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Last active August 4, 2017 20:58
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Roundtable - React & Redux

We use CodeSandbox for this interactive session.


JSX is just syntax sugar for some React JavaScript API. For example, the following JSX code ...

<DashboardUnit data-index="2">
  <Scoreboard className="results" scores={gameScores} />

gets transpiled to ...

React.createElement("div", { className: "red" }, "Children Text");
React.createElement(MyCounter, { count: 3 + 5 });

  { "data-index": "2" },
  React.createElement("h1", null, "Scores"),
  React.createElement(Scoreboard, { className: "results", scores: gameScores })

It's basically writing html in JavaScript. There are some difference though, for example, instead of using class, you should use className instead because class is ES6 reserved keyword.

Coding Practice 1

In Hello.js, change the JSX syntax to plain JS and see what happens.

import React from 'react';

export default ({ name }) => React.createElement(
  'h1', {}, `Welcome to ${name}`

You can add props as the second parameter.

import React from 'react';

export default function ({ name }) {
  	const props = {
    	'className': 'underlined'	
    return React.createElement(
        'h1', props, `Welcome to ${name}`

And add CSS to the html.

  .underlined {
    text-decoration: underline;

React Component

A JavaScript object that transfrom props and states into html. Let's try to add a barebone component to our App.

class TodoList extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        	This is a TodoList

const App = () => (
  <div style={styles}>
    <Hello name="CodeSandbox" />
    <h2>This is an awesome Todo List!</h2>

We can access props via this.props in a component instance. render is the function that converts state (see below) and props into JSX (aka html).

class TodoList extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        	This is a TodoList. It's made by {}

const App = () => (
  <div style={styles}>
    <Hello name="CodeSandbox" />
    <h2>This is an awesome Todo List!</h2>
    <TodoList author="diwu"/>

Every compoenent has a object state. This is ... it's state! =)

We can initial state in constructor and update state using setState. setState will trigger another component lifecycle so render gets called again.

class TodoList extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      'likeCount': 0
  onLike() {
      'likeCount': this.state.likeCount + 1
  render () {
    return (
              This is a TodoList. It's made by {}. {this.state.likeCount} people liked it!
              <button onClick={this.onLike.bind(this)}>Like!</button>

Single State Model

Note: I made up the term "Single State Model" :')

The idea here is to have a single global state and pass it to the top level component (in our case, <App/>).

let store = {
  'todos': [
  	// {'description': 'this is a description'}

And yes, we don't need a 'done' key in that todo object. TODOs are never done.

Let's add a form for adding todo.

  <input type="text" name="todo-description" id="todo-description" onChange={this.onTodoDescriptionChange.bind(this)}></input>
    <button onClick={this.onAdd.bind(this)}>Add</button>

We will also need to add a todoDescription key to the component state.

this.state = {
  'likeCount': 0,
  'todoDescription': '',

onTodoDescriptionChange is called when the <input/> text is changed, onAdd is called when new todo item is added.

onAdd() {
    'description': this.state.todoDescription,

onTodoDescriptionChange(evt) {

Finally we get to render the list of todos to the view using {}.

    { (todo) {
      return <li>{todo.description}</li>

Practice: Move likeCount to global state.

We sometimes will still have component level state because they just don't make sense to be global (like the todoDescription above).

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