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Created October 15, 2022 16:03
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A function to generate rounded-edge bar charts in Plotly
var hr_bar_data = {{hr_bar_data|safe}}; // Django template language syntax
var bar_trace = {
x: [],
y: [],
name: 'HR Bar',
orientation: 'h',
marker: {
color: '#5058B8',
width: 1
type: 'bar',
//textposition: 'outside',
//texttemplate: '%{text}',
hoverinfo: 'none'
hr_bar_data.forEach((i) => bar_trace.x.push(i.value))
hr_bar_data.forEach((i) => bar_trace.y.push(i.gender))
//hr_bar_data.forEach((i) => bar_trace.text.push(`${i.percentage}%`))
var generate_bar_trace_radius_chart = (bar_trace, size = null, color = null) => {
return {
x: [ => e)],
y: [ => e)],
mode: 'markers',
type: 'scatter',
marker: { size: size === null ? bar_trace.marker.size : size, color: color === null ? bar_trace.marker.color : color }
var chart_data = [bar_trace, generate_bar_trace_radius_chart(bar_trace, 15)];
var layout = {
height: 50,
margin: { r: 50, t: 0, l: 60, b: 0, },
xaxis: { tickangle: 0, showticklabels: false, showgrid: false, zeroline: false, scaleratio:0.5, constraintoward:'left' },
yaxis: { gridwith: 0, linewidth: 10, linecolor: 'white'},
barmode: 'stack',
bargap: 0.4,
annotations: [],
Plotly.newPlot('hr-bar-chart', chart_data, layout, {displayModeBar: false, responsive:true, staticPlot: true});
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I have been using Plotly for more than 2 years. Generally, I am like that when I get requests to create rounded-edge bar charts, I postpone the requests. Today, I couldn't postpone :D I had to create a rounded-edge bar chart. I found this solution to create them: adding scatter charts on bar charts.

In the first picture, you see the rounded-edge bar charts. I am also eager to learn new approaches to handle this problem. If you have and share your techniques, I will be appreciated it. Happy charting!



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