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Last active December 21, 2015 20:29
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Convert template from Handlebars to Mustache
function convertToMustache(str) {
var stack = [],
reg = /{{([#\/]?)(\w+)?\s?(..\/)?(\w+)?}}/g;
str = str.replace(reg, function (match, pre, helper, path, key) {
if (pre === '#') {
type: helper,
key: key
if (pre === '/') {
var obj = stack.pop();
if (obj.type === helper) {
key = obj.key;
} else {
throw new Error('match error');
if (helper === 'else') {
var obj = stack[stack.length - 1];
return '{{/' + obj.key + '}}{{^' + obj.key + '}}';
key = key || helper;
return '{{' + pre + key + '}}';
return str;
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