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Created May 18, 2020 05:35
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mutation testing with redbaron and pytest
def inc(n):
"""increments n by one"""
return n + 1
def square(n):
"""squares n"""
return n ** 2
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from importlib import import_module
import io
import sys
import types
import pytest
from redbaron import RedBaron
def run_pytest_quietly():
with redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as _:
result = pytest.main([])
return result
module_name = sys.argv[1]
module = import_module(module_name)
with open(module.__file__) as fp:
source_code =
red_ast = RedBaron(source_code) # AST means Abstract Syntax Tree
initial_runner_state = run_pytest_quietly()
# keep track of mutations that pass all tests
passing_mutants = list()
# iterate over all nodes that match the query
for node in red_ast("binary_operator"):
# keep track of initial value
initial_node_value = node.value
# iterate over some alternative values for this node type
for alternative_value in ("-", "*", "/", "**", "%"):
# mutate the node and compile the source code
node.value = alternative_value
mutant_source_code = red_ast.dumps()
compiled_mutant_code = compile(mutant_source_code, "None", "exec")
# instanciate a new module and execute the compiled code
# in its local context
mutant_module = types.ModuleType(module_name)
exec(compiled_mutant_code, mutant_module.__dict__)
# put it back where the test runner can find it
sys.modules[module_name] = mutant_module
runner_state = run_pytest_quietly()
# check if the runner results changed
# different results means the tests detect the mutation
# and that is good
if runner_state == initial_runner_state:
# reset node to initial value
node.value = initial_node_value
# present the nodes that need better testing
source_code_lines = source_code.split("\n")
for mutant_node in passing_mutants:
bbox = mutant_node.absolute_bounding_box
f"line {bbox.top_left.line}, column {mutant_node.get_absolute_bounding_box_of_attribute('value').top_left.column}"
print("\n".join(source_code_lines[bbox.top_left.line - 1 : bbox.bottom_right.line]))
import mod
def test_inc_returns_int():
assert isinstance(, int)
assert isinstance(, int)
def test_inc_returns_larger_than_input():
assert 1 <
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