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Last active November 28, 2022 12:43
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This markdown file explains how to first generate seeds and apply seeds via automation.


I've created repo for this here -

First, extract tables from psql

Script I used to extract tables from psql

This is to extract all tables from public schema into output file of temp.txt

postgres=> \o temp.txt
postgres=> \dt+ public.*

This would show raw output like

Schema |                 Name                 | Type  |  Owner   | Persistence | Access method |    Size    |             Description             
 public | account_status_types                 | table | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      | 
 public | api_keys                             | table | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      | 

Now we want those table names only. We could use cut command to trim through range of columns. I used following script to extract text from specific column of a text file

cut -c10-47 temp.txt >filtered_tables_list.txt

this will go and extract text from col 9 to col 47 and create rows in temp1.txt output file.

Result would look like


We got the list of tables now (filtered from raw text file). We could now use to generate seeds via hasura CLI which will use this text file for looping through tables and would generate seeds respectively.

Make sure if you are using config.yaml as a setup, then update endpoint value from which you are trying to generate seeds from. For admin secret, you can use --admin-secret flag or already pass it in config.yaml file. You will be prompted for entering your database name.


Post generation of seeds, apply seeds to specific

If you are using hasura CLI's config.yaml, then make changes accordingly (like changing endpoint to which you'll apply seeds against).

All seeds will be generated under directory seeds -> your_database_name -> all seeds. Here we can, run bash command

### type your database name here instead of "default".
find seeds/default 

Then you'll see the output like (raw)


Use generated seed filenames list and create bash script for applying those seeds via automation

Copy those lines and paste it into another newly created text file.

When you list all those seed filenames under one text file, then you can take out seed file name by trimming through columns of that text file by using cut command.

cut -c15-63 read.txt >temp2.txt   ### here 15 is starting column and 63 is ending column. Based on your format, you'll figure out which column range to trim out.

The resultant text file would contain (filtered from raw part)


Now copy this text file name and insert it into line no. 6 (i.e. seed_files variable). This will be responsible as input text file from which script will loop through and apply seeds with those seed file names.

seed_files=$(cat enter_your_text_file_name.txt)
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