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Last active June 30, 2024 08:02
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// BottomSheetView.swift
// Created by Majid Jabrayilov
// Copyright © 2019 Majid Jabrayilov. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
fileprivate enum Constants {
static let radius: CGFloat = 16
static let indicatorHeight: CGFloat = 6
static let indicatorWidth: CGFloat = 60
static let snapRatio: CGFloat = 0.25
static let minHeightRatio: CGFloat = 0.3
struct BottomSheetView<Content: View>: View {
@Binding var isOpen: Bool
let maxHeight: CGFloat
let minHeight: CGFloat
let content: Content
@GestureState private var translation: CGFloat = 0
private var offset: CGFloat {
isOpen ? 0 : maxHeight - minHeight
private var indicator: some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: Constants.radius)
width: Constants.indicatorWidth,
height: Constants.indicatorHeight
).onTapGesture {
init(isOpen: Binding<Bool>, maxHeight: CGFloat, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
self.minHeight = maxHeight * Constants.minHeightRatio
self.maxHeight = maxHeight
self.content = content()
self._isOpen = isOpen
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack(spacing: 0) {
.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: self.maxHeight, alignment: .top)
.frame(height: geometry.size.height, alignment: .bottom)
.offset(y: max(self.offset + self.translation, 0))
DragGesture().updating(self.$translation) { value, state, _ in
state = value.translation.height
}.onEnded { value in
let snapDistance = self.maxHeight * Constants.snapRatio
guard abs(value.translation.height) > snapDistance else {
self.isOpen = value.translation.height < 0
struct BottomSheetView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
BottomSheetView(isOpen: .constant(false), maxHeight: 600) {
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X901 commented Mar 9, 2022

@saroar Download SwiftUIX
use it like this

 .windowOverlay(isKeyAndVisible: self.$optionsShown, {
            GeometryReader { _ in
                    isOpen: $optionsShown
                ) {
                    if optionsShown {


you view will appear above TabBar try it =)
the reason is when using windowOverlay anything inside it will show above all window that why the Tabbar will move behind

Thanks man.

And many thanks for the gist...

No Problem

But there is one issue, Animation won’t work when opening it, it will appear without animation (From bottom to top)

I cannot find any way to make it work with animation

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dmikots commented Sep 15, 2022


I have this problem (

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I modified a little so i can have the same behavior as apple map does. Thank you for your solution anyway

import SwiftUI

fileprivate enum Constants {
    static let radius: CGFloat = 16
    static let indicatorHeight: CGFloat = 6
    static let indicatorWidth: CGFloat = 60
    static let snapRatio: CGFloat = 0.25
    static let minHeightRatio: CGFloat = 0.3

public enum BottomSheetDisplayType {
  case fullScreen
  case halfScreen
  case none

struct BottomSheetAdvanceView<Content: View>: View {
    @Binding var displayType: BottomSheetDisplayType

    let maxHeight: CGFloat
    let minHeight: CGFloat
    let content: Content

    @GestureState private var translation: CGFloat = 0
  //MARK:- Offset from top edge
    private var offset: CGFloat {
      switch displayType {
      case .fullScreen :
        return 0
      case .halfScreen :
        return maxHeight * 0.40
      case .none :
        return maxHeight - minHeight

    private var indicator: some View {
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: Constants.radius)
                width: Constants.indicatorWidth,
                height: Constants.indicatorHeight
        ).onTapGesture {
//            self.isOpen.toggle()

    init(displayType: Binding<BottomSheetDisplayType>, maxHeight: CGFloat, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
        self.minHeight = 70
        self.maxHeight = maxHeight
        self.content = content()
        self._displayType = displayType

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            VStack(spacing: 0) {
            .frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: self.maxHeight, alignment: .top)
            .frame(height: geometry.size.height, alignment: .bottom)
            .offset(y: max(self.offset + self.translation, 0))
                DragGesture().updating(self.$translation) { value, state, _ in
                    state = value.translation.height
                }.onEnded { value in
                  let snapDistanceFullScreen = self.maxHeight * 0.35
                  let snapDistanceHalfScreen =  self.maxHeight * 0.85
                  if value.location.y <= snapDistanceFullScreen {
                    self.displayType = .fullScreen
                  } else if value.location.y > snapDistanceFullScreen  &&  value.location.y <= snapDistanceHalfScreen{
                    self.displayType = .halfScreen
                  }else {
                    self.displayType = .none

Your version plays well but is it possible to support a "wrap content" height display type?

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Can it support dragging to open and close the list?

GeometryReader { geometry in
                isOpen: self.$bottomSheetShown,
                maxHeight: geometry.size.height * 0.7
            ) {
                List {
                    Text("A List Item")
                    Text("A Second List Item")
                    Text("A Third List Item")

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@ptsiogas can your version support scroll views or lists inside it?

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@tylerlantern How .animation(.interactiveSpring()) is changed to .animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: V) ?

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GMetaxakis commented Feb 2, 2024

@tylerlantern How .animation(.interactiveSpring()) is changed to .animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: V) ?

if you use @ptsiogas solution with
.animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: displayType)
or if you use the original
.animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: isOpen)

(only almost a year late)

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GMetaxakis commented Feb 2, 2024

@ptsiogas can your version support scroll views or lists inside it?


for using the with scrolling list in our solution we change the body to be scrollable or not based on the displayType

if the displayType is for fullscreen we render a scrollview with the content, otherwise only the content.

(You will need also a way to revert the displayType back to non-full screen after inverted scroll on your scroll list)
(only almost a year late)

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