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Created April 1, 2021 16:07
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Gulpfile.js portions relevant to production config before it was destroyed
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build Remove test fixtures (directives) in HTML only on live build
// -------------------------------------
gulp.task('build-remove-test-fixtures', function (done) {
var params = require('yargs')
.option('dest', {
demand: false,
default: 'root@localhost:/var/www/virtual/',
type: 'string' })
var base = './src/angular-app';
var glob = path.join(base, '**/*.html');
// only on live
if (!params.dest.includes('/var/www/virtual/') &&
(params.dest.endsWith('') || params.dest.endsWith(''))) {
return gulp.src(glob)
.pipe(replace(/^.*<pui-mock-upload.*$/m, '\n'))
} else {
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build (Concat and ) Minify
// -------------------------------------
gulp.task('build-minify', function () {
var params = require('yargs')
.option('applicationName', {
demand: true,
type: 'string' })
.option('doNoCompression', {
demand: false,
type: 'boolean' })
var minifySrc = [
'src/angular-app/' + params.applicationName + '/**/*.js',
var minJsFile = params.applicationName + '.min.js';
var dest = 'src/js/lib/';
if (params.doNoCompression) {
return gulp.src(minifySrc)
} else {
return gulp.src(minifySrc)
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build Version
// -------------------------------------
gulp.task('build-version', function () {
var params = require('yargs')
.option('buildNumber', {
demand: true,
type: 'string' })
console.log('version =', params.buildNumber);
return gulp.src('src/version.php')
/^(define\('VERSION', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.buildNumber + '\');'))
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build Production Config
// -------------------------------------
gulp.task('build-productionConfig', function () {
// Pass Google client ID and secret via environment variables so they don't show up in the build
// logs
var defaultMongodbConnection = 'db:27017';
var googleClientId = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID;
if (googleClientId === undefined) {
googleClientId = 'googleClientId';
var googleClientSecret = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET;
if (googleClientSecret === undefined) {
googleClientSecret = 'googleClientSecret';
var facebookClientId = process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID;
if (facebookClientId === undefined) {
facebookClientId = 'facebookClientId';
var facebookClientSecret = process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET;
if (facebookClientSecret === undefined) {
facebookClientSecret = 'facebookClientSecret';
var languageDepotApiToken = process.env.LANGUAGE_DEPOT_API_TOKEN;
if (languageDepotApiToken === undefined) {
languageDepotApiToken = 'languageDepotApiToken';
var gatherWordsClientId = process.env.GATHERWORDS_CLIENT_ID;
if (gatherWordsClientId === undefined) {
gatherWordsClientId = 'gatherWordsClientId';
var bugsnagApiKey = process.env.XFORGE_BUGSNAG_API_KEY;
if (bugsnagApiKey === undefined) {
bugsnagApiKey = 'missing-bugsnag-api-key';
var params = require('yargs')
.option('mongodbConnection', {
demand: false,
default: defaultMongodbConnection,
type: 'string' })
.option('secret', {
demand: false,
default: 'not_a_secret',
type: 'string' })
// If using a JSON file for the Google API secrets,
// uncomment the "default: secrets_google_api_client_id.(name)" lines below.
.option('googleClientId', {
demand: false,
// default: secrets_google_api_client_id.web.client_id,
default: googleClientId,
type: 'string' })
.option('googleClientSecret', {
demand: false,
// default: secrets_google_api_client_id.web.client_secret,
default: googleClientSecret,
type: 'string' })
.option('facebookClientId', {
demand: false,
default: facebookClientId,
type: 'string' })
.option('facebookClientSecret', {
demand: false,
default: facebookClientSecret,
type: 'string' })
.option('languageDepotApiToken', {
demand: false,
default: languageDepotApiToken,
type: 'string' })
.option('gatherWordsClientId', {
demand: false,
default: gatherWordsClientId,
type: 'string' })
.option('bugsnagApiKey', {
demand: false,
default: bugsnagApiKey,
type: 'string' })
var configSrc = [
return gulp.src(configSrc, { base: './' })
/(define\('ENVIRONMENT', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + 'production\');'))
/(define\('REMEMBER_ME_SECRET', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.secret + '\');'))
/(define\('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.googleClientId + '\');'))
/(define\('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.googleClientSecret + '\');'))
/(define\('FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.facebookClientId + '\');'))
/(define\('FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.facebookClientSecret + '\');'))
/(define\('LANGUAGE_DEPOT_API_TOKEN', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.languageDepotApiToken + '\');'))
/(define\('GATHERWORDS_CLIENT_ID', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.gatherWordsClientId + '\');'))
/(define\('BUGSNAG_API_KEY', ').*;$/m,
'$1' + params.bugsnagApiKey + '\');'))
'$1' + notifyReleaseStages + ');'))
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build Upload to destination
// -------------------------------------
gulp.task('build-upload', function (cb) {
var params = require('yargs')
.option('dest', {
demand: true,
type: 'string' })
.option('uploadCredentials', {
demand: true,
type: 'string' })
var options = {
dryRun: false,
silent: false,
includeFile: 'upload-include.txt', // read include patterns from FILE
excludeFile: 'upload-exclude.txt', // read exclude patterns from FILE
rsh: '--rsh="ssh -v -i ' + params.uploadCredentials + '"',
src: 'src/',
dest: path.join(params.dest, 'htdocs')
'rsync -progzlt --chmod=Dug=rwx,Fug=rw,o-rwx ' +
'--delete-during --stats --rsync-path="sudo rsync" <%= rsh %> ' +
'--include-from="<%= includeFile %>" ' +
'--exclude-from="<%= excludeFile %>" ' +
'<%= src %> <%= dest %>',
// For E2E tests, upload test dir to destination
if (params.dest.includes('e2etest')) {
options.src = 'test/';
options.dest = path.join(params.dest, '/test');
'rsync -progzlt --chmod=Dug=rwx,Fug=rw,o-rwx ' +
'--delete-during --stats --rsync-path="sudo rsync" <%= rsh %> ' +
'<%= src %> <%= dest %> --exclude php',
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build (General)
// -------------------------------------
// gulp.task('build',
// gulp.series(
// gulp.parallel(
// 'build-composer',
// 'build-npm-front-end',
// 'build-version',
// 'build-productionConfig',
// 'build-clearLocalCache',
// 'build-remove-test-fixtures',
// // 'build-createWebsiteDefs'
// ),
// 'sass',
// 'build-webpack',
// 'build-minify',
// 'build-changeGroup'
// )
// );
// -------------------------------------
// Task: Build and Upload to destination
// -------------------------------------
// gulp.task('build-and-upload',
// gulp.series(
// 'build',
// 'build-upload',
// 'remote-restart-php-fpm'
// )
// );
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