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Created January 11, 2016 00:11
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local types = require "./serialize/types"
-- with: 4.4840000
-- without: 4.5080000
local pack = string.pack
local concat = table.concat;
local unpack = table.unpack;
local type = type;
local encoders = {
boolean = function( v )
return ">B", v and 1 or 0
float = function( v )
return ">n", v
integer = function( v )
return ">j", v
string = function( v )
return ">s4", v
["function"] = function( v )
local success, data = pcall( string.dump, v )
return ">s4", success and data or string.dump( function() end )
local function serialize( t )
local FormatTable = { }
local ArgTable = { }
local tabArray, tabAssoc = {}, {}
local valArray, valAssoc = {}, {}
local TabLength, ValLength = 1, 1;
local function populateDictionary( v )
if type( v ) == "table" then
if not tabAssoc[ v ] then
tabArray[ TabLength ] = v
tabAssoc[ v ] = TabLength
TabLength = TabLength + 1
-- use next so we don't infinite loop from __pairs
for k, v in next, v, nil do
populateDictionary( k )
populateDictionary( v )
if not valAssoc[ v ] then
valArray[ ValLength ] = v
valAssoc[ v ] = ValLength;
ValLength = ValLength + 1;
populateDictionary( t )
-- Write value data to output
for k = 1, #valArray do
local v = valArray[k]
local vType = math.type( v ) or type( v )
if not encoders[ vType ] then
error( "attempt to write unsupported type (" .. vType .. ")", 2 )
k = k * 2
FormatTable[ k - 1 ],
ArgTable[ k - 1 ],
FormatTable[ k ],
ArgTable[ k ] = ">B", types[vType], encoders[ vType ]( v )
-- Type of 0 signals end of value-set
FormatTable[ #FormatTable + 1 ],
ArgTable[ #ArgTable + 1 ] = ">B", 0
-- Write table data to output
FormatTable[ #FormatTable + 1 ],
ArgTable[ #ArgTable + 1 ] = ">j", #tabArray
local TableLength = #FormatTable + 1
for k, v in ipairs( tabArray ) do
-- use next so we don't infinite loop from __pairs
for k, v in next, v, nil do
FormatTable[ TableLength ],
FormatTable[ TableLength + 1 ],
FormatTable[ TableLength + 2 ],
FormatTable[ TableLength + 3 ] = ">B", ">j", ">B", ">j"
-- Write key data
if type( k ) ~= "table" then
ArgTable[ TableLength ],
ArgTable[ TableLength + 1 ] = 1, valAssoc[ k ]
ArgTable[ TableLength ],
ArgTable[ TableLength + 1 ] = 2, tabAssoc[ k ]
-- Write value data
if type( v ) ~= "table" then
ArgTable[ TableLength + 2 ],
ArgTable[ TableLength + 3 ] = 1, valAssoc[ v ]
ArgTable[ TableLength + 2 ],
ArgTable[ TableLength + 3 ] = 2, tabAssoc[ v ]
TableLength = TableLength + 4
-- Data-Type of 0 signals end of table
FormatTable[ TableLength ], ArgTable[ TableLength ] = ">B", 0
TableLength = TableLength + 1
TableLength = TableLength - 1
local dat = {}
local step = 2048;
for i = 1, TableLength - step + 1, step do
dat[ (i - 1) / step + 1 ] = pack(
concat( FormatTable, "", i, i + step - 1 ),
unpack( ArgTable, i, i + step - 1 )
local next = #dat * step + 1
dat[ #dat + 1 ] = pack(
concat( FormatTable, "", next, TableLength),
unpack( ArgTable, next, TableLength )
dat = table.concat(dat)
return dat
return serialize
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