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Last active May 21, 2021 16:36
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Instructions for setting up a Hugo site hosted on GitHub pages

Hey, this is how I set up personal site using Hugo, hosting it on Github pages and linked it to a domain bought through Google domains. Let me know if you have any questions!

  • Install Hugo (Mac)
> brew install hugo
> hugo new site SITE_NAME
> hugo new post/
  • Download a theme and add to project e.g.
> git submodule add themes/pickles
  • Use example site to get it up and running quickly
> cp -a themes/THEME_NAME/exampleSite/* .
  • Update config.toml to reflect theme change. This may involve changing the themesDir and theme fields. e.g.
> themesDir = "themes"
> theme = "pickles"
  • Github pages the site to be in a docs dir. Change config as follows
> publishDir = "docs"
  • Run generator - make the site!
> hugo
  • Create new repo on
  • Init new repo on parent dir and add remote url
> git more add origin REPO_ADDY
  • Add, commit and push changes
> git add .
> git commit -am 'init'
> git push origin master -u
  • Go to settings for repo on Github > Github pages > Source > select docs
  • May need to edit .gitmodules folder and change url to theme homepage rather than repo url e.g.
> [submodule "themes/pickles"]
	> path = themes/pickles
	> url =
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