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Created March 7, 2016 16:54
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def put_surplus_var(tab):
rows = len(tab)
cols = len(tab[0])
cols_add = rows - 1
tab = [x + [0]*cols_add for x in tab]
for i in range(1, rows):
for j in range(1, rows):
if i ==j:
tab[i][j+cols-1] = 1
tab[i][j+cols-1] = 0
return tab
def find_pivot_col(tab):
ret = min(tab[0])
if ret >= 0:
return -1
return tab[0].index(ret)
def find_pivot_row(tab, col):
pivot_row =0
min = -1
rows = len(tab)
cols = len(tab[0])
for i in range(1, rows):
ratio = tab[i][0]/tab[i][col]
if ((ratio > 0 and ratio < min) or min < 0):
min = ratio
pivot_row = i
if min == -1:
return -1
return pivot_row
def equals(a,b):
if a-b < 1.0e-5:
return True
return False
def pivot(tab, row, col):
rows = len(tab)
cols = len(tab[0])
pivot = tab[row][col]
for i in range(cols):
tab[row][i] /= pivot
for i in range(rows):
mul = tab[i][col]
if i == row:
for j in range(cols):
tab[i][j] -= mul*tab[row][j]
return tab
def pr_tab(tab):
print('\n'.join(['\t'.join(['{:4}'.format(item) for item in row]) for row in tab]))
def read_usr_input():
m = int(input("Enter matrix row sz: "))
n = int(input("Enter matrix col sz: "))
tab = []
print "Now, enter the elements:"
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
return [tab[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(tab), n)]
tab = read_usr_input()
print tab
# tab=[
# [0.0 , -0.5 , -3.0 ,-1.0 , -4.0], # Max: z = 0.5*x + 3*y + z + 4*w,
# [40.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0,], # x + y + z + w <= 40
# [10.0 , -2.0 , -1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0,], # -2x - y + z + w <= 10
# [10.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , -1.0,], # y - w <= 10
surplus_tab = put_surplus_var(tab)
p_col = find_pivot_col(surplus_tab)
if p_col < 0:
p_row = find_pivot_row(surplus_tab, p_col)
if p_row < 0:
print "unbounded"
print "pivot_row =", p_row, "pivot_col =", p_col
surplus_tab = pivot(surplus_tab, p_row, p_col)
if (iter > 100):
print "100+ iterations...Abort! "
print "iteration#", iter
print "Max is", surplus_tab[0][0]
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