978 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1979 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1980 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1981 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1982 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1983 6153 Callaway 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1984 6153 Callaway 1235.8 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1985 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1986 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1987 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1988 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1989 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1990 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1991 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1992 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1993 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1994 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1995 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1996 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1997 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1998 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1999 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2000 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2001 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2002 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2003 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2004 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2005 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2006 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2007 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2008 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2009 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2010 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2011 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2012 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2013 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2014 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2015 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2016 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2017 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2018 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2019 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2020 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2021 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2022 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2023 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2024 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2025 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2026 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2027 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
2028 6153 Callaway 0.0 1235.8 1235.8 Fulton MO 38.758919 -91.778841 24
1968 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1969 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1970 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1971 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1972 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1973 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1974 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1975 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1976 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1977 6168 North Anna 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1978 6168 North Anna 979.7 979.7 979.7 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1979 6168 North Anna 0.0 979.7 979.7 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1980 6168 North Anna 979.7 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1981 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1982 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1983 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1984 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1985 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1986 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1987 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1988 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1989 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1990 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1991 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1992 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1993 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1994 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1995 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1996 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1997 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1998 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1999 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2000 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2001 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2002 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2003 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2004 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2005 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2006 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2007 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2008 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2009 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2010 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2011 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2012 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2013 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2014 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2015 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2016 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2017 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2018 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2019 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2020 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2021 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2022 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2023 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2024 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2025 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2026 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2027 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
2028 6168 North Anna 0.0 1959.4 1959.4 Mineral VA 38.06 -77.7897 40
1968 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1969 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1970 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1971 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1972 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1973 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1974 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1975 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1976 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1977 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1978 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1979 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1980 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1981 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1982 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1983 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1984 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1985 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1986 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1987 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1988 6251 South Texas Project 1354.3 1354.3 1354.3 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1989 6251 South Texas Project 1354.3 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1990 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1991 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1992 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1993 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1994 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1995 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1996 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1997 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1998 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1999 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2000 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2001 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2002 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2003 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2004 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2005 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2006 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2007 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2008 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2009 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2010 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2011 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2012 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2013 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2014 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2015 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2016 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2017 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2018 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2019 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2020 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2021 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2022 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2023 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2024 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2025 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2026 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2027 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
2028 6251 South Texas Project 0.0 2708.6 2708.6 Wadsworth TX 28.795 -96.0481 61
1968 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1969 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1970 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1971 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1972 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1973 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1974 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1975 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1976 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1977 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1978 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1979 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1980 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1981 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1982 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1983 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1984 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1985 6462 River Bend 0.0 0.0 0.0 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1986 6462 River Bend 1035.9 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1987 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1988 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1989 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1990 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1991 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1992 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1993 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1994 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1995 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1996 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1997 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1998 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1999 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2000 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2001 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2002 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2003 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2004 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2005 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2006 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2007 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2008 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2009 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2010 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2011 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2012 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2013 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2014 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2015 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2016 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2017 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2018 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2019 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2020 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2021 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2022 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2023 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2024 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2025 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2026 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2027 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
2028 6462 River Bend 0.0 1035.9 1035.9 St. Francisville LA 30.757 -91.3327 18
1968 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1969 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1970 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1971 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1972 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1973 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1974 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1975 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1976 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1977 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1978 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1979 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1980 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1981 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1982 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1983 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1984 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1985 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1986 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1987 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1988 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1989 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1990 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1991 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1992 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1993 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1994 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1995 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1996 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1269.9 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1997 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1998 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1999 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2000 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2001 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2002 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2003 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2004 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2005 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2006 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2007 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2008 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2009 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2010 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2011 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2012 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2013 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2014 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2015 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 1269.9 1269.9 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2016 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1269.9 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2017 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2018 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2019 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2020 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2021 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2022 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2023 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2024 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2025 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2026 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2027 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
2028 7722 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.0 2539.8 2539.8 Spring City TN 35.6021 -84.7895 59
1968 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1969 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1970 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1971 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1972 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1973 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1974 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 801.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1975 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1976 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1977 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1978 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1979 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1980 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1981 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1982 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1983 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1984 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1985 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1986 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1987 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1988 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1989 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1990 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1991 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1992 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1993 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1994 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1995 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1996 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1997 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1998 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1999 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2000 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2001 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2002 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2003 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2004 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2005 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2006 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2007 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2008 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2009 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2010 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2011 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2012 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2013 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2014 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2015 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2016 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2017 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2018 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2019 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2020 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2021 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2022 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2023 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2024 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2025 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2026 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2027 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
2028 8036 Cooper Nuclear Station 0.0 801.0 801.0 Brownville NE 40.3628 -95.6408 9
1968 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1969 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1970 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1971 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1972 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1973 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1974 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 902.5 902.5 902.5 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1975 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 902.5 902.5 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1976 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 902.5 902.5 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1977 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 902.5 902.5 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1978 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 902.5 902.5 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1979 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 902.5 902.5 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1980 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 942.5 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1981 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1982 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1983 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1984 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1985 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1986 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1987 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1988 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1989 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1990 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1991 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1992 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1993 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1994 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1995 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1996 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1997 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1998 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1999 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2000 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2001 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2002 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2003 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2004 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2005 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2006 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2007 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2008 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2009 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2010 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2011 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2012 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2013 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2014 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2015 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2016 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2017 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2018 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2019 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2020 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2021 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2022 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2023 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2024 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2025 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2026 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2027 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
2028 8055 Arkansas Nuclear One 0.0 1845.0 1845.0 Russellville AR 35.311 -93.2351 37
1968 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1969 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1970 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1971 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1972 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1973 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1974 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1975 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1976 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1977 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1978 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1979 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1980 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1981 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1982 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1983 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1984 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1985 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1986 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1987 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1988 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1989 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1990 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1991 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1992 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1993 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1994 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1995 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1996 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1997 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1998 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1999 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2000 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2001 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2002 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2003 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2004 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2005 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2006 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2007 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2008 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2009 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2010 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2011 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2012 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2013 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2014 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2015 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2016 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2017 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2018 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2019 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2020 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2021 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2022 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2023 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2024 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2025 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2026 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 400.0 400.0 400.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2027 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 200.0 600.0 600.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
2028 61075 UAMPS Carbon Free Power Plant 0.0 600.0 600.0 Idaho Falls ID 43.519585 -112.046184 3
1968 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1969 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1970 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1971 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1972 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1973 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1974 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1975 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 679.5 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1976 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1977 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1978 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1979 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1980 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1981 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1982 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1983 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1984 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1985 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1986 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1987 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1988 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1989 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1990 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1991 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1992 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1993 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1994 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1995 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1996 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1997 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1998 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1999 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2000 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2001 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2002 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2003 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2004 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2005 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2006 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2007 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2008 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2009 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2010 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2011 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2012 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2013 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2014 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2015 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2016 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2017 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2018 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2019 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 679.5 679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2020 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center -679.5 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2021 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2022 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2023 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2024 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2025 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2026 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2027 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
2028 1060 Duane Arnold Energy Center 0.0 0.0 -679.5 Palo IA 42.1011 -91.7781 6
1968 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1969 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1970 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1971 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1972 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 670.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1973 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1974 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1975 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1976 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1977 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1978 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1979 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1980 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1981 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1982 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1983 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1984 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1985 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1986 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1987 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1988 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1989 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1990 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1991 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1992 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1993 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1994 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1995 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1996 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1997 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1998 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1999 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2000 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2001 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2002 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2003 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2004 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2005 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2006 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2007 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2008 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2009 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2010 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2011 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2012 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2013 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2014 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2015 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2016 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2017 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2018 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 670.0 670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2019 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station -670.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2020 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2021 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2022 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2023 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2024 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2025 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2026 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2027 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
2028 1590 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 0.0 0.0 -670.0 Plymouth MA 41.9438 -70.578 5
1968 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 0.0 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1969 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 0.0 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1970 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 0.0 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1971 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 0.0 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1972 1715 Palisades 811.8 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1973 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1974 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1975 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1976 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1977 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1978 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1979 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1980 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1981 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1982 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1983 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1984 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1985 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1986 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1987 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1988 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1989 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1990 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1991 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1992 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1993 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1994 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1995 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1996 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1997 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1998 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1999 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2000 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2001 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2002 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2003 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2004 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2005 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2006 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2007 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2008 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2009 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2010 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2011 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2012 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2013 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2014 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2015 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2016 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2017 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2018 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2019 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2020 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2021 1715 Palisades 0.0 811.8 811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2022 1715 Palisades -811.8 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2023 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2024 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2025 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2026 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2027 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
2028 1715 Palisades 0.0 0.0 -811.8 Covert MI 42.323 -86.3146 10
1968 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1969 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1970 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1971 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1972 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1973 2497 Indian Point 2 1299.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1974 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1975 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1976 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1977 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1978 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1979 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1980 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1981 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1982 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1983 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1984 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1985 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1986 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1987 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1988 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1989 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1990 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1991 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1992 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1993 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1994 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1995 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1996 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1997 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1998 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1999 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2000 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2001 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2002 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2003 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2004 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2005 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2006 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2007 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2008 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2009 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2010 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2011 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2012 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2013 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2014 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2015 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2016 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2017 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2018 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2019 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 1299.0 1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2020 2497 Indian Point 2 -1299.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2021 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2022 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2023 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2024 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2025 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2026 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2027 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
2028 2497 Indian Point 2 0.0 0.0 -1299.0 Buchanan NY 41.270556 -73.9527 29
1968 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1969 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1970 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1971 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1972 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1973 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1974 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1975 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1976 6040 Beaver Valley 923.4 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1977 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1978 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1979 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1980 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1981 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1982 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1983 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1984 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1985 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1986 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 923.4 923.4 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1987 6040 Beaver Valley 923.4 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1988 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1989 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1990 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1991 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1992 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1993 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1994 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1995 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1996 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1997 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1998 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1999 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2000 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2001 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2002 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2003 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2004 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2005 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2006 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2007 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2008 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2009 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2010 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2011 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2012 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2013 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2014 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2015 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2016 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2017 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2018 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2019 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2020 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 1846.8 1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2021 6040 Beaver Valley -1846.8 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2022 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2023 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2024 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2025 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2026 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2027 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
2028 6040 Beaver Valley 0.0 0.0 -1846.8 Shippingport PA 40.6219 -80.4336 38
1968 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1969 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1970 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1971 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1972 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1973 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1974 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1975 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1976 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1977 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1978 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1979 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1980 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1981 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1982 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1983 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1984 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1985 6099 Diablo Canyon 1159.0 1159.0 1159.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1986 6099 Diablo Canyon 1164.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1987 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1988 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1989 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1990 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1991 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1992 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1993 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1994 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1995 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1996 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1997 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1998 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1999 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2000 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2001 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2002 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2003 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2004 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2005 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2006 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2007 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2008 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2009 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2010 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2011 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2012 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2013 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2014 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2015 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2016 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2017 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2018 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2019 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2020 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2021 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2022 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2023 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 2323.0 2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2024 6099 Diablo Canyon -1159.0 1164.0 -1159.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2025 6099 Diablo Canyon -1164.0 0.0 -2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2026 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 -2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2027 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 -2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
2028 6099 Diablo Canyon 0.0 0.0 -2323.0 Avila Beach CA 35.211536 -120.855542 49
1968 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1969 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1970 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1971 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1972 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1973 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1974 8011 Three Mile Island 980.8 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1975 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1976 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1977 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1978 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1979 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1980 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1981 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1982 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1983 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1984 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1985 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1986 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1987 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1988 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1989 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1990 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1991 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1992 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1993 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1994 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1995 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1996 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1997 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1998 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1999 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2000 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2001 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2002 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2003 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2004 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2005 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2006 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2007 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2008 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2009 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2010 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2011 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2012 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2013 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2014 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2015 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2016 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2017 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2018 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 980.8 980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2019 8011 Three Mile Island -980.8 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2020 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2021 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2022 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2023 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2024 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2025 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2026 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2027 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
2028 8011 Three Mile Island 0.0 0.0 -980.8 Middletown PA 40.1515 -76.7232 15
1968 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1969 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1970 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1971 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1972 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1973 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1974 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1975 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1976 8907 Indian Point 3 1012.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1977 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1978 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1979 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1980 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1981 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1982 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1983 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1984 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1985 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1986 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1987 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1988 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1989 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1990 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1991 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1992 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1993 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1994 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1995 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1996 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1997 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1998 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1999 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2000 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2001 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2002 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2003 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2004 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2005 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2006 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2007 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2008 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2009 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2010 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2011 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2012 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2013 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2014 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2015 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2016 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2017 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2018 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2019 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2020 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 1012.0 1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2021 8907 Indian Point 3 -1012.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2022 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2023 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2024 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2025 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2026 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2027 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
2028 8907 Indian Point 3 0.0 0.0 -1012.0 Buchanan NY 41.2706 -73.9526 16
1968 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1969 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1970 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1971 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1972 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1973 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1974 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1975 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1976 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1977 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1978 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1979 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1980 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1981 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1982 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 0.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1983 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 1127.0 1127.0 1127.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1984 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 1127.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1985 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1986 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1987 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1988 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1989 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1990 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1991 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1992 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1993 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1994 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1995 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1996 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1997 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1998 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1999 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2000 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2001 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2002 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2003 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2004 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2005 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2006 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2007 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2008 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2009 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2010 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2011 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2012 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 2254.0 2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2013 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station -2254.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2014 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2015 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2016 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2017 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2018 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2019 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2020 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2021 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2022 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2023 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2024 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2025 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2026 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2027 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
2028 360 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 0.0 0.0 -2254.0 San Clemente CA 33.368794 -117.554916 46
1968 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1969 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1970 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1971 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1972 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1973 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1974 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1975 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1976 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1977 628 Crystal River 890.4 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1978 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1979 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1980 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1981 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1982 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1983 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1984 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1985 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1986 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1987 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1988 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1989 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1990 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1991 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1992 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1993 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1994 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1995 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1996 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1997 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1998 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1999 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2000 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2001 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2002 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2003 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2004 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2005 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2006 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2007 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2008 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2009 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2010 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2011 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2012 628 Crystal River 0.0 890.4 890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2013 628 Crystal River -890.4 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2014 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2015 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2016 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2017 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2018 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2019 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2020 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2021 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2022 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2023 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2024 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2025 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2026 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2027 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
2028 628 Crystal River 0.0 0.0 -890.4 Crystal River FL 28.9656 -82.6977 12
1968 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1969 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1970 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1971 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1972 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1973 2289 Fort Calhoun 502.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1974 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1975 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1976 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1977 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1978 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1979 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1980 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1981 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1982 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1983 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1984 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1985 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1986 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1987 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1988 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1989 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1990 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1991 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1992 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1993 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1994 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1995 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1996 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1997 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1998 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1999 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2000 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2001 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2002 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2003 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2004 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2005 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2006 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2007 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2008 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2009 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2010 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2011 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2012 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2013 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2014 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2015 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 502.0 502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2016 2289 Fort Calhoun -502.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2017 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2018 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2019 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2020 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2021 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2022 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2023 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2024 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2025 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2026 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2027 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
2028 2289 Fort Calhoun 0.0 0.0 -502.0 Blair NE 41.520522 -96.077511 1
1968 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 0.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1969 2388 Oyster Creek 550.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1970 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1971 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1972 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1973 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1974 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1975 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1976 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1977 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1978 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1979 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1980 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1981 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1982 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1983 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1984 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1985 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1986 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1987 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1988 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1989 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1990 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1991 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1992 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1993 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1994 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1995 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1996 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1997 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1998 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
1999 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2000 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2001 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2002 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2003 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2004 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2005 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2006 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2007 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2008 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2009 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2010 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2011 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2012 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2013 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2014 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2015 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2016 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2017 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 550.0 550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2018 2388 Oyster Creek -550.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2019 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2020 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2021 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2022 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2023 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2024 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2025 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2026 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2027 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
2028 2388 Oyster Creek 0.0 0.0 -550.0 Forked River NJ 39.8143 -74.2062 2
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