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Last active December 29, 2017 08:11
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PowerShell - Extract crashes from application log events
function ConvertTo-CrashObject
Returns crash objects from an application log event collection
Returns crash objects from an application log event collection.
Only records where source equals 'Application Error' are processed.
.PARAMETER EventLogRecord
Collection of event records from the application eventlog.
Get-WinEvent -LogName Application -MaxEvents 300 -ov events | ConvertTo-CrashObject -OutVariable crashes | Format-Table -Autosize
$Errors = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Logname="Application"; ProviderName="Application Error";Starttime=(Get-Date).Date}
$Errors | ConvertTo-CrashObject -OutVariable crashes | Format-Table -Autosize *
Function ToHex { "0x" + $args }
foreach($Record in $EventLogRecord)
# that usually means $Record.Id -eq 1000
if($Record.ProviderName -ne 'Application Error')
PSTypeName = 'Eventlog.Application.Crash'
TimeCreated = $Record.TimeCreated
Computername = $Record.MachineName
AppName = $Record.Properties[0].Value
AppVersion = $Record.Properties[1].Value -as [version]
AppTimeStamp = [datetime]::FromFileTime((ToHex $Record.Properties[2].Value))
AppPath = $Record.Properties[10].Value
ModuleName = $Record.Properties[3].Value
ModuleVersion = $Record.Properties[4].Value -as [version]
ModuleTimeStamp = [datetime]::FromFileTime((ToHex $Record.Properties[5].Value))
ModulePath = $Record.Properties[11].Value
ExceptionCode = ToHex $Record.Properties[6].Value
AppStartTime = [datetime]::FromFileTime((ToHex $Record.Properties[9].Value))
ReportId = $Record.Properties[12].Value -as [guid]
Message = $Record.Message.Split([environment]::NewLine ,[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
} | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Runtime -Value {New-TimeSpan -Start $this.AppStartTime -End $this.TimeCreated} -PassThru
Write-Warning "Failed to parse the following Event Record: $($Record.RecordID)"
} # end foreach
} # end process
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