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Last active October 6, 2021 04:02
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Arithmetic Expression Evaluation
# This is to implement the idea I posted in my [StackOverflow answer](
# Sample input:
# (a+b)/c
# a=2;b=56;c=5
# We can assume that all variables are single letter, and there are only four operators: +-*/
# Expected output:
# (a+b)/c
# (2+56)/5
# 58/5
# 11.6
from enum import Enum, auto
class TokenType(Enum):
VARIABLE = auto()
OPERATOR = auto()
class Token:
# for variable and operator, `val` is the character
# for parentheses, `val` is the index of the other half
def __init__(self, type, value):
self.type = type
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.type}: {self.value}"
class NodeType(Enum):
NUMBER = auto()
VARIABLE = auto()
OPERATOR = auto()
class SyntaxNode:
# `parentheses_wrapped` is for outputing parentheses only
# if we only care about the final result then it's not necessary
def __init__(self, type, value, left=None, right=None, parentheses_wrapped=False):
self.type = type
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.parentheses_wrapped = parentheses_wrapped
def evaluate(self, context, callback=None):
if self.type == NodeType.NUMBER:
return self.value # no need to call callback here
elif self.type == NodeType.VARIABLE:
# replace with number node
if not self.value in context:
raise ValueError(f"Can't find value for variable {self.value}")
num = context[self.value]
self.type = NodeType.NUMBER
self.value = num
if callback:
return self.value
elif self.type == NodeType.OPERATOR:
new_val = None
if self.value == '+':
new_val = self.left.evaluate(context, callback) + self.right.evaluate(context, callback)
elif self.value == '-':
new_val = self.left.evaluate(context, callback) - self.right.evaluate(context, callback)
elif self.value == '*':
new_val = self.left.evaluate(context, callback) * self.right.evaluate(context, callback)
elif self.value == '/':
new_val = self.left.evaluate(context, callback) / self.right.evaluate(context, callback)
raise NameError('Unknown operator: {}'.format(self.val))
self.type = NodeType.NUMBER
self.value = new_val
self.left = None
self.right = None
if self.value >= 0:
self.parentheses_wrapped = False
if callback:
return new_val
def parse_expression_to_tokens(exp):
n = len(exp)
tokens = []
stack = []
for i in range(n):
c = exp[i]
if c == '(':
token = Token(TokenType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS, i) # save own index for now. change later
elif c == ')':
token = Token(TokenType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS, -1)
l_token = stack.pop()
token.value = l_token.value
l_token.value = i
elif c == '+' or c == '-' or c == '*' or c == '/':
tokens.append(Token(TokenType.OPERATOR, c))
else: # variable
tokens.append(Token(TokenType.VARIABLE, c))
return tokens
def priority_of_operator(operator):
if operator == '+' or operator == '-':
return 1
elif operator == '*' or operator == '/':
return 2
raise ValueError(f"Unknown operator: {operator}")
def parse_tokens_recursive(tokens, left, right):
count = right - left + 1
if count <= 0:
return None
# check if it's single variable node
if count == 1: # should be variable
token = tokens[left] # left == right
if token.type != TokenType.VARIABLE:
raise TypeError("Expect VARIABLE token")
return SyntaxNode(NodeType.VARIABLE, token.value)
# check if it's a parentheses wrapped node
if tokens[left].type == TokenType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS and tokens[right].type == TokenType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS:
root = parse_tokens_recursive(tokens, left + 1, right - 1)
root.parentheses_wrapped = True
return root
# rightmost lowest priority op index
op_index = None
i = right
while i >= left:
token = tokens[i]
if token.type == TokenType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS:
i = token.value - 1 # skip the whole parentheses
elif token.type == TokenType.OPERATOR:
if op_index:
if priority_of_operator(token.value) < priority_of_operator(tokens[op_index].value):
op_index = i
op_index = i
i -= 1
if not op_index:
raise ValueError("No operator is found")
left_subtree = parse_tokens_recursive(tokens, left, op_index - 1)
right_subtree = parse_tokens_recursive(tokens, op_index + 1, right)
root = SyntaxNode(NodeType.OPERATOR, tokens[op_index].value, left_subtree, right_subtree)
return root
# from right to left, find the first of the operator of the lowest priority, set it as root
def parse_tokens_to_tree(tokens):
return parse_tokens_recursive(tokens, 0, len(tokens) - 1)
def form_expression(root):
if not root:
return ""
result = ""
if root.parentheses_wrapped:
result += "("
result += form_expression(root.left) + str(root.value) + form_expression(root.right)
if root.parentheses_wrapped:
result += ")"
return result
def parse_binding_to_context(binding):
context = {}
for item in binding.split(';'):
pair = item.split('=')
context[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
return context
def batch_bind(root, context):
if not root:
if root.type == NodeType.VARIABLE:
if not root.value in context:
raise ValueError(f"Can't find value for variable {root.value}")
num = context[root.value]
root.type = NodeType.NUMBER
root.value = num
batch_bind(root.left, context)
batch_bind(root.right, context)
def print_tree_recursive(root, level):
if not root:
if root.parentheses_wrapped:
print(' ' * level + '(')
print(' ' * level + root.value)
print_tree_recursive(root.left, level + 1)
print_tree_recursive(root.right, level + 1)
if root.parentheses_wrapped:
print(' ' * level + ')')
def print_tree(root):
print_tree_recursive(root, 0)
# if `should_batch_bind` is set to True, variables will be replaced with number value in the same round
def evaluate_expression(exp, binding, should_batch_bind):
tokens = parse_expression_to_tokens(exp)
# print(tokens)
root = parse_tokens_to_tree(tokens)
# print_tree(root)
# print(form_expression(root))
context = parse_binding_to_context(binding)
# print(context)
if should_batch_bind:
batch_bind(root, context)
root.evaluate(context, lambda: print(form_expression(root)))
def main():
# exp = 'a+b-c'
# exp = '(a+b)/c'
exp = 'a/(b*(c-d))'
binding = 'a=2;b=56;c=5;d=37'
evaluate_expression(exp, binding, True)
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