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Created October 17, 2013 01:27
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Some basic bash snippets I use to introduce shell scripting to my Linux class.
# viewing environment variables
echo "The value of the home variable is: "
echo $HOME
# issue a command
echo "The output of the pwd command is: "
# that's boring, grab output and make it readable
echo "The value of the pwd command is $(pwd)"
# assign command output to a variable
echo "The value of the output variable is ${output}"
# view data on the command line
echo "I saw $@ on the command line"
# read data from the user
echo "Enter a value: "
read userInput
echo "You just entered $userInput"
# concatenate userinput with command output
echo "Enter a file extension: "
read ext
touch "yourfile.${ext}"
# check to see if a file exists
if [ -d /etc/sysconfig ]; then
echo "That file is there and a directory"
echo "Not there or not a directory"
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thanks a lot

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Thanks for sharing Sir

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I appreciate your work and the way you teach it is awesome. Thank you very much.

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