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Forked from gerritjvv/kafka-clj.pool-impl.clj
Created June 16, 2016 01:57
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Performance of ConcurrentLinkedQueue + Semaphore vs atom + persistent_vector for queue implementation
^{:doc "Concurrent keyed pool implementation using ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentLinkedQueue"}
(:use criterium.core)
(:import (java.util.concurrent ConcurrentLinkedQueue ConcurrentHashMap Semaphore ExecutorService Executors TimeUnit)))
;; add [criterium "0.4.4"] to you're project.clj file
;; then use run-test-cc and run-test-a
;; Results for both ConcurrentLinkedQueue + Semaphore and for atom + vector access is the same
;; which brings me the the conclusion that its ok in terms of performance to use atomis and vectors for this use case.
(defn ^ConcurrentLinkedQueue queue []
(defn ^ConcurrentHashMap ccmap []
(defn cc-pool []
{:queue (queue) :sem (Semaphore. 100)})
(defn cc-poll [{:keys [^ConcurrentLinkedQueue queue ^Semaphore sem]}]
(.acquire sem)
(.poll queue))
(defn cc-return [{:keys [^ConcurrentLinkedQueue queue ^Semaphore sem]} v]
(.offer queue v)
(.release sem))
(defn a-pool []
{:queue (atom [nil []])})
(defn a-poll [{:keys [queue]}]
(nth (swap! queue (fn [[_ [x & xs]]] [x xs])) 0))
(defn a-return [{:keys [queue]} v]
(swap! queue (fn [[x xs]] [x (vec (conj xs v))])))
(defn test-threads [n i f]
(let [^ExecutorService service (Executors/newFixedThreadPool n)
f2 (fn []
(dotimes [_ i]
(catch Exception e (.printStackTrace e))))]
(dotimes [_ n]
(.submit service ^Runnable f2))
(.shutdown service)
(.awaitTermination service 10 TimeUnit/MINUTES)))
(defn test-cc []
(let [pool (cc-pool)]
(test-threads 8 10000 (fn []
(cc-return pool (cc-poll pool))))))
(defn test-a []
(let [pool (a-pool)]
(test-threads 8 10000 (fn []
(a-return pool (a-poll pool))))))
(defn run-test-cc []
(with-progress-reporting (bench (test-cc) :verbose)))
(defn run-test-a []
(with-progress-reporting (bench (test-a) :verbose)))
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