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Created August 28, 2014 20:06
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Simulate poker chicken hands
from __future__ import print_function
from random import shuffle, seed
from itertools import product
from collections import Counter
ranks = list('23456789TJQKA')
alt_ranks = list('A23456789TJQK')
suits = list('CSHD')
new_deck = list(product(ranks, suits))
assert len(new_deck)==52
total_num_hands = 48
def score_hand(hand):
"""Given a hand, e.g., ["AC","KD","4D","4C","TH"], return
a sortable score tuple: (1, 2, 12, 11, 8)
a description of the hand: ['Pair', '4', 'A', 'K', 'T']
Totally Norvigy"""
hranks, hsuits = zip(*hand)
# First check if it's a flush or a straight
is_flush = True if len(set(hsuits)) == 1 else False
is_straight = False
def min_max_range(l): return max(l) - min(l)
if (len(set(hranks)) == 5 and
(min_max_range(sorted(map(ranks.index, hranks))) == 4 or
min_max_range(sorted(map(alt_ranks.index, hranks))) == 4)):
is_straight = True
# Then check if it's n-of-a-kind (pair, three, four, full house...)
# Sort cards, first by count, then high card down to low card
rank_counter = [(hranks.count(rank), rank) for rank in ranks]
rank_counter.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[0], -ranks.index(x[1])) )
is_n_of_a_kind = {2:False, 3:False, 4:False}
main_cards, high_cards = [], [] # cards that group vs just high cards
max_count, max_rank = rank_counter.pop(0)
if max_count == 4:
is_n_of_a_kind[4] = True
max_count, max_rank = rank_counter.pop(0)
elif max_count == 3:
is_n_of_a_kind[3] = True
max_count, max_rank = rank_counter.pop(0)
if max_count == 2: # full house
elif max_count == 2:
is_n_of_a_kind[2] = True
max_count, max_rank = rank_counter.pop(0)
if max_count == 2: # two pair
max_count, max_rank = rank_counter.pop(0)
while max_count == 1:
max_count, max_rank = rank_counter.pop(0)
# The one special case where the high card is not the ranks.index
# Move the Ace to the end of the list since it's now the low card
if set(hranks) == set("A2345"):
assert high_cards[0]=="A" and high_cards[1]=="5"
# Map my hand onto a hand-type and a score tuple
hand_map = [
(is_flush and is_straight and high_cards[0] == "A", "Royal Straight Flush"),
(is_flush and is_straight, "Straight Flush"),
(is_n_of_a_kind[4], "Four of a Kind"),
(is_n_of_a_kind[3] and is_n_of_a_kind[2], "Full House"),
(is_flush, "Flush"),
(is_straight, "Straight"),
(is_n_of_a_kind[3], "Three of a Kind"),
(is_n_of_a_kind[2] and len(main_cards)==2, "Two Pair"),
(is_n_of_a_kind[2], "Pair"),
(True, "High Card")
hand_order = list(reversed([h[1] for h in hand_map]))
hand_type = next(h[1] for h in hand_map if h[0] is True)
hand_ranks = main_cards + high_cards
hand_desc = [hand_type] + hand_ranks
def hand_to_score_tuple(hand_type, hand_cards):
"""Produce a tuple where if a>b, a is a better hand than b"""
return tuple([hand_order.index(hand_type)] +
[ranks.index(rank) for rank in hand_ranks])
return hand_to_score_tuple(hand_type, hand_ranks), hand_desc
def run(N, process_num=0, multi_probs=None, multi_secretary=None):
"""Make a table that tells me the probability that i have the top hand
e.g., [0]("High Card", "6") -> 0% chance
[46]("Royal Straight Flush", "A") -> 100% chance
def calc_secretary(_hand_scores, _best_hand, secretary):
# Secretary problem: when should i stop?
best_score_first_n = -1
for sn1 in range(len(_hand_scores)):
if _hand_scores[sn1]['hand_score'] > best_score_first_n:
best_score_first_n = _hand_scores[sn1]['hand_score']
for sn2 in range(sn1+1, len(_hand_scores)):
if _hand_scores[sn2]['hand_score'] > best_score_first_n:
if _hand_scores[sn2] == _best_hand:
secretary[sn1][0] += 1
secretary[sn1][1] += 1
secretary[sn1][1] += 1
deck = new_deck[:]
probs = {n:{} for n in range(total_num_hands)}
secretary = {n:[0,0] for n in range(total_num_hands)}
for _ in range(N):
hands = [deck[n:n+5] for n in range(len(deck)-4)]
assert len(hands) == total_num_hands
hand_scores = []
for handn, hand in enumerate(hands):
hand_score, hand_desc = score_hand(hand)
hand_scores.append( {"hand_score": hand_score, "hand_desc":hand_desc,
"hand":hand, "handn":handn} )
sorted_hand_scores = sorted(hand_scores, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x['hand_score'])
best_hand = sorted_hand_scores[0]
calc_secretary(hand_scores, best_hand, secretary)
for _n, hand_score in enumerate(hand_scores):
h = tuple(hand_score['hand_desc'][0:2])
handn = hand_score['handn']
assert handn==_n
# If there is a better hand ahead
if any(hand_scores[_n]['hand_score'] > hand_score['hand_score']
for _n in range(n+1, total_num_hands)):
if h not in probs[n]:
probs[n][h] = [1, 0]
probs[n][h][0] += 1
if h not in probs[n]:
probs[n][h] = [0, 1]
probs[n][h][1] += 1
if multi_probs is not None:
multi_probs[process_num] = probs
multi_secretary[process_num] = secretary
return probs, secretary
def convert_to_lua_table(fname):
"""From pokerchicken.lua:
local hand_map = {[1]="High Card", [2]="Pair", [3]="Two Pair",
[4]="Three of a Kind", [5]="Straight", [6]="Flush",
[7]="Full House", [8]="Four of a Kind", [9]="Straight Flush"}
lua_map = {"High Card":1, "Pair":2, "Two Pair":3, "Three of a Kind":4, "Straight":5,
"Flush":6, "Full House":7, "Four of a Kind":8, "Straight Flush":9,
"Royal Straight Flush":9}
d = eval(open(fname).read())
ld = []
for hand_type in sorted(lua_map):
for rank in ranks:
#ld.append([hand_type]) # to see what's going on...
for n in range(total_num_hands):
if (hand_type, rank) in d[n]:
vals = d[n][(hand_type, rank)]
ld[-1].append(float(vals[1]) / (vals[0] + vals[1]))
out = open("stats.lua", 'w')
out.write("local M={")
for row in ld:
out.write('["%s_%s"]={' % (row[0], row[1]))
out.write(','.join("%.3g" % n for n in row[2:]))
out.write("}\nreturn M\n")
def plot_secretary(secretary):
from matplotlib import pyplot
import math
pyplot.plot([t[0]/(t[1]+.1) for t in secretary.values()])
pyplot.axvline(x=total_num_hands/math.e, ymin=0, ymax=1)
# Mains
def main(iters):
from pprint import pprint
probs, secretary = run(iters)
def multi_main(num_processes, iters):
import multiprocessing
from pprint import pprint
from copy import copy, deepcopy
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
multi_probs = manager.dict()
multi_secretary = manager.dict()
procs = []
for process_num in range(num_processes):
procs.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=run, args=(iters, process_num,
multi_probs, multi_secretary)))
for p in procs: p.start()
for p in procs: p.join()
# Combine results from all my processes into one dictionary
probs = deepcopy(dict(multi_probs[0]))
for process_num in range(1, num_processes):
mprobs = multi_probs[process_num]
for handn in mprobs:
for hand_type in mprobs[handn]:
if hand_type not in probs[handn]:
probs[handn][hand_type] = copy(mprobs[handn][hand_type])
probs[handn][hand_type][0] += mprobs[handn][hand_type][0]
probs[handn][hand_type][1] += mprobs[handn][hand_type][1]
if __name__=='__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.mode == "main":
elif args.mode == "multi":
import multiprocessing
use_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-3
multi_main(use_cpus, int(1e7)/use_cpus)
elif args.mode == "lua":
print("Bad argument: {}".format(args.mode))
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