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Last active August 21, 2018 15:33
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Jason's Robo Script for Pulling Database & Files From Pantheon Put copies of RoboFile.php and RoboLocal.php in your site's root directory. Edit RoboLocal.php with the variables appropriate to the specific site and your local dev environment (uncomme
* This is project's console commands configuration for Robo task runner.
* @see
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/RoboLocal.php') && !isset($_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'])):
include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/RoboLocal.php');
global $config;
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
* Gets the database from Pantheon.
function pull() {
$env = ROBO_SITENAME . '.' . ROBO_ENV;
$this->say('Creating backup on Pantheon.');
$this->taskExec('terminus')->args('backup:create', $env, '--element=db')->run();
$this->say('Downloading backup file.');
$this->taskExec('terminus')->args('backup:get', $env, '--to=db.sql.gz', '--element=db')->run();
$this->say('Unzipping and importing data');
$mysql = "mysql";
if(defined('ROBO_DB_USER')) {
$mysql .= " -u " . ROBO_DB_USER;
if(defined('ROBO_DB_PASS')) {
$mysql .= " -p" . ROBO_DB_PASS;
$mysql .= ' ' . ROBO_DB;
$this->_exec('gunzip < db.sql.gz | ' . $mysql);
$this->say('Data Import complete, deleting db file.');
$this->_exec('rm db.sql.gz');
function pullfiles() {
$env = ROBO_SITENAME . '.' . ROBO_ENV;
$download = 'files_' . ROBO_ENV;
$this->say('Creating files backup on Pantheon.');
$this->taskExec('terminus')->args('backup:create', $env, '--element=files')->run();
$this->say('Downloading files.');
$this->taskExec('terminus')->args('backup:get', $env, '--to=files.tar.gz', '--element=files')->run();
$this->say('Unzipping archive');
$this->taskExec('tar')->args('-xvf', './files.tar.gz')->run();
$this->say('Copying Files');
$this->_copyDir($download, ROBO_FILES_DIR);
$this->say('Removing downloaded Files.');
$this->_exec("rm -rf ./$download");
$this->_exec('rm ./files.tar.gz');
define('ROBO_DB', 'database_name');
define('ROBO_DB_USER', 'root');
// define('ROBO_DB_PASS', 'root');
define('ROBO_SITENAME', 'site_name');
define('ROBO_ENV', 'dev');
// If it's a regular WordPress site:
// define('ROBO_FILES_DIR', 'wp-content/uploads');
// If it's a Bloom Box WordPress site:
// define('ROBO_FILES_DIR', 'web/wp-content/uploads');
// If it's a Drupal site:
// define('ROBO_FILES_DIR', 'sites/default/files');
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