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Created May 4, 2020 09:47
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Visualize compartment summaries from odin
path_seirds_model <- system.file("examples/discrete_stochastic_seirds.R", package = "odin")
seirds_generator <- odin::odin(path_seirds_model)
x <- seirds_generator()
x_res <-, x$run(0:365)[, -1]))
compartment_name <- "R"
x_res <-
x_comp <- x_res[, .SD, .SDcols = patterns(compartment_name)]
quantz <- c(.025, .25, .5, .75, .0975)
summary_values <- purrr::map_dfc(quantz,
~matrixStats::rowQuantiles(as.matrix(x_comp), probs = .x, na.rm = T) )
names(summary_values) <- sprintf("q_%s",gsub(pattern = "\\.", "", quantz))
summary_values <- cbind(summary_values, mu = rowMeans(as.matrix(x_comp)))
#' @param dat the data
#' @param compartment_name names of one of the compartments
#' @param quantz the returned quantiles with x being returned by default
summarise_compartments <- function(dat, compartment_name, quantz, market_share = 1){
x_res <-
x_comp <- x_res[, .SD, .SDcols = patterns(compartment_name)]
quantz <- c(.025, .25, .5, .75, .975)
summary_values <- purrr::map_dfc(quantz,
probs = .x, na.rm = T)*market_share) )
names(summary_values) <- sprintf("q_%s",gsub(pattern = "\\.", "", quantz))
summary_values <- cbind(summary_values,
mu = rowMeans(as.matrix(x_comp)),
max_obs = matrixStats::rowMaxs(as.matrix(x_comp)))
out <- summarise_compartments(x_res, compartment_name = "E")
cone_colors <- c(
`teal` = "#00a2b2",
`navy` = "#00205b",
`lime` = "#b7d866",
`light orange` = "#f1bd51",
`cyan` = "#63ccff",
`purple` = "#7750a9"
horizon <- 14 # Days
first_date <- Sys.Date()
find_max <- max(matrixStats::rowMaxs(as.matrix(out[1:horizon,])))
out$date <-seq.Date(first_date, first_date +nrow(out)-1, "day")
cone_dark <- "#00A2B2"
op <- par(mar = c(1,1,1,1), col.main = cone_colors["navy"])
plot(NULL, xlim = c(first_date-1,first_date+horizon),
ylim = c(-3,ceiling(find_max/5)*5), frame.plot = FALSE,axes = FALSE,
xlab = '', ylab = 'Count',
main = sprintf("Evolution of %s",compartment_name), adj=0, xpd = NA)
lines(out[["date"]], out[[1]], lty = 2)
lines(out[["date"]], out[[2]], lty = 2, col = cone_colors["cyan"])
#lines(out[["date"]], out[[3]], lty = 2)
lines(out[["date"]], out[[4]], lty = 2, col = cone_colors["cyan"])
lines(out[["date"]], out[[5]], lty = 2)
lines(out[["date"]], out[["mu"]], col = cone_colors["teal"])
lines(out[["date"]], out[["max_obs"]], col = "grey90")
x_labs <- seq.Date(first_date, first_date +horizon-1, "day")
y_labs <- pretty(seq(0,find_max+5,5))
abline(h = y_labs, lty = 3, col = "grey90")
text(x = x_labs,
y = -2.5, adj=0,
labels = format(x_labs, "%d-%B"), srt = 90, col = "grey50")
text(x = first_date-1, y = y_labs, adj=1,
labels = y_labs, srt = 0, col = "grey50")
mtext(text = "CONE HEALTH",
side = 1,
adj = 0,
col = "black", padj = -.5)
mtext(text = "CONE",
side = 1,
adj =0, col = cone_colors[1], padj = -.5)
mtext(text = "Count", side = 2, col = "grey50")
points(x = history[["date"]][!violations],
y = history[["cases"]][!violations], pch = 19, col = cone_colors["light orange"])
points(x = history[["date"]][violations],
y = history[["cases"]][violations], pch = 19, col = "red")
history <- data.frame(
date = seq.Date(Sys.Date(), Sys.Date()+4, "day"),
cases = c(1,1,1,3,4)
violations <- history$cases>out$q_0975[1:nrow(history)]
plot_compartment_summary <- function(out, horizon = 14, first_date = Sys.Date(), history = NULL){
cone_colors <- c(
`teal` = "#00a2b2",
`navy` = "#00205b",
`lime` = "#b7d866",
`light orange` = "#f1bd51",
`cyan` = "#63ccff",
`purple` = "#7750a9"
find_max <- max(matrixStats::rowMaxs(as.matrix(out[1:horizon,])))
out$date <-seq.Date(first_date, first_date +nrow(out)-1, "day")
op <- par(mar = c(1,1,1,1), col.main = cone_colors["navy"])
plot(NULL, xlim = c(first_date-1,first_date+horizon),
ylim = c(-3,ceiling(find_max/5)*5), frame.plot = FALSE,axes = FALSE,
xlab = '', ylab = 'Count',
main = sprintf("Evolution of %s",compartment_name), adj=0, xpd = NA)
col=ggplot2::alpha("grey90",.5), border = FALSE)
lines(out[["date"]], out[[1]], lty = 2)
lines(out[["date"]], out[[2]], lty = 2, col = cone_colors["cyan"])
#lines(out[["date"]], out[[3]], lty = 2)
lines(out[["date"]], out[[4]], lty = 2, col = cone_colors["cyan"])
lines(out[["date"]], out[[5]], lty = 2)
lines(out[["date"]], out[["mu"]], col = cone_colors["teal"])
lines(out[["date"]], out[["max_obs"]], col = "grey90")
x_labs <- seq.Date(first_date, first_date +horizon-1, "day")
y_labs <- pretty(seq(0,find_max+5,5))
abline(h = y_labs, lty = 3, col = "grey90")
text(x = x_labs,
y = -2.5, adj=0,
labels = format(x_labs, "%d-%B"), srt = 90, col = "grey50")
text(x = first_date-1, y = y_labs, adj=1,
labels = y_labs, srt = 0, col = "grey50")
mtext(text = "CONE HEALTH",
side = 1,
adj = 0,
col = "black", padj = -.5)
mtext(text = "CONE",
side = 1,
adj =0, col = cone_colors[1], padj = -.5)
mtext(text = "Count", side = 2, col = "grey50")
violations <- history$cases>out$q_0975[1:nrow(history)]
points(x = history[["date"]][!violations],
y = history[["cases"]][!violations], pch = 19, col = cone_colors["light orange"])
points(x = history[["date"]][violations],
y = history[["cases"]][violations], pch = 19, col = "red")
history <- data.frame(
date = seq.Date(Sys.Date(), Sys.Date()+4, "day"),
cases = c(1,1,1,3,4)
out <- summarise_compartments(x_res, compartment_name = "E")
plot_compartment_summary(out, history = history)
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