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Created March 27, 2011 17:35
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Knockout binding for jQuery.ui.widget
// knockout-jquery-ui-widget.js
// Copyright (c) 2011, Planapple, Inc.
// License: MIT (
// Knockout binding for jQuery UI widgets
// Examples:
// <input type="submit" value="OK" data-bind='jqueryui: "button"' />
// Attaches a jQuery UI button widget to this button, with default options.
// <input id='search'
// data-bind='jqueryui: { widget: "autocomplete",
// options: { source: searchCompletions(),
// delay: 500 } },
// value: searchString' />
// Attaches an autocomplete behavior to this search input box,
// binding in the contents of your viewModel.searchCompletions
// as the autocomplete possibilities and setting the autocomplete
// delay to 1/2 second. As viewModel.searchCompletions changes,
// the completions (autocomplete 'source') will automatically update.
// Also attaches the value of the <input> field to your
// viewModel.searchString, using Knockout's built-in 'value' binding.
// Note: the sequence }} confuses jQuery.template unless it's the end
// of an actual template tag, so be sure to put a space between }'s
// as shown above at the end of the options declaration.
(function($) {
ko.bindingHandlers['jqueryui'] = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
var widgetBindings = _getWidgetBindings(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel);
// Attach the jQuery UI Widget and/or update its options.
// (The syntax is the same for both.)
function _getWidgetBindings(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
// Extract widgetName and widgetOptions from the data binding,
// with some sanity checking and error reporting.
// Returns dict: widgetName, widgetOptions.
var value = valueAccessor(),
myBinding = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value),
allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
if (typeof(myBinding) === 'string') {
// Short-form data-bind='jqueryui: "widget_name"'
// with no additional options
myBinding = {'widget': myBinding};
var widgetName = myBinding.widget,
widgetOptions = myBinding.options; // ok if undefined
// Sanity check: can't directly check that it's truly a _widget_, but
// can at least verify that it's a defined function on jQuery:
if (typeof $.fn[widgetName] !== 'function')
throw new Error("jqueryui binding doesn't recognize '" + widgetName
+ "' as jQuery UI widget");
// Sanity check: don't confuse KO's 'options' binding with jqueryui binding's 'options' property
if (allBindings.options && !widgetOptions && element.tagName !== 'SELECT') {
throw new Error("jqueryui binding options should be specified like this:\n"
+ " data-bind='jqueryui: {widget:\"" + widgetName + "\", options:{...} }'");
return {
widgetName: widgetName,
widgetOptions: widgetOptions
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Note that this works for ALL jquery plug-ins that follow the options convention, not just jqueryui plugins.

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astrapi69 commented Jun 27, 2017

Hello @wendelln i forked the above fiddle and a working example is here

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