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Created March 25, 2014 14:11
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Interval analysis of a Cantus firmus
import Music.Prelude.Basic hiding (Interval)
import Music.Pitch.Common.Interval (Interval)
main :: IO ()
main = openLilypond . showAnnotations' ""
. intervalAnnotations subjectDiff
. scat $ map reify subject
subject :: [BasicPitch]
subject = [c, d, f, e, f, g, a, g, e, d, c]
subjectDiff :: [Interval]
subjectDiff = zipWith (.-.) (tail subject) subject
reify :: BasicPitch -> Score BasicNote
reify = (`up` c) . (.-. c)
intervalAnnotations :: [Interval] -> (Score BasicNote -> Score BasicNote)
intervalAnnotations = foldr1 (.) . zipWith notate (map spanify [0..])
spanify :: Duration -> Span
spanify t = (origin .+^ t) >-> 1
notate :: Span -> Interval -> (Score BasicNote -> Score BasicNote)
notate s n = annotateSpan s (" " ++ showIntervalName n)
showIntervalName = filter (/= '_') . show
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