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Created February 23, 2020 11:21
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Another question about generic-data-surgery
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeApplications, DataKinds, TypeOperators,
DerivingStrategies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Inconsistency where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generic.Data.Surgery
import Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal
import Fcf
data Pet = Dog | Horse | Dragon
deriving (Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)
data Person = Person
{ name :: Text
, age :: Int
, pet :: Maybe Pet
} deriving GHC.Generic
-- addKey1 :: Person -> _
-- addKey1 p = fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int def $ toOR p
-- if I check the type of the wildcard in this expression ^, GHC tells me that I need:
type PersonWithId =
('GHC.MetaData "Person" "Inconsistency" "main" 'False)
('GHC.MetaCons "Person" 'GHC.PrefixI 'True)
((GHC.M1 GHC.S (DefaultMetaSel ('Just "pk")) (GHC.K1 GHC.R Int)
GHC.:*: GHC.M1
('Just "name")
(GHC.K1 GHC.R Text))
GHC.:*: (GHC.M1
('Just "age")
(GHC.K1 GHC.R Int)
GHC.:*: GHC.M1
('Just "pet")
(GHC.K1 GHC.R (Maybe Pet)))))
-- so that I can say:
addKey2 :: Person -> Data PersonWithId ()
addKey2 p = fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int 0 $ toOR p
-- but I can also define
type PersonWithIdSynthetic = Eval (InsertField 0 ('Just "pk") Int (GHC.Rep Person))
newtype Wrapper = Wrapper (Data PersonWithIdSynthetic ())
deriving newtype GHC.Generic
-- BUT, when I try to write:
addKey3 :: Person -> Wrapper
addKey3 p = Wrapper $ fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int 0 $ toOR p
-- I get:
-- Inconsistency.hs:74:23-70: error:
-- • Couldn't match type ‘GHC.M1
-- GHC.S
-- ('GHC.MetaSel
-- ('Just "pet")
-- 'GHC.NoSourceUnpackedness
-- 'GHC.NoSourceStrictness
-- 'GHC.DecidedLazy)
-- (GHC.K1 GHC.R (Maybe Pet))’
-- with ‘GHC.S1
-- ('GHC.MetaSel
-- ('Just "age")
-- 'GHC.NoSourceUnpackedness
-- 'GHC.NoSourceStrictness
-- 'GHC.DecidedLazy)
-- (GHC.Rec0 Int)
-- GHC.:*: GHC.S1
-- ('GHC.MetaSel
-- ('Just "pet")
-- 'GHC.NoSourceUnpackedness
-- 'GHC.NoSourceStrictness
-- 'GHC.DecidedLazy)
-- (GHC.Rec0 (Maybe Pet))’
-- arising from a use of ‘fromOR'’
-- • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
-- ‘fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int 0 $ toOR p’
-- In the expression:
-- Wrapper $ fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int 0 $ toOR p
-- In an equation for ‘addKey3’:
-- addKey3 p
-- = Wrapper $ fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int 0 $ toOR p
-- |
-- 74 | addKey3 p = Wrapper $ fromOR' $ insertRField' @"pk" @0 @Int 0 $ toOR p
-- | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- why are the two types differents?
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Lysxia commented Feb 23, 2020

Ah, I forgot that fromOR' and toOR introduce some normalization steps. So the synthetic type should really be

type PersonWithIdSynthetic = Arborify (Eval (InsertField 0 ('Just "pk") Int (Linearize (GHC.Rep Person))))

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Lysxia commented Feb 23, 2020

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