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Created August 11, 2012 06:18
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Poker Puzzle
data Color = R | B | M | F deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Read)
cards = concat $ zipWith (zip.repeat) [R,B,M,F] ["4AQ", "23478J", "456QK", "5A"]
only f cs cp = filter (\x -> filter (f x ==) (map f cs) `cp` [f x]) cs
p1 = only snd cards (/=)
q1 = filter many cards where
many(c,n) = all number (filter ((==c).fst) cards)
number(c,n) = filter ((==n).snd) cards /= [(c,n)]
p2 = only snd q1 (==)
q2 = only fst p2 (==)
main = print q2
-- *Main> main
-- [(F,'5')]
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